When a person is sick, his heart is very fragile. As Xi'er said, sick people are like children! He will need the comfort of his friends and relatives. To tell you the truth, I really hope Xier will come to the hospital to see me, and I vaguely think she will come.

Because Xing min told her I was hurt. But my hope failed, I have not seen her shadow!

At the same time, I laugh at myself. Xing min tells Xi'er that I'm hurt, but Xi'er doesn't know which hospital I live in. There are so many hospitals in Binhai city. Even if she wants to come to see me, she can't find me, can she?

Besides, if Xi'er really comes, how should I face her?

I think of her as a friend? Or as my boss's sister? Is there such a relationship?

Is the boss's sister a relative or a friend, or something special? If she does come, I don't know if I can control my mood!

I am very clear that I still love her, but this kind of warm love is enclosed in a dark room, can not find a way out! If she appears in front of me when I am most vulnerable, I really don't know if I can control the tide of missing in my heart?

However, when I was most vulnerable and needed her most, she didn't look at me. I couldn't help but resent her! I know there is no reason for my resentment, and it seems ridiculous! People always have a rich and handsome mature boyfriend. Who am I? Why should people come to your hospital bed to comfort you when you are most vulnerable?

Think of here, the corner of my mouth pulled, pulled up a cold smile.

Rich and handsome? Lao Tzu is also rich and handsome, intelligent, talented and handsome!

Moonlight has climbed to the sky, still bright, but I can no longer associate this water like moonlight with Xi'er's gentle eyes. Moonlight is moonlight, Xi'er's eyes are Xi'er's eyes. These are two completely different things!

Only the sultry literary youth can associate two unrelated things together! This is damned amorous! Don't you know that "falling flowers are merciless"? Don't you know how sentimental you are? You don't know "passers-by outside the wall, beauty inside the wall laughs. Smile gradually do not hear the sound gradually quietly, affectionate but be merciless annoyed? Thank you for reading so many poems!

Just thinking about it, my cell phone rings.

When I saw it was Hao Jian's number, I picked it up.

"Hi! Where can I enjoy myself? " Hao Jian said with a cheap smile.

I said, "in the hospital!"

"Ha ha! You're growing up again! I learned how to run to the hospital to soak the beauty of nurses! " Hao Jian continued to smile at the end of the mobile phone.

I don't have a good way: "you big head! I'm in hospital! "

The other end of the mobile phone was stunned for a moment, and then Hao Jian's voice rang out: "what's the matter? Man

I said, "there was an accident."

"Boiled?" Hao Jian is on the mobile phone.

"Almost." I said.

"Will you die?" Hao Jian is on the mobile phone.

I scolded him: "you crow mouth! You want me to die, don't you

"Why? Take care of you! " Hao Jian said on his mobile phone, "is there any danger to his life?"

I have no good airway: "life is in danger, can you still hear my voice now?"

"Also?" Hao Jian in the cell phone that cheap smile a way, "no life danger has become. It's like going to the hospital on holiday! "

I ran him and said, "I'm afraid it's just the logical thinking of a bitch like you to treat hospitalization as a vacation."

Hao Jian said with a smile, "I'm not comforting you! You have to work hard and carry forward the spirit of revolutionary optimism! "

"Get it!" I changed my cell phone to the other hand, and I didn't have a good airway. "When I answer your call, my wound will be delayed for at least three days to heal!"

"Is it that serious?" Hao Jiandao.

"Your mouth is more powerful than a nuclear weapon!" I said.

"In which hospital? I'll see you in a minute! " Hao Jian said at the end of his mobile phone, "by the way, do you have any lovely nurses in the hospital?"

"Damn it! Would you like to drop in on Miss nurse or me? " I said angrily in my cell phone.

Hao Jianjian said with a smile: "women are like clothes, brothers are like hands and feet! Clothes can be changed often. Can hands and feet be changed? "

"Put away your heresy!" I ran him and said, "it's not your way to cut your friend and your brother for a woman? What kind of garlic to put in

Hao Jian said: "Damn it! How can you slander your brother like that? Your brother, what kind of person am I? "

"You are not human!" I said.

"I am God!" Hao Jiandao.

I said, "you are not a God, either!"

"I know, I am a god man!" Hao Jiandao.

I said, "no! You are a bird

Do not give him the opportunity to speak, I continued to smile: "to bring two durian to come, my brother yesterday out of a lot of blood, need to make up for it!"Hao Jian said with a cheap smile at the end of his mobile phone: "OK! no problem! I'll weigh two liang of Cistanche deserticola for you, get five liang of tiger whip, and a box of Dali pills! "

"Damn it! You want to kill me! What a poison I said.

"I don't like my husband!" Hao Jian still laughs at the end of his mobile phone, "be a man, be cruel to yourself! Be more cruel

Hung up Hao Jian's phone, I opened the short message I just received during the call, which was sent by Xi'er!

My heart jumped and I opened up quickly.

"Yang Yang! You really don't love me anymore? You really don't love me anymore? Do you really not love me? "

Xi'er uses a parallelism sentence to make this short message read with a kind of power of pain!

My heart beat again, looking up at the night sky, the moon hidden in the silver gray clouds.

Xi'er, it's not that I don't love you, it's that you don't love me! Only new people laugh, not old people cry!

You are engaged to Ouyang Zedu. Why are you still playing with me! I can't afford to hurt!

I fell in love with you from the very beginning. I used to love you all the time, and I still love you now. In the future In the future

As before, I didn't reply to Xi'er's message. I don't know how to reply, and I don't want to! Even though I think about her now! If you can't meet, even if you listen to her voice, if you can't hear her voice, even if you send a message! But, I can't do it, my heart is suffering! True love is like gold. You need pure gold. You can't adulterate it with any impurities, otherwise you will lose its due value!

Xi'er has a boyfriend, she loves me just to seek a sense of freshness and excitement! This is what she wants, but this is not what I want! What I want is 100% pure love!

Is there anything in the world?

I have also thought about another situation, that is, whether Xi'er will fall in love with two men at the same time, one is Ouyang Ze, the other is me. I also asked myself, if so, what should I do? Should I choose to give up or to catch up?

I don't know what kind of situation Xi'er belongs to, I know, but I dare not admit this fact! How beautiful Xi'er is, I can't tell. How good Xi'er is, I can't tell. She is the cabi island in Italy. For me, she means endless expectation and endless temptation!

Love and hate are twins. The more you love, the easier it is to breed hatred! It's false to say that I don't hate Xi'er. I can't bear to blaspheme her nobility, but she really turns me into a third party. I can't bear to blaspheme her love, but she really doesn't love me as much as I thought!

Between endless expectation and endless loss, my heart is struggling in pain! I don't understand why the goddess Xi'er is like this? I thought she loved me as much as I loved her! I thought she would treat me like I did to her? How can she say those three hot words to me when she has Ouyang Ze?

Don't know what choice to make? I love her, always love her, even now, I still miss her deeply! However, can I allow myself to be the target of her novelty? Can I allow myself to be a third party between her and Ouyang Ze?

Am I Xiao San?

That night, Xi'er stayed in the ward to accompany me. A small marching bed was installed beside her bed. This kind of marching bed is provided by the hospital for accompanying family members. Of course, it also needs money. Fifty yuan for one night!

I guess it's the first time that Xi'er has been sleeping in such a small bed? I thought she would not be used to it, but she did not show that she was not used to it. On the contrary, she thought it was very fresh and interesting!

After settling everything, Xi'er goes into the bathroom to take a shower. The sound of water in the bathroom is "clattering".

I leaned on the head of the bed and looked at the newspapers in my hand. These newspapers and magazines were brought back by Xi'er when she went out for dinner. She said that she was afraid that I would be bored, so she bought them at the bookshop on the street.

After a long time, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

The door of the bathroom rang slightly, accompanied by a rustle

I look up, the bathroom door just opened, but no Xi'er shadow.

Just when I was stunned, a black head came out from the bottom of the bathroom door frame. The head was half low, and the long black hair was scattered on my face, followed by a white figure

A female ghost!

What's more, the ghost is slowly climbing towards me with her hands and knees on the ground

Snow white skirt, long hair, face white, look ferocious, only the black and white eyes in the black hair around

At first glance, I was startled! I almost didn't get out of bed!

I threw the newspaper in my hand and said angrily to Xi'er, "please! Miss! What's wrong with you? Learning from Zhenzi! How terrible... "

she was wearing a white gauze pajamas, her face covered with a mask, a long dark hair, some messy, falling down from her forehead, very similar to the ghost image in the thriller.

I admit that when I saw her for the first time, my heart really jumped to my throat! It's a bit awkward! In Internet language, Gothic is messy!

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