After dealing with everything, sister Qin sat up. Of course, she was only half sitting. She leaned to the door of the car and lifted her injured body away from her seat as far as possible

Her face almost restored to its original appearance, but her cheeks were slightly flushed, probably embarrassed? After all, I saw her, only her husband can see the place!

"Xiaogu It's very agile.... " She took a quick look at me and quickly turned her face out of the window.

I know she just wanted to talk to ease the atmosphere in the car.

I touched my nose and said with a smile, "elder sister, I think I should have a stitch, otherwise the wound will leave a small scar after healing."

"No," said Sister Qin in a low voice. She raised her hand and closed her hair quietly. "It's not I'm not afraid to leave scars in other places. "

Sister Qin's words almost amused me. I guess she wanted to say that it was not on her face. She was not afraid to leave a scar! Yes! you 're right! Sister! Not every one of us has a chance to see someone's ass!

I came back to Sicily manor in the evening, and Xi'er came home from work.

I think she must have been in the living room watching TV waiting for me to go home, so listening to the sound of my door, she jumped over.

She has changed into an orange nightgown with suspenders. Yellow is not suitable for people's temperament. Generally few people can wear yellow with unique temperament, but Lin Xi'er has done it.

Dressed in an orange suspender nightdress, she looks fresh and refined, just like the yellow flower stamens. She stands in front of me, does not speak, only looks at me with a silly smile.

I said, "Why are you off work? It's only five o'clock, isn't it? "

She pouted her sexy little mouth and said, "Miss Ben is in a good mood today."

Collapse! You can leave work early if you are in a good mood? As the general manager of such a big clothing company, you don't set an example, and you are often late and leave early! Ah! Brother can only say that you are not a piece of management material, thanks to your father Lin Xiaotian foresight, sent Yang Wanli as your manager!

"Leave early if you are in a good mood? What style of work I said with a smile.

She looked at me innocently and said, "what's the matter?"

I touched my nose and said, "it's nothing. Don't always rely on the fact that the company belongs to you, so you can do whatever you want, OK?"

Xi'er was not angry either. She ran up and took my arm. The little bird pressed her chest to me like a person. She flattered me with a slightly coquettish tone and said, "honey, the company is mine and yours. We are a family now!" Then she stood on tiptoe and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Collapse! I have nothing to do with beauty clothing. Apart from enslavement and being enslaved, I really can't see that clothing company belongs to me! If the beautiful dress is really mine, will I be reduced to the present situation? Now I have a company that doesn't dare to go back to work. I'm just as pitiful as those who don't dare to go back home!

Seeing that I didn't speak, she approached me, looked up at me, and said in a coquettish tone, "in fact, I'm excused for leaving early!" Then she put on a grievance.

I ran on her and said, "do you have reasons for everything you do? Even if others don't forgive you, you'll soon forgive yourself, right? "

"What She was coy for a moment, pouted at me and said, "people miss you, so they leave early."

I said with a smile, "OK, OK, I know. You can be excused. "

Seeing her standing still, I said, "I'll cook tonight and make you dinner."

She was still standing, still looking up at me, as if expecting something.

"What's the matter? A cramp in the neck? " I looked at her and laughed.

She still didn't speak, raised her finger to her cheek, still looked up, her eyes slightly closed

collapsed! I finally understand! She wants me to kiss her!

I sighed and said with a smile: "petty bourgeois sentiment kills people!" Then I quickly toward her cheek on the Bo, I said, "now you can?"

She shook her head, offered the opposite side of the gills, reached out and pointed, still did not speak.

I shook my head helplessly and said, "OK, OK, I fell into a wolf's nest!" Said I again in her opposite side of the gills on the strength of the Bo!

Lin Xi'er just grinned.

"Hey," she said, looking at me, "it's fair. It's not polite to come but not to go. I gave you a kiss, and you should have given me a kiss, too. That's how reciprocity is. "

I looked at her with a smile and said: "this is not fair, but you earn it! You give me a kiss, I give you two kisses, it's doubled! "

I thought to myself, ya, it's really worthy of Lin Xiaotian's gold. He's too business minded!

Suddenly she pointed to the French window in the living room and said, "look! Why is our glass broken? "

I quickly turned to look.

Xi'er took the opportunity to stand on tiptoe and kiss me twice. Then she ran away and squeezed her eyes at me and said, "now you earn it! Besides, you owe me a kiss! Keep it with you first! I'll ask you for it when I have time! ""I don't know the expiration date," she said

"It doesn't matter," she said with a smile. "Just give it back to me with interest at that time!"

Insidious! Insidious! Is this cheap so easy to take? She may be in a bad mood one day and suddenly turn over to you. Then she will sit down with you and settle accounts slowly. She will pay back all the money with interest. If she is unable to pay back, she may have to cut off your arm!

We cooked dinner together. After dinner, we took Alice to sit on the big terrace of the living room to cool off. On the dark blue sky, there are still stars all over the sky and floating clouds.

The lights of the city continue to the other side of the sky, connecting with the stars. At first glance, we can't tell which is the star light and which is the light.

I sat on the rattan chair, took two puffs of cigarette ends, grabbed the bag, and took out the micro camera from the sun rain clothing store.

Lin Xi'er is squatting on the floor to accompany Alice to eat steamed bread with milk. I said to her, "I took back the micro camera at noon. Would you like to have a look? "

"Good!" She jumped up, ran to me, and sat on the arm of the cane chair, "come on, let Miss Ben have a look first!"

I played a few tricks and tuned out the video.

Our bodies were together, our heads were next to each other, and our eyes were on the tiny camera.

Our original intention or original intention is to estimate the customer flow of Taiyangyu clothing and sexy underwear store through video. However, looking at it, our eyes suddenly widened, and our eyes were straight!

Why? Because there is a picture that makes me dumbfounded!

I just called out the video to watch, and I didn't know there was such a stunning picture in it! At first, the picture was normal. It was just opposite the door of the lingerie shop. After ten minutes, a woman in a white dress approached the camera. The part above the woman's waist was invisible, because in order to avoid being found, I installed the micro camera at a lower position.

The woman stood on tiptoe and seemed to be able to reach something. However, it was estimated that the thing was hanging a little higher. She tried several times without success. Then another woman in the dress of a salesgirl moved a chair, and the woman in the white gauze skirt got on the chair. Next, she looked good!

Of course, the miniature camera completely captured the scenery of her skirt bottom. In the shaking white skirt, the skirt bottom looms in the picture

What can I say? I only have deep doubts in my mind!

Xi'er couldn't look any more. She put out her hand and knocked out the micro camera in my hand. She pouted at me and said, "what are you shooting! I asked you to shoot the passenger flow. How do you shoot this? "

I spread my arms and said wrongly, "how do I know this kind of thing will happen? This white gauze skirt woman is going to pick up things on the wall on the day when I installed the camera, and she also chose such an angle!"

Xi'er hummed, "you mean it? You men are all perverted, like this! Hum


I know Xi'er didn't mean to say that. She just said two angry words. After all, this video is really enough!

Xi'er pouted and said nothing more. I know she has forgiven me. She pointed to the plastic bag I brought back and said, "what's in it?"

I am stupefied for a while, feel nose, smile way: "you see for yourself!"

She grabbed the bag and opened it. She was stunned. Then she looked at me angrily and said, "you're not abnormal. Why do you buy this?"

I touched my nose and said, "don't worry! It's like this! "

Then I repeated to her the scene when I went to the sexy underwear store to collect the mini camera today. She just blinked at me and said, "then you Is it for me? "

I said with a smile: "you can take it if you like! I can't wear it anyway! "

Listen to me so say, she puffed Chi a smile: "disgust! You can wear it if you dare! Why don't you show it to me tonight! "Gaga, Gaga, Gaga," she laughs, shaking with laughter!

After laughing, she looked at me and said, "OK! In order to repay you for sending me this set of sexy underwear, I also report a piece of good news to you

I don't have a good airway: "what's the good news?"

"You can go back to work tomorrow." She said, looking at me with a smile.

I was stunned for a moment, looking at her and said: "have you solved the joint petition? Shouldn't it be so fast? That seems to be a very difficult matter! "

"You don't see who miss Ben is, huh!" She looked up at me and said triumphantly.

I touched my nose and said with a smile, "seriously, what's going on?"

"Well," she said, reaching for my forehead, turning abruptly, sitting on the armrest of the cane chair and smiling at me, "in fact, you have to thank someone for supporting you this time."

I said, "who?"

She said with a smile, "you're from your office! The one called Gao Wan! "

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