The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 290 sells more than 5 million farm products

"The audience friends are good"

"Today is May 25, Sunday, welcome everyone to watch Qingshan News ..."

"The main content of today's news is: Municipal High Officials hosted the epidemic prevention conference; experts from the Provincial Duty Administration Bureau came to our county to investigate the epidemic protection work; the county high official XXX went to Hongshi Cliff to hold public welfare live broadcast farm activities ......... "

"Please see the specific news below"

"At 10 o'clock this morning, the county senior official Liu Tianming came to Hongshiya Village, presided over a non-found public welfare live broadcast of agricultural activities to help the county's fruit farmers sold the desired fruit."

"Among them, our county anchor's cat ',' Miao Tongji ',' Mountain Four Brother '... and more than ten net red anchors participated in the event."

"In the event, the anchors recommended our specialty agricultural products in our county - April Lee, this event has been recognized by the majority of netizens."

According to the reporter news, as of 16 pm, the event has sold 5.85 million farm products for the fruit farmers in the county. "

At this time, many families in Qingshan County are watching today's evening news.

When everyone saw the news of this live broadcast farmer, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Lying! Sales more than 500 people in one day! These anchors are really too powerful!"

"What is this, there is a 'Mountain God's cat' to go to the horse, and millions of sales are not to come to the hand?"

"It is, in fact, the most cattle is still the live account of the Mountain Group, today is just their live advertisement, and sells 5 million fruits for fruit farmers."

"Ah? The original" cat's cat 'is the account of the mountain god group? No wonder can achieve such good results! "

The Mountain Group is a household name in Qingshan, because he is not only the largest private enterprise in Qingshan County, but also the pride in people in Qingshan County.

Because the mountain gods of the mountain god group and mountain gods and other products are widely attracted by consumers, so that all Qingshan people feel very proud.


The next day, the live broadcast farmer has ended, but the action of the Mountain Group has just begun.

Because only one day's live broadcast does not alleviate the fruitful fruit of the fruit farmers in the county, Zhang Hai decided to make A Ming Afeng to increase the live broadcast, and strive to help more fruit farm sell their agricultural products.

I learned that the Shannon Company was still broadcasting farmers the next day, and Liu Shi specially called over Zhang Hai, and he also sent two reporters to interview Miao Li, deputy general manager of Mountain Group.

"Miao Manager, what is the reason why continues to help the farm live broadcast after the public welfare live broadcast of farm activities?" Television reporters asked Miao Liwei.

Miao Li smiled and said:

"Because our company is a socially responsible company, from the company to find a volume of four billions of money have been accumulated.

Due to the influence of the epidemic this year, hundreds of thousands of-tons of fruit sales in the county were affected;

Although yesterday our company has helped fruit farmers sell more than 5 million fruits, but compared with the total value of hundreds of millions of fruits;

Therefore, our company will continue to respond to the call of the county party committee, ready to use live broadcast, continue to help the county's fruit farmers sell their fruits to help them get out of the dilemma and get rich. "

"Thank you for the answer."

The reporter is very satisfied with Miao Liwei, and then nodded at him, turned over and continued to report the lens.

"Mountain Group is not only the largest private enterprise in our Qingshan County, but also a very responsible enterprise. After the emergence of Jiangcheng's epidemic, the mountain god group did not hesitate to donate hundreds of millions of dollars in the front line of the anti-vulcancing. The frontline material is scarked. "

"Now, when there are ten thousand fruit farmers in Qingshan County, the mountain god group has once again stringing, making full use of the company's online sales advantage to help the farmers sell agricultural products."

"We also wish the live broadcast of the mountain god group can succeed, and hope that the farmers can sell fruit smoothly, walk into thousands of households."

Soon, the reporters' interview finally knotted.

At this time, Amin and Afeng are broadcasting in Wangjiatun.

In order to achieve better results, they finally took the killer - small ash and raccoon.

"Well! Good friends, today we have nonsense, there are people we have to recommend today - April Lee!"

"Everyone knows that I am Ming is a honest person, never saying a fake!"

I heard Aming so arsenic, Anghon couldn't help but laugh.

A Mington is stupid, then the bitter is asked to ask: "Brother, I am broadcasting, do you give some face?"


"Aming is too teasing, he is still honest?"

"Just, A Muna thief's long appearance, how to see it is a honest person!"

I haven't waited Age Ang to answer him, and the audience in the live broadcast is happy, and I have fun.

"Cough, do you have anything clear? How can I steal a small daughter in the village? That is called the lower king, be careful, I will tell you ..."

And the audience was inserted for a while, and Aming finally thought of it.

"Let's go through the words, today's purpose, everyone knows, we will continue to help local fruit farmers sell their fruits."

"And this year's fruit is very cheap, two dollars a pound, right! You didn't look wrong, ordinary Chinese fruit as long as two dollars per catty! One box of ten pounds as long as 19.8 yuan, and national package!"

"If you want to buy, this price is really affordable. If you have passed, you can't miss it!"

At this time, Zhang Hai pays attention to real-time sales data in the background.

Only half an hour, the sales of Plums on the Mountain Mall broke through 2 million.

That is to say, only half an hour of Kung Fu, the mountain god group helps the fruit farmers sell 1 million cats, and create more than 1.3 million yuan in the fruit farmers.

Aming Age continues to live in the orchard of Wangjiatun

"Hey! Everyone looks over there, I think that my wife is holding a back of the bag! A Feng you go to help!"

At this point, a white-haired man is full of wrinkled old people carrying a row of plums, coming to the acquisition.

Looking at her squatting, Aming felt very worried, this scene also hit the hearts of the audiences.

"I saw my grandmother from the old man. When I was young, my grandmother was like this, even if I was sick, I still worked!"

"The old people in rural areas are like this. They have not pension, they are not guaranteed. In the words of them, as long as there is a breath, they will work hard!"

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