The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 603 Lying! Really sanctions?

Surprising the online sales of the mountain gods pigs is also surprised,

But soon he understood.

The reason why netizens don't want to buy meat food online.

That's because everyone is not trusting online business.

And what is the Mountain Game Group, word of mouth is a barrier!

And with the logistics system of the mountain god group is getting better and better, the express delivery is getting faster and faster.

In particular, there is a region of mountain gods, usually can receive goods within 24 hours, and will not exceed two days.

So under multiple factors, the sales of the mountain god group in the online sales volume is just a flying sky.


Going home, patrolling the local industries in Qingshan, and the time in three days.

However, in these three days, the external situation has changed greatly.

This evening, Zhang Haizheng lying in bed brushing short video.

I suddenly received a phone call.

Zhang Hai is almost twelve, and I think this guy is looking for himself.

Just connected to the mobile phone, I haven't waited for Zhang Haibei, and the monkey is anxious.

"Haizi, it's not good, your company is sancted!"

"What? How to be sancted?" Zhang Hai did not respond.

"Take a quick look, your company is listed by Mi Di in the list, now everyone is quarreling online!" The monkey is eager to.

"Lying! Mi Di is crazy, good, I will take a look,"

Although Zhang Hai has thought of the company may be sanctions by the shameless dog, but he didn't expect so fast.

In fact, all this is because of the second day of the past few days.

It is the civil public opinion and netizens's contempt, letting white skin are very angry.

So these guys want to see the color of the mountain god group, so this sanctions were born.

I just heard the news that the company was sanctioned, Zhang Hai is still a little flustered.

But soon, Zhang Hai is relieved.

Because he thought about it, the company did not have anywhere in Western countries, but the company mastered the advanced technologies needed by many Western people.

Although it is close to the early morning, in order not to let the company fall into panic.

Zhang Hai Li held an emergency meeting,

All departments of the person in charge have attended the meeting.

"Do you have to receive a message?"

"Yes, the company is included in the list of sanctions by the Government of the rice."

Zhang Hai smiled and continued: "When I started to hear this news, I also had a little, but I would like to think about it. What can I have any impact on us?"

"No, there is no impact on us, because we have almost no coming to the rice."

"So everyone is relaxing, their sanctions are just a waste paper."

"What should you continue to do, don't be affected by this, if you feel very wronged, then try to work, play their shameless face with rapid growth."

"Boss, we understand, we will not affected!"

"Boss, you can rest assured, we must use the performance to swollen the face of rice!"

If you hear the boss, everyone is no longer nervous, but it is full of fighting, preparing to face the shameless rice people.


Stick the company's high level,

Zhang Hai also wrote a letter to "a letter to all employees"

Letter write this:

"I heard the company tonight, I was listed in the entity list, I think this news is very funny,"

"I can't help but ask, Mikang is ready to sanction with our mountain god group, is it necessary to rely on waste paper, or rely on the gun?"

"I want to say, today's Huaxia is no longer a hundred years ago, even if the world hegemony can not break our country, there is a strong motherland as a backing, our mountain god group is not afraid of any challenge, no fear of the so-called sanctions of the rice government! "

"Today I officially announced on behalf of the Mountain Group, from now on, all of the company will not sell to the rice people, yes, we officially declared the war!"

After writing, Zhang Hai sent this letter to the company's employee group.

Because time is already in the middle of the night,

All employees are almost the next day, they found this letter.

Everyone is very shocked after seeing this letter.

"Lying! I said how it feels different today, it turns out that the company is actually sanctions by Mikang!"

"But the boss is really just! Actually anti-sanctions rice people!"

"The boss is awesome!"

"Boss, you are really my idol, you should do this, you should die!"

In the past few years, domestic companies and individuals don't know how much is sanctions from Mikang, although there have been counterattacks in China.

But that is all governmental behavior, and the company like the Mountain Group is really no second.

So I saw this letter to everyone wrote to everyone,

The company's employees are exciting,

At the same time, everyone is also very lifted and exciting for the confidence and tough attitude of the boss.

Seeing that the boss is so hard, everyone is no longer afraid of the sanctions of rice.

As I said with the boss, the company's products are in short supply in China, and how can I fear the sanctions of rice.

Therefore, the sanctions of the rice country are just a waste paper, there is no meaning for the company.


at this time

The sanctions of the mountain god group also spread throughout the country through media TVs across the country.

The headline of the people's Daily reported this news.

CCTV and early news also reported this.

Everyone has been angry after seeing these news, and it is keen to curse the rice!

"Lying in the trough, the real sanction of the mountain god group."

"The rice people really TM don't want to face, do you have a book to sanction of the Mountain Game Group?"

"Mi country is really a cow, how do you not sanction of the Emperor of Jade Emperor?"

Although most people feel angry, there are many netizens who dismissed this.

"Sliced, rice is the paper tiger, and their sanctions can't hurt one of the mountains of the mountain group, what is the meaning of such sanctions."

"Mi Guo, this is in force, don't laugh at him?" After still sent a mouthful expression.

"Haha, the country is so funny, is this self-deception? The mountain god group and they did not have any extension, and the sanctions were not sangered."

Seeing these remarks, most of the netizens are not nodded,

Because the main business of the Mountain Group is in China, only a few ingredients begin to export Western countries this year.

And the country is more likely to be pitiful, and it is estimated that all of them added less than 10 million meters.

This money is what the mountain god group is calculated.

The only thing that may have an impact is that the mountain god investment.

However, Zhang Hai has unexpectedly, and the company has moved to other countries.

Therefore, the sanctions of the rice do not have much influence on the company, and they are mostly put on the gun.

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