As "Mazda" drove out of the parking lot, I couldn't help glancing in the rearview mirror. The four people were still standing beside the parking lot

All the way speechless, Yuhan looked at me from time to time, but I did not respond to her gaze.

I hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands. On the surface, it looks like I'm concentrating on driving. In fact, my mind is like a movie showing the scene that I was just in the parking lot and playing it repeatedly.

"Yang Yang, I'm sorry I made you sad... "

Yu Han turned to look at me and said softly.

"It's OK," I said, turning to her. "It's none of your business."

I felt out a "Marlboro" and lit it. I took two mouthfuls.

Yuhan looked at me and said: "a person's love is a process of self deception and self indulgence. From beginning to end, such emotion is warm but fragile. Such love is pure, just for a feeling, sacrifice and go, never look back. Maybe it's the love in the past life, and it's doomed to be unavoidable in this life. Just that one look, it determines all the happiness and sorrow of this life. "

I puffed out a puff of purple blue smoke, turned to look at her, reluctantly said with a smile: "very classic words."

"I saw it on Weibo," Yu Han said with a smile

"I also found a classic monologue on Weibo," I said

"What is it?" Yuhan looked at me and said with a wink.

I stretched out the window, flicked the ash, then turned to look at Yuhan and said with a smile: "some people can't leave without love, can't disappear without forgetting, can't let go without pain. I completely left the city where you were, no longer passed the intersection that I had passed together, and even completely cut off your news for a period of time, but at the end of the day Finally, I found that I still love you This just understand, originally, love is not to leave, can not love

Yuhan nodded and said, "yes. Love has nothing to do with distance. "

If facing Xi'er, this paragraph should be regarded as my most appropriate inner monologue, but it's just an inner monologue. I don't think I'll ever have a chance to say this monologue to Xi'er myself.

This is really a kind of sadness!

I can't even give Christmas presents tonight. I don't think Xi'er will look forward to my Christmas presents any more.

Daniel's Christmas gift has occupied all her excitement.

A bunch of chocolate roses, a basket of red apples.

I saw this Christmas gift from Daniel to Xi'er. The wonderful thing is that the roses that I thought I could not eat were delicious chocolates, while the apples that I thought I could eat were inedible Christmas candles.

Daniel's been working hard! But frankly, I'm envious of his gift to Xi'er. I have to admit that Daniel is very creative! More creative than I am!

"Yang Yang..." Yu Han turned to look at me and said softly, "I know you still love Xi'er."

"No more." I said.

Yu Han said, "your eyes tell me that you still love Xi'er."

"I don't know." I said.

This may be a habit, love. When the love is over, love becomes a habit.

Yuhan said, "yes. Maybe you don't even realize that you still love someone. Maybe this is the so-called spectators see clearly. As a spectator, I can see at a glance that you still love Xi'er. "

"But she doesn't love me anymore." I said.

Yuhan looked at me for two seconds and then said, "maybe..."

I said, "Daniel is with her now."

Yuhan said, "I know. It can be seen that Daniel likes Xi'er very much... "

I sighed: "if Daniel really likes Xi'er, I may be relieved"

"you mean" Yuhan blinked at me and said, "do you mean Daniel really loves Xi'er?"

I said, "I don't know..."

Yuhan looked at me and said, "I haven't understood why Xi'er wants to break up with you? I've thought about it for a long time. With Xi'er's character, what she gets will never be let go easily... "

"Maybe I'm not good enough?" I said.

Yuhan said, "but I think you are good everywhere."

"Come on. Your eyes are blinded. " I said with a smile.

Yuhan said: "maybe everyone's eyes are different. There are a thousand Hamlets in the minds of a thousand viewers. "

"Maybe." I said.

Yuhan said, "take me home."

I turned to look at her and said, "isn't it the sunshine of the Aegean Sea?"

Yuhan said, "No. Can you take me home? "

I said, "but I can't break my promise"

"you have fulfilled your promise." Yuhan looked at me with a smile and said.

I looked at her and said, "are you afraid that the Lin sisters will misunderstand you?"

"The misunderstanding is someone else's, not me." Yu Han said that she was not strong enough to say this.I looked at her and said, "do you really want to take you home?"

Yuhan nodded and said, "if I don't go home, my brother will turn Binhai city over. He will make Christmas Eve no longer safe."

"Oh," I said, "all right."

What does Yuhan want to do? Just now I had a tit for tat fight with Lin's sisters in the parking lot, but now I'm asked to send her home. Is the contrast too big?

But I'm not in the mood anymore. Even if Yuhan and I return to the Aegean sunshine, I think we are likely to have an awkward situation.

Send Yuhan back to the villa area in the western suburbs, in front of a beautiful Spanish Villa, Yuhan let me stop the car.

She turned to me and said, "thank you for taking me home. Yang Yang. "

I said with a smile, "nothing. What I should do. "

"I had a good time tonight." Yuhan looked at me with a smile and said.

I said with a smile, "me too."

"Good night then. Happy Christmas Eve. I guess I'm the first and last person to tell you happy Christmas Eve today. " Yuhan looked at me with a smile and said.

I said, "yes. thank you. Yuhan. "

"Then I'll go in. Goodbye. " Yu Han said, waving to me

I said: "goodbye..."

Yuhan pushes the door to get off and walks to the villa door


I hesitated behind her and stopped her

she suddenly turned around, looked at me with a smile and said, "what's the matter? Yang Yang... "

I raised my hand to touch the bridge of my nose and said with a smile, "can I ask you a question?"

“?” Yuhan turned back, squeezed his eyes at me and said with a smile.

I dodged. She looked me in the eye and whispered, "tonight Have you ever kissed me? "

When I asked this, my face was a little hot.

Yuhan holds the window with both hands and blinks his big eyes quickly.

I said: "don't misunderstand, Yuhan I mean at the Christmas party... "

Yuhan suddenly leaned over and quickly gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then he looked at me and said, "now it's a kiss..."

Then she turned abruptly and ran to the door of the villa

I kept staring at her until her shadow disappeared at the corner of the villa courtyard

I raised my hand to touch my forehead, then pulled my hair with both hands and sighed: "why? Why? Why do I make things more complicated? "

I dial Xi'er's mobile phone number to remind him that his mobile phone has been turned off. On the way back, and after I got home, I dialed again, but the other party still turned off.

I threw myself heavily on the bed, lost my cell phone and thought, forget it? I don't know how to explain to Xi'er? Besides my explanation, will Xi'er believe it?

Alas! My love world is a mess!

The next morning, I drove into the underground parking lot of the "Mediterranean" commercial building, parked my car, got off, picked up my shoulder bag and headed for the exit of the underground parking lot.

A white BMW comes in from the exit at this time. It's Xi'er.

I leaned to the side and raised my hand to say hello.

Xi'er took a look at me, but didn't respond. She drove into the parking lot and backed into the parking space.

I stood in the distance and watched her get out of the car and come this way.

"Xi'er, good morning." I raised my hand to greet her again.

"Good morning." I said at a glance.

I said, "I called you last night and you turned it off."

"What's the matter?" Said Xi'er.

"It's nothing," I said with a smile

"Nothing to call?" Xi'er took a look at me and said, "I read the mobile phone records in the morning. It's almost early in the morning when you call."

Xi'er's face was very bad and he looked tired.

I looked at her and said, "didn't you have a good rest last night? It's the night

"Not bad." Said Xi'er.

I said, "you don't look very well."

"But you look good," Xi'er said, looking at me. "You must have had a good night, didn't you?"

I said with a smile, "maybe I slept soundly on Christmas Eve? Ha ha. "

"With a beautiful woman to accompany you on Christmas Eve, can you sleep uneasily?" Xi'er looked at me and said.

There was a clear tinge of jealousy in her tone.

I looked at her and said, "Xi'er, Yuhan didn't come with me last night"

"Oh? Is that right? " Xi'er looked at me and said.

I nodded and said, "I'm just taking her to the door."

"Is it?" Said Xi'er.

I said: "Xi'er, don't you believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not?" Xi'er looked at me and said.

I felt my nose, looked at her and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you're not happy."

Xi'er looked at me and said, "why am I not happy?"I was a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "nothing, nothing..."

"Xi'er said with a smile.

Then she went straight ahead and walked out of the underground parking lot without waiting for me.

I reacted and yelled at her back, "Merry Christmas!"

In the afternoon, Xi'er called me and said that there was something urgent. She asked me to go to "beauty" dress immediately.

I hesitated to use my office phone.

About 20 minutes later, I came to the "beauty" dress.

The beautiful woman in the front desk of the beautiful dress got up and said hello to me with a brilliant smile.

It's very comfortable to see this smiling face. It's very wise to fire Li Hongyan in "beauty" clothing. That bitch is too eye-catching!

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