Everything is too sudden

The impact on the company's employees is still very large.

Moreover, Jiang Xingmin is far from the frontier.

So Zhang Hai is ready to go to the company headquarters to sit in the town, stabilize the military, and appease everyone's nervous emotions.

Just when Zhang Hai and Li Yuer were prepared.

Seven just received the call from the company's headquarters secretariat.

"Total, the province has just sent a notice, saying that the leaders of the morning will be inspected by our headquarters, and Jiang Song asks you to accept it."

Zhang Hai listened to the leadership to come to the company to inspect and explain.

It is estimated that the leadership is the same as their own ideas, is preparing to pick up your company to appease everyone, indicating the concern and support of the mountain god group.

"No problem, we will leave immediately. You can go to the company in the afternoon. If you have a specific reception, you have to prepare, do a good job in the reception plan, give me at night." Zhang Hai nodded, knowing that this is not to personally go out. Therefore, there is no flight.

"Good boss ..."

I saw Zhanghai hanging up the phone, Li Yuer asked curiously:

"Company called?"

"Well, tomorrow, there is a provincial leader to go to the company, because Jiang is always in front of the frontier, so the Secretariat hopes that I can go to the headquarters to receive." Zhang Hai smiled slightly.

I heard this explanation, Li Yuer did not nodded,

Provincial leadership to the company's inspection, must have enough weights to receive the company's high-level reception,

In the case where the general manager Jiang Xingmin is not in the case, the most suitable is definitely the big boss of Zhang Hai.

If you replace it with others, the leadership thinks that the Mountain Group is not respectful to him.


July 16

The company has only two days, and the provincial leaders came to the Mountain God Group.

Among the many accompanying people with leaders, not only contains the real rights leadership of various departments, but also the reporters of the province.

When I saw the leader, I went to Zhang Hai and laughed.

"Leading you, I welcome you from all employees of Mountain Group!"

"Haha, I have been admiring to Zhang Gongshan Group, I have finally have a chance to come over today,"

After the two people, they introduced the important members of both sides.

Then Zhanghai took the leaders to the company.

After coming to the office, the leaders asked Zhang Haibai:

"Zhang always doesn't know if you stop everyone to listen to me?"

"Of course, this is the honor of everyone," Zhang Hai nodded and said to remind everyone.

"Everyone stops, welcome leaders to speake us,"


I have heard the leadership to speak, everyone is very embarrassed.

The leaders laugh and press the hand, and everyone stopped.

The leaders nodded and started speaking:

"Hello everyone, today I am on behalf of the province to condolence everyone,"

"This mountain god group suddenly pressed by the rice people, we are also very indignant, but I hope that everyone should not be affected, because the list of rice people is a waste paper, and there is no deterrent to the mountain god group."

"And there are more than 3,000 parents and old folks in our province, will continue to support you, and our province also provides more policy concessions and support."

"In short, we hope that everyone should not be affected."

"Finally, I believe that the mountain god group will be better in the efforts of Zhang Gong and everyone."


That night, the leaders' inspection gave the provincial station news.

"Totation this morning, the provincial leaders and the accompanying personnel visited the Headquarters of the Mountain Group,"

"In the inspection, leaders highly praised the Contribution of the Mountain God Group to the economic development of the province,"

"At the same time, the provincial leaders also represent the province's more than 3 million people to express condolences to the Mountain God Group.

And said that the list of rice countries is just a waste paper, I hope that the mountain god group can be unfringed, climb the peak, and achieve more better results. "

After the news broadcast,

The audience in front of the TV is excited,

I didn't expect leaders to force, the list of rice countries released two days, leadership rushed to the mountain group, and Li Zhongshen Group.

"The cow, this is the good leader we want to see!"

"In this way, the good companies like the Mountain Group should get more concerns and support!"

"The mountain god group should not panic, and our province has stood together with you."

In fact, it is not only the people of the province.

After seeing this news, the people will support the Mountain God Group.

Everyone hopes that the Mountain Group can develop better.

Therefore, the mountain god group is also a disaster.

Starting from the second day of the list, the sales of the Mountain Group have risen again.

No matter the online or offline products, they are all supported by supporters.

Such a grand occasion is not in a region, but it is staged all over the country.

The main media across the country reported on this.

"Due to disaster! Mountain god group has a burst of boom! "

"Sales are hot! The mountain god group products are also sold by everyone! "

"What is the people's heart, the mountain god group told everyone to answer! "

With the live broadcast of the live broadcast of mountain gods, netizens are very excited.

Because so hot scene is the power that everyone contributes.

"Take it! I actually saw my mom in the news!" A netizen wrote in a certainty.

"Haha, I also saw my mother, I didn't expect her to support the mountain god group!" Soon there is similarly to the netizen reply below.

"That's not, is there still not supported the mountain god group?" Said a fans said.


When Zhang Hai saw the netizens so supported the company, his heart was very warm and touched.

Zhang Hai felt that he insisted that there was no white fee, and the national priority strategy will continue.

The company's best product will give priority to domestic fans,

Thank you for your support of yourself and the company.

When Zhang Hai sent this dialect into his collar, it was quickly praised and forwarded.

In just one night, this collar was forwarded tens of millions.

The next day, the topic of the 'national priority' also boarded the hot search, although only the ninth place.

"Total, we have been supporting you!"

"Zhang is always good, I really didn't let us be disappointed!"

"The master is good, good things should be given to the country!"

If you do ten years ago, Zhang Hai would be dared to say, it is estimated that it will be sprayed by a lot of Virgin.

But now the international environment is different,

Zhang Hai, this paragraph has caused many people's resonance,

Everyone is very supportive to Zhang Hai, and it is also a record of companies that will export best products to foreigners.

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