The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 576, two women who enjoy the country spa

The next weekend finally arrived

At noon 11, the monkeys and Lu Xiaodia finally came to Zhangjiawan.

The two stopped the car in the village.

"Haizi, come to pick up, we have already village!"

Zhang Hai received his phone and turned over white:

"Your kid is not to learn or not long legs? Will you come over?"

"Hey, this is not to prepare a lot of gifts, a lot of delicious seafood, and your most needed pictures." Monkey said on the phone.

If you hear the monkey, Zhang Hai is a little crying: "Roll, Laozi needs this? You still have yourself."

Two people spit each other, Zhang Hai also said:

"Well, I will pass you right away, where are you waiting."

Zhang Haigang hangs up the phone, Li Yuer is just coming. So two people walked to the village together.

After a while, four people came to Zhang Hajiari with a big bag.

"Auntie, , Xiao Niu Niu does not know the monkey?" Asked the little girl, a monkey, smiled and asked.

Xiao Niu Niu is embarrassed to turn his head.

"Look, I brought you a lot of delicious, there is an emperor crab, big lobster, and ................"

I heard so much delicious, the little girl finally turned his head, and his eyes looked at the delicious ingredients on the table.

"Grandma, I want to eat big crabs!" Xiaoshou flowed through the hauzi, looking forward to Wang Guiling.

"Oh, I will know if I eat, it is a little cat. I want to eat delicious, this is a monkey, this is a little sister." Wang Guili gently scraped the nose of the little girl with his fingers. Smile education.

Xiaoshou just started some hesitation, but I thought of delicious, hesitated, and finally called it.

The two are very happy, take them a gift for the little girl prepared, a furry pink piglet doll.

"Hey, thank you Monkey, thank you Xiao Xiaojie."

"Oh, don't thank, Niu Niu is really polite." The two smiled and praised.

The little girl is also very happy, and I have been tightly hugging after the pig's doll.

When you have dinner at noon, you must leave it on your knees. Every moment, you must leave it, it is estimated that you have to be held together at night.

For this old, the big sister is still funny, asking her to continue to sleep with the little panda, or sleep with piglets.

The little girl did not hesitate to choose a pink piglet.

I heard the answer of the little girl, everyone couldn't help but laugh.


"You take a bath to take a break. Three points should go to the village drifting again, how about swimming?"

Today, the weather is hot, and the outdoor temperature is estimated to have thirty-seven eight degrees, just right time to play water.

"What? Can the village can still drift?" The two can play this item when they listen to the village. "

"Of course, there are a lot of people to raf in every weekend, although the water flow of the village is relatively smooth, but it is safer." Zhang Hai nodded.

The two suddenly suddenly, and the heart would not wonder it when I just saw a lot of tourists.

With the rise of the mountain god group, Zhangjiawan's first rich village has also become a day in the earth, even in the province.

Therefore, counties are not only ready to build a tourist attraction, but also plan to build Zhangjiawan into a model of beautiful villages.

As the county has increasing investment, the various infrastructure of Zhangjiawan has become more and more improved, plus natural scenery that is very beautiful, and it can attract many tourists every day.

Especially on the weekend, hundreds of tourists are almost every day.

Three pm,

When the three people came to the Xiaowei River with a inflatable kayak, there was a small fart in the village and the village.

The equipment of the tourists is equally complete, almost all equipment such as kayak lifetime who leased in the nearby store.

And tourists, the little fidels are completely the madman,

Bath, inner pole, toy duck, and there are several empty plastic bottles.

Seeing these little fart sanzi, monkeys and land are couldn't help but laugh.

"It's really nostalgia, and we are like swimming in a child." Then the monkey laughed.

"Are you not a rich second generation? You also played like this when you were young?" Zhang Hai asked.

The monkey gave him a big white eye:

"I am also born in ordinary families? After seven or eight years old, I made a good medicine business in the case."

Just when the two were inflated on the beach to give the kayak.

The little fart has flocked over.

"Yeah, what are you coming?" Xiaotuo asked a lot of cartoon swimming tillas.

"It turns out that you are coming here, how can I go home at noon?" Asked the monkey curious.

"Hey, last time I took the first place in the class, so my mother promised me to play all day!" The little guy said with pride.

And another side, Zhang Hai is also surrounded by other small fart.

The little guys said that he said in Zhang Hai.

"Haizi brother, you have to boater!"

"Haizi brother, will we take us for a while?"

"Haizi brother, ask you, let's play will, will it be good for a while?"

Seeing the little guys and poor look, Zhang Hai smiled and said:

"It's okay, how about the shipping expense of one person, five dollars can play for ten minutes."

"Ah? What is money?"

"Haizi brother, you are really good!"

The little guys put their mouths, and the richest to Zhang Hai was a boy.

I saw Zhang Haihua, and the monkey suddenly laughed.

I feel very interesting this scene, the monkey took out the mobile phone to shoot the little guys and smash the scene, and then transferred to a circle of friends.

The two women saw this scene and smiled.

I heard the laughter came from the laughter, the little guys seem to have seen the savior, and immediately rushed over,

A small mouth is sweet as sweetness.

" sister"

"Little Sister ..."

Subsequently, the little guys are a small monkey who is attentive, especially a little ghost, but also the 9th technician, giving two women, a country spa.

The little guys' "enthusiasm" service, smirked the two people and the little two people, laugh,

Zhang Hai and monkeys are almost smiling at the side,

In the end, if Li Yuer has quickly stopped, it is estimated that the little guys will climb to them to massage them.

When I saw the little guys on the same 'Shangdu', Li Yuer's two women were also happy, and I promised the little guys, and she took them with them.

So the river bank suddenly sounded a warm cheer,

The little guys are very happy, jumping out excited.

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