The Brave Master Is the Demon King

Vol 2 Chapter 388: Elves

"Sister Dodoro?"

Reina yelled tentatively, and Dodoro, who was facing her back, didn't respond, only the rhythmic grunt.

Fell asleep?

No way? Is it testing me?

Lingna got up quietly and came quietly to Dodoro's side. She was wearing a vest. Among all the elves, her clothes were more special, probably from the human side.

"Sister Dodoro? Are you asleep?"

Lingna pushed Dodolo lightly, and suddenly she turned over and frightened Lingnai, but the other party just turned over, then scratched her belly, and the snoring continued.

At this moment, Rena became nervous, she held her breath and looked at the door.

Now, as long as she is quiet, she can escape!

But would she really be beaten to death by other elves as Dodoro said when she escaped?

Rena hesitated and swallowed, but she was still worried about Mr. Ball.

Hey! No matter what, I want to go out! It's so boring here!

In the end, Lingna made up her mind. She walked quietly to the door, took two steps, and looked back to see if Dodoro woke up. At last she took a sneaky step and left the house.

The outside world, the hometown of elves.

Standing on the balcony outside Dodoro's house, Lingna took a deep breath, smiled and looked around. She was a little curious about the life of the elves and what they usually do.

Climbing down the rope ladder and walking on the road, the elves who came and went all looked at Rena with weird eyes. Rena's round ears were too obvious here.

Sure enough, most of the elves are women. In Rena's view, they almost all have a look, they are all young and beautiful, and there are almost no old elves. Their work is very strange. Some elves with inverted triangle white cloths on their faces are not knowing what they are doing on the tree. They are like doctors, putting their ears on the tree trunk, and then making a small mouth somewhere.

There is also a tree with an oval trunk. The elves cut a small opening in the trunk, and a large amount of white sap flows along a large banana leaf into the container they prepared.

When crossing the river, Rena saw the male elves for the first time. They planted a vegetable with very large leaves in the forest.

The planting of elves is very peculiar. They don't cut down the woods and reclaim the land. Instead, they dig a hole and plant a seed in a sunny place in the forest.


Rena suddenly thought that she also had a seed, but she didn't know where to plant it.

Looking up, there is a lot of sunlight in the forest, and there must be a green vegetable in the place where they shine.

She also saw the strange magic performed by the elves. Some elves could make a leaf suddenly become huge, and then step on the leaf, a gust of wind blew it, and it was able to fly.

They also have a kind of peculiar magic. Rena doesn't know if it is light magic. The elves can make the surrounding plants produce a kind of moving light ball, and they seem to be able to talk to them.

However, at this moment, the group of elves who were talking to the light group suddenly looked towards Rena who was hiding. Rena was taken aback. She felt leaning down and hiding behind the tall, flat tree roots.

They found me!

Rena thinks something is wrong! She has to run quickly!

So she bent over and quickly ran towards the tall old tree.

Suddenly a row of thorns grew in front of her, and Rena immediately changed her direction when she saw it. However, there was a swish of arrows behind her.

Suddenly the elves became agitated, more and more elves came out of the house, and more and more elves with bows and arrows joined the hunt.

Rena felt that the big event was not good, she didn't want to be locked in that kind of place anymore, she had to find Mr. Ball quickly, and then figure out a way to leave this place.

The petite Rena is extremely flexible, and the trees here are lush, and the roots can even build a maze on the ground. When Rena runs around, the elves can't catch her for a while. She scurried around like a little mouse, but the elf's hands were in a rush.

However, just as she was escaping, she was suddenly caught by a hand. The opponent was very strong and pulled Lingna back at once.

"Sorry! I don't dare to woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo!!

Before Rena finished speaking, the other party covered her mouth, and a shush came. Rena opened her eyes and saw that it was the elf with purple eyes last night!

She took Rena and hid in an inconspicuous tree hole, and there was a sound of footsteps passing by outside, and Rena's heart beat wildly with tension. Rena remembered that this purple-eyed elf was very fierce, and the fierce look in her eyes last night really scared her.

But how can she save herself now? This is something that Rena could not think of.

At this moment, the other party pulled Rena towards the tree hole and climbed down. There was a wall made of tree roots. The elf said an elf language, and it opened automatically.

The passage was narrow at first, but you could stand up soon.


Suddenly the elf called out Dodolo's name, Rena was taken aback and thought Dodolo was here, but found a ball of light appeared between her hands. She looked back at Rena and seemed to understand that the other party was surprised. what.

"Dodoro means light in our Elvish language, and it also means hometown."

The other party suddenly spoke to Rena in fluent human language.

"You can also speak human, human language?"

Rena asked with her eyes widened.

The elf with purple eyes smiled slightly and said, "Yeah."

When she laughed, Rena realized that she was very gentle when she laughed.

"I will take you out of here."

The other party said suddenly.

Rena couldn't believe her ears, she blinked and asked, "But, that, really?"

"Well, I planned to drive you away directly, but Tia is determined to take you away." The purple elf sister frowned, and then said: "Okay, let's go, rest assured, I will take your things Bring it out."

After speaking, she took Rena's hand and walked out.

"Wait! If I leave like this, will Dodoro be punished."

Rena asked quickly.

"Don't worry, Dodoro is still a child, we won't blame her, and she is blessed by Lord Isabella, no one will embarrass her."

The other party replied.

But Rena was still a little worried.

"Well, if I ran away, wouldn't it hurt you?"

The other party looked back at Rena, chuckled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, no one will find out."

Hearing what she said, Reina was really relieved.

So he followed her **** and walked in the dark tunnel.

After a while, the purple-eyed elf stopped and said, "Okay, we are here. After you go out, you can leave the forest. Remember not to look back."

She touched Lingnai's head. Lingna felt a strange feeling in her heart. She raised her head and looked at the elf. For some reason, she thought of her mother.

The exit was covered by vines, and only a little light could come in through the gap. The elf uttered an elf language. Suddenly the vines spread out to both sides, and suddenly the dazzling light came in, and Lingna covered her eyes with her hands.

The elf took her and walked out, but suddenly she stopped and Rena ran into her back.

When Rena regained her vision, she suddenly realized that there were a group of elves holding bows and arrows in front of her.

At this time, Dodoro was still asleep at home.

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