The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 526 shocked the test group (ask for a monthly ticket!)

Jianghan Farm

This is the largest farm on the mountain group in the Chinese plain.

It covers an area of ​​more than 50,000 acres, and has hundreds of employees.

Today, the farm suddenly came more than ten kinds of fruit kernels.

This is a foreign high-end exam group,

Members of the examination group were officials and experts from several countries that have just signed an agreement.

"Please see, this is the farm of our mountain god group in China, the land is the high-yield wheat of our company."

When everyone sees the land, they are all shocked.

Only see here, experts know that wheat production here will definitely be low.

"Ginger, how much is your farm wheat production?" A expert from the Northwestern Tower asked Jiang Xingmin.

Jiang Xingmin has prepared, and a slight smile is very Versailles to reply: "Our farm output is not very high, and a hectare is about 15 tons."

"15 tons ????"

I heard this data, and the rumors in the scene were all stunned, and the horror of the mouth is big, and after ten seconds, I will react.

"Ginger is not wrong. How can I be so high?"

"Wheat's highest single record seems to be so high?"

The experts of the examination team immediately questioned.

Jiang Xingmin smiled nodded: "It is definitely nothing, our company's high-yield wheat production is 15 tons per hectare, do not believe, everyone can detect."

At this time, it was mid-May, the wheat in the farm came to the season of harvesting.

Starting from the previous two days, the farm has already begun to harvest in summer. Today, everyone can see the large harvester not far in the field.

Looking at Jiang Xingmin is so confident, it can make everyone on-site testing, and the investigation team is very interested, and the heart also has accepted the farm wheat so high-yield reality.

When the inspection team personally designed the calculation plan, and personally fought the end of the output, it finally got a conclusions that made them shocked.

The data they measured and the data governed by Jiang Xing people have also been different, which means that the yam of the mountain god group can really reach more than one ton.

One ton!

Maybe some people think that this mu yield is not much?

But everyone must know that the previous world's highest single production record has just been a ton.

And this record is also created by the mountain godges, 1015 kg, which is 1.015 tons.

"The mountain god group is really powerful!"

"Ginger, your technology is great! I didn't expect that you really surpass the developed countries in Western."

After getting this data, the experts have erected the thumbs up to Jiang Xingmin, and there is no doubt about the technology of the mountain god group.

The recognition of the examination team, Jiang Xingmin is also very happy, but it is still very modesty:

"Thank you, this is the result of our company's research team!"

"Ginger, this is really just your company's ordinary farm is not a breeding base?"

Although the facts in front of them, but still some experts think this is very unhappy.

"Of course, if you are interested, I can take everyone to our vicinity to visit." Jiang Xingmin did not take everyone to visit, and even welcome them to the base to investigate, let them give Mountain God Group to advertise. ,

"Europe! That's great!"

"That's trouble ginger!"

The inspection team is of course interested in this, everyone is quite curious about the breeding base of the mountain gods.

On the way, everyone is thinking about the scenes, and at the same time, it is guessing, how much can the wheat output there?

In the curiosity of everyone, a group of people in the investigation team quickly came to the company's nearby breeding base.

This breeding base is not very large, there is about 10,000 mu,

The summer harvest here has entered an end.

Experts got the car, and immediately was conquered by the wheat grow here.

Because the wheat here is really very good, everyone can only see that the output here is higher, even more than the farm before.

This exam group did not personally test, but to choose to ask Jiang Xingmin:

"Ginger, should you calculate it?"

Jiang Xingmin smiled nodded: "Yes, the production here has been measured before two days, and the yield of mu reached 1.235 tons."

"1.235 tons?"

The exam group was once again in the shock, but everyone is calculated silently in my heart, which is converted to the hectare.

"Yes! It is 1.235 tons, that is, 18.525 tons per hectare." Seeing a wonderful doubt of everyone in his eyes, Jiang Xingmin knows that there must be many mathematics somewhere here, so I laughed and told everyone the production of each hectare. .

"My God! This production is twice the best farm in our country!"

"Ginger, you created a miracle !!"

"Congratulations on ginger! World record is your !!"

After the members of the examination group were surprised, they have congratulated Jiang Xingmin, congratulations to the amazing achievements made in the mountain god industry in wheat breeding.

A official of the Tower is the first to react first, and the face is eager to ask Jiang Xingmin asking:

"Give ginger, I want to buy 1 million mu of wheat seeds with you with you, can you?"

"Ginger, there is me, we are also ready to buy 2 million mu of wheat seeds!"

"We must also book 1.5 million mu"

"And us, and us ........."

Everyone rushed to the order after the next order, it seems that I have not worried that the wheat seeds in the late seconds are not!

Seeing everyone is so anxious, Jiang Xingmin is calm, but it is very happy,

So he immediately received a single collection, and all new orders were taken down.

No night dreams,

The members of the examination team have proposed to end today's inspection, and immediately returned to the hotel to sign a new wheat seed agreement.

Jiang Xingmin is of course as good as a flow, and it has signed a supply agreement with everyone.

The next day, Jiang Xingmin took everyone to Hainan.

It has the largest breeding base of the mountain group group.

High-yield rice cultivation base, tropical corn cultivation base, tropical soybean cultivation base ............ Wait,

It can be said that almost all crops in the godges are all cultivated here.

Subsequent exams, the tires of the inspection team were shocked again by the yield and quality they saw.

I can even say this exam, it is a shocking tour.

From the Huazhong Plain, the wheat farm started, and then to Hainan's high-yield rice farm.

Along the way, the experts have met too many things that they are shocking.

No matter what crop, the mountain god group can always surprise everyone.

This is the same, it is as good as it is good! !

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