The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 510 is 2.5 billion a week (seeking subscription, starving to death!)

April 15th

The first day of the event is 30 million.

The next day is 50 million.

On the third day, I finally broke 100 million, reaching 140 million.


At the time of the week, the total sales of the mountain god group helped farm have exceeded 25 billion.

The average is as high as 4 billion per day.

A single day, the highest record reached 880 million.

And according to the current situation, it is estimated that the daily sales will increase, and the peak period should reach more than 1 billion.

That night, the provincial TV station has made a grand report on the achievements of helping farmers.

"The audience friends are good, today is the seventh day of helping the agricultural activities, and the time of the week has passed, and our activities have also achieved unprecedented victory."

"According to the data provided today today, it is the last week seven days, our activities have helped the province's fruit farmers sell more than 2.5 billion fruits, and everyone will add more than 1 billion yuan."


After the news of the provincial station

Seeing the audience blows the pot.

2.5 billion! One day has reached more than four billions!

"Mountain god group cow nose!"

"The mountain god group is really too powerful!"

"Lying in the trough, the maximum day has reached 880 million sales! This result is simply going to go!"

880 million and giants seem to be much more than,

But all companies in the country, how many years of revenue can reach this number?

It is estimated that 90% of companies are not reached.

Of course, there are also a lot of bar to pick up, in the Tucushanage Group

"I am going! The total sales reached 2.5 billion, and it belongs to fruit farmers' income only 10 billion. The mountain god group is too dark!"

"The Mountain Group is really M garbage, the income of fruit farmers is not 50% of the retail price. It's really no business!"

"The stupid board upstairs! Don't understand not to come out, I don't know how to show it? How much is labor cost?"

"That is, in addition to logistics and labor costs, the profit of the Mountain Group can reach 20%, no bad!"

"25%? Who is so high, like them, the profit will be more than a dozen points, and even if there are even possibilities."

Seeing the comments of the blacks, the fans of the mountain group also launched a counterattack.

Because as long as you think about it, you can roughly calculate the profits of the mountain god group, there is absolutely no big thinking.

Seeing the event has achieved such a big success.

Provincial leaders pay more attention to this event,

The second day, major media in the province have reported a big report on the performance of the event.

Even CCTV News of the night has reported a small amount of this helpful far-off activities in the Shannan Group and the provincial government.

It can be seen that the above-mentioned actions of the mountain god group support farmers are very satisfied.

Seeing the Mountain Group again to CCTV

All the fans of all mountain god groups are honored,

Netizens who have supported this event across the country are quite happy.

Because the results of the Mountain Group have also contributed to a force.

Everyone can help the fruit farmers to solve the problem of low-cost fruits while eating a beautiful fruitful fruit.

Everyone is very happy, and my heart is full of accomplishment.


So after CCTV report

The mountain god group's help farm activity is more fire. If it is just a lot of fire in a certain circle, then it has been fired outside.

Many old grandfare in the city saw this news from TV,

Look at the fruits of the fruit in the mountains of Mountain Mall are very cheap, these grandmasters have followed the order, just when the fruit farmers get rid of the dilemma.

"Billion! Boss, today's sales break through billion!"

At 6 o'clock this afternoon, the data of the mountain god group finally became fresh. Secretary Xiao Li got data, rushed into the boss office, and hi.

"Oh, really breakthrough?"

Although I have been expected to have a good heart, when he really heard the news, he was still very surprised.

"Not only breakthrough, but it is still a big breakthrough, you must not guess the boss, how much is the sales data today?" Xiao Li's face.

Zhang Haihun judged: "Listen to you, it is certainly not a billion, I guess it should reach 1.5 billion?"

I heard the number of the boss guess, Xiao Li suddenly widened, and his face did not believe in expressions.

After the shocking two seconds, Xiao Li fell up with the thumbs up toward Zhang Hai:

"The boss is really powerful, today's data is just 1.5 billion, which is 1.5 billion."

Then Xiao Li handed the report to Zhang Hai.

After Zhang Hai, immediately told Xiao Li to:

"Very good, Xiao Li, you will be reported by this good news, let the leaders are happy."

"Good boss!" Xiao Li smiled nodded and left the office of Zhang Hai.

With the sales of the mountain god group, the sales of the Shannan Group have reached a new high, and it breaks through the 15 million mark.

The help farm has once again caused a sensation in the province.

The major media, especially the official media once again launched a new round of publicity offensive.

Even CCTV sent a reporter to the rural areas of Guizhou, and the grand occasions after the interview.

Liu Jiabao, this is a remote hillunity in the southeastern part of Guizhou.

Usually this villager is not much, but in recent days, Liu Jiabao village is really coming, and the car is dragon.

The fruit farmers in each village are all in three rounds, and the fruit will be sold here because it is the only acquisition point near several villages.

Today, Liu Jiabao village is even more lively.

Because CCTV's reporters are coming, everyone is very shocked.

"Hello, this big brother, please ask your surname?" CCTV reporter came to a big brother who was riding a three-wheele with a microphone.

"The reporter is good, my surname is Liu, called Liu Xiaomin."

"Oh, Liu Big, Hello, do you come here to sell fruit?"

"Yeah, my family will take a car next door." Liu Xiaomin took the car and laughed and replied.

"How much is a car? How is the price?"

"There are more than 600 pounds in a car, and the big fruit can sell two pieces, and there is also a five small." Liu Xiaomin was very satisfied with this price.

"Ah? Such cheap? One pound big plum only two dollars?" CCTV reporters were more young, so I felt that this acquisition price was shocked.

Liu Xiaomin smiled: "This price is already very good. If the mountain god group is helped, it will be went smoothly. Last year, the mountain god group did not come, we sold eight cents a pound!"

I heard here, I didn't feel that the reporter also shocked, and the impression of the mountain god group was also greatly changed.

Because this activity, millions of fruit farmers in the province have benefited,

It not only solves the problem of low-cost fruit, but also benefits the people, adding the income of farmers.

Thinking of this, CCTV reporters respect the mountain god group again.

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