The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 591 Desert Ark Plan

the next day

The joint investigation team once again entered the Five Farm of the Mountain Group Group.

After three days of careful investigation,

The investigation team finally got the basic situation of the underground dark river.

"Total, good news, this underground dark river water is simply unimaginable, with an annual flow of more than 30 million cubic meters."

As a result, the head of Liu Liu felt a hurry to hi.

"What? There are more than 30 million cubic meters so much?"

Zhang Shi was shocked as a shocked appearance. In fact, this underground dark river is his hand, he can don't know how much water this dark river?

Seeing Zhang Hai's horrified appearance, Liu Qi smiled nodded

"Good, accurate data is 31.5 million cubic meters, which is almost equivalent to 5 Yellow Rivers."

The annual average water flow of the Yellow River is approximately 5.8 million cubes.

Although the tower is known as the second largest river in China, this great does not refer to his water flow, but it refers to her length and basin area.

If it is more than water flow, it is estimated that the Yellow River is more than a tribut to the Yangtze River.

Director Liu did not expect that such a huge river can also be found in the big desert in the northwest of the motherland.

Therefore, when the investigation team gets this data, everyone is exciting.

After informing Zhang Hai, the investigation team picked up this news to the local government and the superior ministries.

When the higher level gets this news, I can't believe it at all.

After confirming, I dare to believe this fact.

There is a huge underground dark river in the desert, which is a huge good news for the whole country.

the next day

A large number of related experts flew towards the northwest from all over the country.

The leaders of the ministries also came to investigate.

If all this is true, then the country will increase tens of millions of mu or even hundreds of acres of farm and pasture.

Not only the drought in the northwest will be able to rewrite, but the domestic food supply pressure will also be reduced.

Subsequently, the national experts have experienced several times.

In the end, it was not only confirmed that there were news on the ground dark river in the Five Farm, but also found three tributaries in the Gulban desert.

For this discovery, the experts in the country were shocked again!

Everyone did not expect this underground dark river, in the near range of the Five Farm.

Transplant throughout the Gulban.

Experts believe that if you can fully utilize three tributaries,

Then there are hundreds of millions of acres around the reservoir can also be transformed into a farm pasture.

So experts have suggested to leadership,

I hope that the country will now develop here and take full advantage of water in the underground dark river.

And the natural conditions of three tributants are also very good, just like a natural cacity well.

Just need to be slightly transformed into the surrounding desert, transform the desert into a farm suitable for cultivation.

Leaders have been very moving after hearing everyone's suggestion

Because the development of underground rivers, the benefits of local and countries are extremely huge.

It can be said that if the development is good, then here will be a plug in Jiangnan.

At that time, not only the food security of my country can be greatly guaranteed, but it can even strengthen the national control of the frontier area.

Thus promoting the healthy and rapid development of national areas.


Subsequently take the lead by the relevant ministries

The "Desert Ark" plans for the three major agriculture of the mountain god group, the frontier farmer, and the northern farm, and the "Desert Ark" plans to hand in the case of the government's leadership.

The leader saw this plan was also very moving.

According to this plan,

The three giants will use the underground dark river water to completely eliminate the Gulban desert.

Transform this hundreds of millillers into farmland and pastures suitable for cultivation.

Among them, the Mountain Group will reform 38 million mu.

The frontier farm program has been transformed from 46 million mu.

Northern farm retries will transform the remaining 28 million mu.

Its total investment is 100 billion yuan! !

See this huge plan,

The leaders of the government are eager to understand more content.

So the leader told the Secretary:

"Xiao Wang, you immediately call the leader of the XX department, let him come over."

"Good leadership." Xiao Wang nodded and immediately dialed the telephone of the minister's leadership office.

About half an hour later, the leadership of the ministries rushed to the leadership office.

"XX comrades, please sit, this time you call you, you want to ask the Desert Ark Plan."

"I looked at the plan to say that the investigation team found the underground dark river, but did not say where the water in the dark river was from where the report was from."

"For this problem, I don't know if the experts have survived results?"

When it comes to this, the government leaders look at the leadership of the ministries that have just been coming.

Because the Desert Ark plan is his hosted, the Ministry of Commission has acknowledged the way:

"Leadership, we have not found the source of underground dark rivers, we only explored it from the five farms from the mountain god group."

"Unfortunately, the water level of the five-square farm underground is too deep. It is estimated that there is a thousand meters, so we haven't found the upstream of this dark river yet."

"However, after the experts detected the water in the dark river, there was a bold guess. Everyone thinks that the water here will be from the north."

The government's leaders are surprised: "North side?"

"Yes, there is a big possibility that the Begal Lake in the north, because the experts have found a lot of animals and plants that have been raised in Lake Baikal in the water in the underground dark river." The Ministry of Commodities nodded.

"This matter doesn't matter, as long as we are not stealing, everything is not used."

Leaders think that no matter where he is Baikal, as long as it has flowed into our country, it is the water of our country.

"Leaders, then you look at this development plan ...?" The ministries and committees have asked to leaders.

Leaders haha ​​smiled:

"I approved this plan.

Baili, no harm, what we must support, but also support,

This plan will continue to follow up, to help companies coordinate all aspects. "

"Leading you can rest assured, we have exhausted, helping related companies to complete this plan."

I heard the leader attached great importance to this project, and the minister's leadership was big.

You know that this project is taken,

If this plan has achieved success, it will be a great feat of Qing Zhizhi.

"That's good, you must implement this matter as soon as possible."

Said that the leadership signed his name on the plan.

"Right, the Mountain Group, this company must protect it, he is a trump card in our country's agricultural field, this drought thing is even if it is, there is no more similar things in the future."

I heard the leadership, the ministries did not expect leaders to pay so much.

Fortunately, the rural parties have always been very concerned about the mountain god group, so the ministries will come back to the head:

"Leading you can rest assured that the Mountain Group has been included in the list of key support of our rural ministry. This public opinion event is our negligence. The person in charge of the relevant media is being investigated. The specific penalties should soon Publish. "

Hearing here, government affairs y leads this to nod him.

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