After sending away the blood wolf Zint, Zhang Hao let out a sigh of relief. Although he was unexplainably described as a'demon devourer', it was better than the exposure of his identity as a'fire spider', and he listened to the name and Zint. The magician seemed extremely jealous of this ability. Zint himself is a middle-rank magic warrior!

Being so startled by Zint, Zhang Hao broke out a lot of cold sweat on his back. Although he was calm now, he still felt a little sleepy. He went up to the bedroom on the second floor, sat cross-legged for a while, and then fell asleep. Down!

   It was noon when Zhang Hao woke up. He felt a little hungry and got up. He put a bucket of water at the well of *, washed it casually, and walked towards the union.

Because it was lunchtime, the trade union was full of mercenaries. Jet and the other sommelier were so busy. Seeing Zhang Hao coming in, they asked Zhang Hao to help. Zhang Hao naturally agreed. The three of them worked for a long time. The mercenaries in the hall gradually disappeared.

   Zhang Hao bought himself two side dishes and a glass of sweet wine. He didn't like spicy drinks. After practicing Tai Chi, he always only eats light food.

   When Zhang Hao was about to eat and drink, three people entered the side hall. Walking in the forefront was a woman with a purple veil and blue robes. Her long hair was shining with a golden sheen, and her eyes were blue like the sea. The two people who followed seemed to be her entourage, burly in shape, with broad swords on their backs. From Zhang Hao's point of view, these two people are definitely masters of foreign kung fu.

   I don’t know whether the martial arts in this world are divided into internal and external martial arts. If so, how to distinguish it! Zhang Hao thought for a while, and then burst into laughter. The so-called fighting spirit might be a kind of internal martial arts!

   The woman found a table and sat down, which happened to be directly opposite Zhang Hao. Seeing Zhang Haozheng, she was looking at her, her eyes became like crescents, and she nodded to Zhang Hao.

   Is she smiling? The eyes look very beautiful, I don't know how it looks. Zhang Hao nodded to the other side as he thought. It would be very rude to stare at others again, Zhang Hao retracted his eyes and concentrated on destroying the things on the table.

   "Wine waiter, three glasses of fine Elf Cider!" As soon as the woman said this, all the mercenaries in the hall were staring at her, and even Zhang Hao gave her a glance. Elf fruit wine is a very expensive fruit wine, ordinary people are not willing to drink it at all, every cup requires 2 gold coins! But this is not the main reason, the woman's voice is really too good, as if spring water is flowing through a mountain stream.

   Zhang Hao took a glance and then turned his attention back to the dining table. After more than ten years of meditation practice, if he didn't even have this concentration, it really couldn't be justified.

   The mercenaries are all guessing about the identity of this female magician. From the hair and eyes, she should be a nobleman, and her clothes represent her profession, a magician. The sound is also very pleasant, crisp, and should be between 16-22 years old, the quality of the clothes is quite good, the manners of eating are elegant and moving, even the eating behavior of the two followers is remarkable. Based on the above factors, she should be a girl from a noble family, but there is no famous noble family near Krocco City, and there are countless blond aristocratic women across the country, and there is no way to guess the identity of this woman for a while.

   Zhang Hao felt that he was 70% full. Seeing that Jeter and another sommelier had gone to the cellar to fetch Elf Cider, they hadn't come back yet, so he walked to the counter and put three copper coins into the cash register.

Just as they were about to leave, Jeter and the other sommelier were holding a wine barrel and went out to produce. Seeing Zhang Hao, they shouted happily: "Alex, great, you haven't left yet, come and help! "

It turns out that there is a rule in the trade union that when someone orders Elf Cider, he should take the barrel out of the cellar and fill the glass in front of the guest to show respect for the guest and at the same time to show righteousness. The respect of the man who made the Elf Cider.

Zhang Hao placed the three wine glasses gently in front of the table of the three people. Jet and the other sommelier held the wine barrel from side to side. Zhang Hao pulled out the stopper from the lees, and then held the bottom of the barrel. , Slowly lifted up, and the clear and transparent fruit wine was slowly poured into the glass. Zhang Hao was afraid of overfilling, so he used a little internal force to control his strength. After the three cups of fruit wine were poured, everyone around was I was a little surprised, because the three cups of fruit wine were actually poured exactly the same, with no more or less drop.

   Looking at the surprised eyes around him, Zhang Hao knew that he had over-exacted, so he had to pretend to laugh modestly: "It's pure coincidence, it's pure coincidence."

The three sommeliers bowed to the three distinguished guests. The girl took out seven gold coins and handed them to Zhang Hao. One of them was supposed to be a reward. Zhang Hao took it and was about to say thank you. She looked at the girl’s white and tender little hands, suddenly stunned.

   "Funatic, take your eyes back!" An entourage yelled, and pulled the broad sword from his back into his hand. The broad sword was surrounded by white grudge.

OMG, God of War of the Sun! The mercenaries shouted like a smashing pot. Now the identity of this girl can be reduced to a certain range. Only the seven nobles of Torres can have warriors of the God of Sun as her followers. The family has this ability. It's just that every nobleman has two or three young girls studying magic, and it is still impossible to infer that she is the daughter of the family.

"Asses, you scared him! Sit down!" the girl whispered, and the big man retracted his broad sword and sat obediently on the This sommelier is watching this! "The girl shook her little hand, and there was a white object tied to it, which was also shaking with her little hand.

   Zhang Hao nodded and sighed softly.

"Then do you know the name of this little white thing?" The girl happily shook her white wrist: "I checked a lot of materials and documents, and even asked the master forge of the dwarf, but I couldn't find out the origin of this thing. I have never seen such a strange and beautiful stone on the mainland, with strange words and pictures carved on it. Looking at your expression, you must know the name or origin of this thing."

   Zhang Hao hesitated for a while, looking at the girl’s longing and pleading eyes, he nodded and said: "This is'Jade'"

   "fish?" The girl's Chinese pronunciation is obviously poor, and Zhang Hao finds it funny.

   "Then what use is it?" The girl touched the lubricated jade, her eyes filled with love.

"A talisman to drive away evil and avoid evil! A talisman that has been passed down from generation to generation! The font above is pronounced'Tai Chi', which translates to the lingua franca of the mainland, which means chaos! The black and white circle is the pattern of chaos!" Zhang Hao looked at Yu Jia. Said lightly.

   "Chaos? Is it the talisman of the neutral god?" The girl turned the jade piece to and fro carefully. According to legend, the neutral **** is the most powerful divine residence. He can use the power of light and darkness, but at the same time he rarely takes part in the world, and never participates in any god-devil battle. Of course, no divine residence dared to provoke him.

   "Your Excellency is so knowledgeable that you even know about the "fish". Could it be that your Excellency once had such a "fish"?" Before the girl knew it, the name of Zhang Hao had changed to "Your Excellency."

   Zhang Hao shrugged, made an expression of no comment, smiled bitterly in his heart: Of course, this piece of jade was originally mine.


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