The Brave Master Is the Demon King

Vol 2 Chapter 588: The final battle (before)

"The master of the brave is the devil (

It is simple to give up, but it is difficult to persist. Rena felt it firsthand at this time, and the difficulties in front of her made her feel desperate. She is very tired, just want to lie down and rest, being too tired to live, she hates the feeling of fatigue, pain, and this endless sense of emptiness.

Maybe you will feel better if you die.

Facing a terrible enemy, she closed her eyes and gave up. It turned out to be so simple. She would be crushed to pieces, it would be very painful, but it would only last for a moment. Anyway, she couldn't do anything, it would be better to do nothing, she It feels much easier.

Give up, it's time to rest, give up... Give up...

The surrounding voices became smaller and smaller, and Rena's ears blocked them from the door. She gave up thinking and hope.

"Listen, magic is the most amazing thing in the world. Nothing is impossible... so are you."

Rena opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes turned dark blue, and the trident symbol on her forehead gleamed brightly.


In an instant, the world went dark, and a scorching thunder and lightning hit Rena's forehead.

Boom! !

The thunder blasted and the air vibrated, and the violent magic power transformed into storms and huge waves, covering Rena's figure.

Countless locusts and strange demons crashed into the big waves and were instantly swallowed by the huge waves.

Tun raised his head in surprise. It was like a high mountain made of water, appearing in the deepest part of Calderella, and the person who appeared at the highest point was a silver-haired girl wearing a fish scale shirt with a trident in hand. .

boom! ! !

The sea water moved in all directions, flooding a large number of locusts and strange demons.

They have never seen the sea, and now they have a taste of the power of the sea. Countless strange demons turned into fragments under the crush of the huge waves, and their heavy bodies couldn't move freely in the sea. There is no doubt that they do not have the ability to breathe in seawater. What's more deadly is that these locust monsters can't even hold their breath, so in a short period of time, more locust monsters drown in the seawater.

These strange monsters have unexpected weaknesses, and no one in Calderella can think of this method. After all, they are not capable of transforming tens of thousands of tons of seawater like Ling Nai's.

Tuan was undoubtedly swallowed by the sea, but suddenly there was an angry growl in the sea.

Suddenly, a huge snake opened its mouth, absorbing the seawater at a terrifying speed, and its body became bigger and bigger. It absorbed the magic power of the seawater and suddenly became a giant snake of fifty meters high.

Rena obviously couldn't control this energy, perhaps because she was too tired, or she was not strong enough, she watched the sea water was swallowed, and the small ocean disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She held the trident and pointed it at the giant snake.

"You will regret swallowing this water."

As soon as the voice fell, the tip of the trident was filled with starlight, and in that moment, the body of the giant snake was shrinking rapidly like a leaking balloon.

Tun's body appeared in the snake's body, and he showed a confused expression, as if he didn't know what was going on.

Rena knew it perfectly. When she was holding this trident, she could feel every drop of water she had transformed, and when Tun swallowed the sea water into her body, she realized the secret of the other party.

The way to directly swallow the opponent's magic power is to assimilate himself with the enemy's magic power. In other words, he pretends to be the master of these magic powers and let them obey his commands.

The reason why the caster can no longer control the engulfed magic is because of the priority level. As long as the assimilated magic is swallowed, it will be controlled by the closest and most powerful individual. Obviously the amount of magic swallowed. And the distance is the highest.

However, it met Rena, a man with an artifact.

Sacred artifacts are called artifacts because their control of magic power is always at the first priority level, that is to say, no matter how much magic power Lingna is eaten by Tun, she can make it disappear in the opponent's body.

It's a pity that she doesn't know how to use the trident, otherwise she can kill the opponent in a better way.

But the disappearing magic power is enough to cause a huge blow to Swallow. It uses a lot of magic power to construct a body to absorb the magic power of Linnai, but the result is that the bamboo basket is completely empty. It did not absorb a drop, but paid. A lot of magic.

Although it doesn't know what happened, it has identified Rena as the most dangerous guy.


It yelled, and the surrounding locusts and strange demons swept over again. They were reduced a bit, but they were still densely packed. Countless strange demons stepped on the corpses of their companions and rushed towards Rena.

They will not be afraid, as long as they hear the order, they will attack like crazy. This is the tricky place.

Rena gritted her teeth, she might be able to drown them with seawater again, but the problem is that if they can't be solved all at once, Swallow will absorb the seawater and only repeat what just happened.

And her magic is not a bottomless pit, she can feel the "feeling of empty stomach" in the magic in the body, maybe she can use it once, but if Tun holds the blow, it will be herself!

Just when she was about to take a gamble, suddenly there was a whistling sound in the distance.


Rena was stunned for a moment. She turned to look and saw that a large number of strange birds suddenly appeared on the cliff.

Do not! That's not a bird.

Her pupils changed a bit, and she could see a little more clearly, it was a soldier with a bone gliding wing behind her back! Judging from their attire, it was Calderella's hunter!

Why are they here?

Just when she was avatar three black strange snakes bit her at lightning speed, but Rena immediately jumped up, holding a trident and piercing a snake's head. Then stepped on its head and jumped up again, quickly avoiding the attack of the other two snakes.

She had been on guard, but she didn't care.

Even Tun doesn't know that there is a perception of spatial perception, she has been paying attention to the other party's things.

The hunter flying from the sky saw Rena and the large number of strange monsters. One side of his body quickly changed its direction, becoming two teams spreading out to both sides, and at the same time they launched red fireworks into the sky.

Then I saw a bright light from the horizon, a few seconds later, countless meteors passed from the sky, and Calderella's support came!

At the moment when Ling Na and Tun drew apart, a dark night rushed over, and it was faster than those locust monsters. It caught Rena in an instant, and rushed out with her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You are not dead!"

Turning around, it turned out to be Mr. Rabbit.

He carried Lingna in one hand and flew through the Ten Thousand Army. Although his face was extremely flustered, his movements were extremely quick and simple. Without a trace of hesitation, the locusts and strange demons attacked them, but they fell into chaos because of accidentally injuring their teammates. The enemy can touch it.

"Mr. Rabbit! You came to save me!"

"Ahhh!! Don't talk, talk, here, here, don't pull it!!"

Mr. Rabbit shouted, and when Rena didn't know what it was talking about, a fire suddenly appeared behind him.

boom! ! !

A shooting star fell from the sky.

Rumble! !

The sky full of sparks connected into a long and curved waterfall, forming a fire bridge in the sky. It was composed of countless meteors and flints, which turned into fireworks to light up the abyss.

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