The Contract of the Sekirei

The Parrot Goddess Contract Chapter 53

"Master!" Hu Die, who was rubbing Kongyue, stopped suddenly, and said with a serious expression.

Just now, two breaths passed them quickly and rushed towards the bridge.

Opening his eyes and a curve of the corner of his mouth, Kongyue naturally discovered it.

With MBI's ability, it is normal to react so quickly. The two auras that have just passed are the third generation of punishment troops, the Scarlet Parrot Red Wing and the Blue Parrot Grey Wing.

The two of them are exactly the trial targets of Kongyue Jijie and Yuehai. They can become a member of the punishment unit, and their strength is naturally not weak.

However, this was not the reason that made Hu Die alert. What made her alert was that the figure that had appeared next to them was punishing the captain of the troop, the Dark Parrot Crow Feather!

The woman with a wicked smile and a murderous look all over her body made Hu Die extremely nervous.Xiaocao in Kongyue's arms naturally recognized that this was the mad woman back then, and was so scared that she almost cried.

"Crow Yu, put away your breath!" Kongyue snorted.

Kongyue was a little helpless for this rebellious parrot who didn't even listen to her own reed teeth, just forgot it, if she frightened her baby, Kongyue would have nowhere to cry.

"Sure enough, are you behind the incident tonight? Help other parrots escape from the imperial capital. As the captain of the punishment unit, I am going to kill you now!" said while pulling out the knife, but Yayu was surprised. Put away his breath.

The corners of his mouth twitched for a while, looking at the crow feather who was obviously trying to fight him, Kong Yue was speechless for a while.

"Hey, is there a parrot like you who talks to your master Weifang? Put away the knife. If you are satisfied with me, I'll let the girl fight with you later." He gestured to Hu Die and Xiaocao. Don't be afraid, Kongyue said.

Hearing Kongyue's words, Yayu, who had just looked excited* ready to go on a big fight, stopped immediately, her pupils shrank sharply, and stared at Kongyue firmly.

"Why, don't you believe it?" asked with a sly smile, looking at the dumbfounded Ya Yu Kongyue.

Although this girl is a little crazy and doesn't accept discipline, Kongyue is holding her life gate in his hands, not afraid that she will not submit!

Sure enough, the next moment, without saying a word, Crow Yu scabbed the sword and said with a trembling tone:


"Okay, come and serve your Master Weiya now." Since Yayu has been shocked, Kongyue won't be so cheap for her.

On one side, Hu Die knowingly stepped away, and Yayu was not an inked person, although she had never served anyone else, but in order to fight against that person again, she didn't mind giving it a try.After walking behind Kongyue, he started to massage Kongyue like Hu Die before.

"Hi! Tap, you want to pinch me to death!"

"It's too light, I can't even feel it, are you stupid?"

"Go up a little, don't stay in one place!"

"Stupid, idiot, idiot, how can there be a idiot like you in this world, you can't even do such a simple thing!"


Well, Hu Die and Xiaocao on one side were stunned. Seeing Kongyue unceremoniously training the legendary dark parrot Yuyu, who didn't blink, the other side didn't dare to resist at all. It shows strong worship and enthusiasm.


43 Demons and Death

"Oh, little crow, it's not that I said you, what else do you do except you can kill people?"

"You can't do such a simple thing well, it's useless!"

"Well, forget it, it seems that I have always demanded too much of you, and you are hopeless..."


Obviously, I felt that the hands that I was massaging were constantly trembling, and the murderous intent burst out one after another. It was obviously a manifestation that Crow Yu had endured to the limit.

However, Kongyue doesn't care. This little crow is really lawless without him and her sister by his side for these years. What he owes is the training, and he wants to make up for her now!

Although Kongyue didn't care, Hu Die and Xiaocao on one side were frightened by Jayu.Hu Die stood aside in cold sweat and nervousness, for fear that Jay Yu could not help but chop Kongyue.

Xiaocao was clinging to Kongyue's clothes, with his small head buried in his arms, and he didn't dare to look at the crazy woman who was about to break out anytime.

"Hey, is it finally here?" Without further training Yayu, Kong Yue suddenly turned his gaze to one side at a certain moment.

"Big brother, what's the matter?" Feeling the crow feather's breath suddenly closed, Xiao Cao finally raised his head and asked weakly.

"Xiaocao's sister is here, look!" Kongyue said, pointing in one direction.

With an expression of incomparable surprise on his face, Xiaocao looked in the direction of Kongyue, and the two figures were immediately reflected in the pair of green eyes like gems.

Not far away, I saw two young girls rushing here.

Running ahead is a lovely girl who is about seventeen years old.Wearing a white shirt dress and black campus-style miniskirt, his face is delicate, and there is a sense of heroism between his eyebrows.

Behind the girl was another girl of about the same size, dressed in a similar dress and short skirt, and her short silver hair was particularly prominent in the dark night.

However, unlike the previous girl, this girl exudes a gentle temperament all over her body.There are still two faint blushes on his cheeks, like the little girl next door, at first glance it is the kind of introvert and a little shy.

"Really! Big brother, it's really Xiaozhu!" Looking at the girl with short silver hair, Xiaocao said excitedly.

The corners of her mouth pulled up a curve, and Kongyue naturally recognized it a long time ago.The one running in front is Yujiali, and the one behind is Xiaocao's sister, Shiina No.107.

"Ha...Ha... Shiina, is it really here? The breath of grass?" Yukari asked the girl behind him while running.

"Well, absolutely right, this is Xiaocao's ability, she must be nearby, Yujia Lisang." Pointing to the tall trees not far away, the girl called Shiina answered with a certain face.

"Well, in this case, let's hurry up. Those guys behind are very annoying. If this young lady can't beat them, I really want to kick that nasty guy to death!" I remembered the one who wanted to force Shiina to feather Guy, Yukari is just a bit angry.

Shiina is a parrot she has worked so hard to save, how can she give it to that nasty guy!Yukari had heard about the Parrot Project from Shiina, and knew that the Imperial Capital was now engaged in a battle between parrots.

She was taught and trained by Kongyue since she was a child, and Yukari's physical fitness is also very impressive. It can be said that she can easily win even against the ten best soldiers in the world.

However, the strength of the parrot is far from what she can imagine, especially when she recalled that she had not even taken any of the tricks of the cool male parrot, which made Yukari even more popular!

Several times, she wanted to give Shiicai a feather, and heard that Shiicai said that she was quite strong.But when he thought that he was going to kiss with a girl or something, Yukari stopped again.

"Huh? That's Brother Kongyue!" Thinking about what to do next, suddenly Yu Jiali saw the familiar figure not far away.

"Xiaocao, it's Xiaocao!" Shiina on one side also shouted excitedly. She also saw the grass in Kongyue's arms.

Glancing at each other, the two accelerated at the same time, and they arrived at the distance of hundreds of meters after only a few breaths.

"Brother Kongyue!" Since the last time, in order to help Shiina find Xiaocao, Yukari has not had time to find Kongyue.

However, the figure with a smirk always lingered in the girl's heart, and whenever she recalled the scene of the kiss under the setting sun, the girl blushed.

Standing up, letting go of the excited grass, Sora Yue caught Yujiari who was throwing at him.

"Oh, good evening, Yukari!" A pair of thieves quickly walked up the girl's body*, Kongyue smiled evilly.

"Huh! Brother Kongyue is still that bad!" Yu Jiali hurriedly pushed Kongyue away with a look of anger as he sensed that there were other people.

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