Daniel said in a loud voice, "what are you stopping me from doing? I'm Xier's boyfriend! Xi'er! Xi'er! It's me

Xi'er looks at Daniel and waves to the plainclothes police.

Daniel took the opportunity to run to Xi'er.

He looked at Xi'er and said, "Xi'er! Why did you ignore me? I'm so worried about you! Have you had a good week? "

"Not so good! Stayed at home for a week! " Said Xi'er.

Daniel said, "then why don't you talk to me?"

"You mean to ask!" Said Xi'er.

Daniel said with a smile: "I know you are angry with me. I know I should stand up when you are in crisis!"

"All right. I don't want to hear that anymore. " Said Xi'er.

Daniel said, "OK. Do you forgive me? "

"Forgive me. Because there's no such thing as forgiveness or not. " Said Xi'er.

Daniel said: "Xi'er, you don't know how much I miss you. Don't you miss me? "

"I think so." Said Xi'er.

Daniel looked at Xi'er, raised his hand, scratched his forehead and said, "what do you think?"

Xi'er smiles at Daniel, raises her hand, pinches her nose and says, "do you really want to know?"

Daniel grinned and said, "of course I want to know!"

"Who do you think is coming?" Said Xi'er to Daniel, and then put her hand behind him.

Daniel looked back in bewilderment.

Xi'er raised her foot and stamped it on Daniel's instep!

Daniel didn't understand what was going on, so he was badly hurt. "Ouch!" screamed, and bent down to pinch the instep!

Everyone at the scene looked at Xi'er in consternation and said "Oh" as if it was not Daniel but them!

Xi'er took advantage of the situation to wave his hand. On his chin, it's a clean hook!

Daniel was thrown to the ground by this hook!

Daniel fell to the ground, screaming and staring at Xi'er angrily: "you! What are you doing with me... "

Xi'er looked down at him and said, "what are you? There is an old saying that Lu Yaozhi horsepower, long time to see people! I can forgive you for not daring to stand up when I was in danger, but I can't forgive you for running away! Are you a man? You deserve to call me Xi'er? You still have the face to come to me? A man with no sense of security

Daniel pointed to Xi'er and said angrily, "you..."

"Go away! From now on, the farther away you are from me, the better! Let me see you once, and I'll beat you once! Do you believe it? " Xi'er looks at Daniel and threatens him.

This morning's punch made me understand that the relationship between Xi'er and Daniel is completely over. In fact, my heart suddenly relaxed.

Daniel can only continue to associate with Xi'er, which is not reliable for him. Second, although Xi'er and I have been separated for a long time, I don't know that it's impossible for me to be with her, but I still feel uncomfortable when I see her with other handsome guys.

Now, these two worries have been relieved.

However, the ancients often said that a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. What I didn't expect is that soon a man far better than Daniel will appear in front of Xi'er! Life is unpredictable, the ancients do not deceive me!

Sitting in the car, Xi'er looked at me and laughed.

I started the Porsche, turned out of the parking lot, looked at her and said, "what's the matter? Is it great to hit people? "

Xi'er nodded hard and said with a smile, "I know that beating people can be so enjoyable?"

I said, "but I always know that you are violent! Miss

"Shouldn't people like Daniel fight?" Xi'er looked at me and pouted.

I said, "it's time to fight! I wanted to hit him for a long time

"That young lady beat him for you!" Xi'er said with a smile.

I turned to her and said, "I really don't know if it's right or wrong to teach you how to fight."

"Why do you say that? Master Xi'er looked at me and pouted.

I said: "because since I taught you fighting skills, you've hurt people frequently! Early in the morning, he ran to my bedroom and gave me a horizontal hook. Just now, he gave Daniel another hook! I don't know who you're going to hit later? "

Xi'er said, "what! I hit you gently, hit is pro, scold is love! I hit Daniel to get serious! "

"Still beat is kiss scold is love, you think you are my mother!" I said.

Xi'er said with a smile, "I'm not that old, am I?"

I glared at her and said, "do you mean my mother is old?"

"Your mother is not old. Why do you call her mother all at once?" Said Xi'er, looking at me.


Xi'er took a pair of powder fists and put on a posture. She looked at me with a smile and said, "how is my apprentice learning? Master

"Half the weight!" I said, speeding up at the same time, the car has driven out of the "Sicilian Manor", into the street.Xi'er hummed, "can't you encourage me?"

I turned to glance at her, then turned to look ahead and said: "encourage you, you don't know who you are!"

Xi'er looked at me with a smile and said, "I'm Lin Xi'er! I'm Lyra two

I said: "the really powerful people will be more humble! Only half the weight of people, only everywhere to show how powerful they are! Do you understand? "

"But when it's time to do it, do it! I roar when I see injustice on the road Xi'er looked at me and said with a smile.

I said, "Well! It's time for Daniel to take two punches, too! "

"Master! I was acting on behalf of heaven Xi'er looked at me and said excitedly.

I said: "don't beat people in the future! As long as you have to, you can do it! People who practice martial arts can't do it casually. It's disrespect for themselves and others! From ancient times to the present, boxers have never accepted brave and ruthless apprentices! People who practice martial arts are more tolerant than ordinary people, because people who practice martial arts usually hurt people badly! If a martial arts practitioner takes part in a fight, he will be punished severely in law! "

Xi'er gave me a cute smile and said, "I remember! Master

I turned to her and said, "just remember! Just now you did a good job with the hook and fist, and the timing was very good! However, you still forget to defend when you punch! If Daniel has learned boxing, he will dodge your fist and fight back quickly! You're in! Remember, the rule is to protect yourself at all times! "

"Master! I remember that Xi'er looked at me and said with a smile.

Qingyun Mountain, located in the western suburb of Binhai City, is the most famous scenic spot with the longest history in Binhai city. At an altitude of about 1500 meters, the mountains are filled with ancient trees, pavilions and pavilions, Buddhist temples and ancient temples!

In fact, standing on the balcony of the bedroom of "Rose Manor", you can see part of the scenery of Qingyun Mountain, and the cornices of temples looming in the dense green like clouds.

Xi'er is full of interest and has to walk up. The "Porsche" sports car is parked in a public parking lot at the foot of the mountain. Even if you don't drive up, you can take sightseeing bus and cableway! But Xi'er didn't like it. She said that she would climb the mountain with her feet and enjoy the scenery along the way!

Besides, the most important thing in worshiping Buddha is sincerity, so we must kowtow step by step like pilgrims!

Why does this sound so familiar? Think that she quoted my mother!

As long as the people of Binhai City, almost no one has ever climbed the mountain! People like me who don't like mountain climbing can't climb three times! What else to see? It's just some trees, pavilions, temples and so on! What are you looking at!

If a woman is naive, her IQ will never be higher than that of a monkey on Mount Emei! Even if I don't like it anymore, I have to follow. Who am I?

I'll be a bodyguard and a nanny!

The towering south gate of "Qingyun Mountain" is obviously in the style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, simple and auspicious. Compared with the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has less fancy ornaments, but more sense of massiness. The architect must have considered the choice of the style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, which is more conducive to maintaining the unity with the thick cultural accumulation of the whole Qingyun Mountain!

Four people walked up the winding mountain road. Two plainclothes policemen are far behind us. Xi'er doesn't want them to follow us too closely. She says that if they are so fierce that they have to go to worship the Buddha, the Buddha will not appear!

Xi'er was walking between Ouyang Ze and me. While climbing, she was chattering and laughing. She was more noisy than the birds in the roadside forest!

Abby walked beside me, and she was much quieter than Xi'er. Not much, less than usual. Probably because Xi'er is her boss?

I always feel that Xi'er doesn't regard Aibi as her sister. In the company, she still calls Aibi like an ordinary employee.

I have seen these situations.

Today is Thursday. There are not as many mountain climbers as there are on weekends. The mountain roads are crowded on weekends! It's good to have a broad vision. It's hard for someone to pinch fish in muddy water!

In some places, there are warm signs on the small intersections, which read "high accident prone areas, please pay attention to safety!"

People in love like to drill into the woods. The fewer people, the better. The denser the trees, the better! That's why the robbers were given a chance to rob money and sex. It's said that there were several cases of robbery and murder in this forest!

I have a clear mind. I can see everything and listen to everything. At the same time, I can adjust my breath so that I won't be too nervous. Only by relaxing can I make my body and mind more agile!

At the end of the day, I'm just a little bodyguard! I have to be clear about my role!

It took nine oxen and two tigers to climb to the top of the mountain. All the way was rugged and winding. I couldn't bear to eat any more. What's more, Xi'er and Ouyang Ze, two children of a wealthy family who had been well-off since their childhood, were well-off!

I have to admire Xi'er's endurance!

Of course, her endurance is not very good, I say this is relative to her usual.

At first, I thought she was just on the spur of the moment. When she was tired, she would yell that she wanted to take a sightseeing bus, take a cableway, or just go home!Who knows she just climbed to the top of the mountain on foot!

What makes her decision to go up the mountain to worship Buddha so firm and persistent? Amazing!

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