Illusion not only allows people to produce visual illusions. At the same time, it can mislead the sense of touch to a certain extent. Zhang Hao gently touched the palm of his hand. On the surface, his palm was the same as usual, without any trauma, but the slight pain from his skin told him that it was just an illusion.

"Very interesting magic." Zhang Hao stared at it for a while, the hallucinations disappeared, and then he saw the blisters on his palms, he sighed: "But after all, this is just a trail, as long as it is a slightly more determined person. , You can ignore this technique. If you want people to have hallucinations for a long time, and it is difficult to break free, it is more realistic with the help of formations."

Zhang Hao's words are actually biased. After all, he views illusion magic according to the concept of the earth. Regardless of the world of martial arts or the world of cultivating immortals, no one is more powerful than the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. It doesn't matter at all, it's all clouds. Taoism, on the other hand, emphasizes that Taoism is natural, and what it is is what it is. The false can't be true, and the true can't be false.

And this alien world rarely emphasizes the essence of xinxing. For the native intelligent creatures here, illusion magic is a very hateful and very troublesome magic system.

Hearing Zhang Hao’s evaluation of her illusion, Lisi'er smiled and didn’t care. She felt that her man, as the heir to the chaos god, would be really strange if he was interested in illusion, a technique used by mortals. Up.

Lisi'er got up, went to make a pot of tea, poured a cup for Zhang Hao and herself, and took a sip. She sternly said, "Ali, there is something wrong with this thing. The businessman's behavior is too abnormal. Direct conflict with the nobleman, if it’s not that he has a problem with his brain, someone is instigating him behind his back."

Zhang Hao nodded: "I also found out. It stands to reason that businessmen should try their best to avoid trouble from the government. But he bravely stood up. I care more about his saying, "I will be one of them too." . I always feel that there seems to be someone hiding behind him, watching our every move like a poisonous snake. Perhaps the condition he promised Sassabi is noble status.”

"It's possible." While drinking tea, Lisi leaned leaning against the man's side. The high elves liked this kind of gentle contact love style very much: "The most important thing now is who wants to deal with What is the reason for us, and what is the strength of the other party."

Lisi'er's body is extremely soft, and has a virgin fragrance like green fruit, she is leaning on, very comfortable. Zhang Hao gently hugged her slender waist, but there was not much desire in his heart. This has been the situation ever since the seduction ability was cracked. It stands to reason that Lisi'er's figure is more **** than Alicia, and it should be more likely to cause Zhang Hao's sexuality, but in fact, when Zhang Hao embraces Alicia, it is easier to get angry. . When embracing Lisi'er, he is pure and peaceful.

Zhang Hao actually didn't know how he felt about Lisi'er. Friendship, love, affection? They are not very similar. Regardless, Lisi'er has successfully integrated into his life, and he is also used to the happy days of having a purple woman around him all the time.

"Compared with the people hiding behind, there is one thing in front of you that must be dealt with later." A cold light flashed in Zhang Hao's eyes: "You said just now that magic contracts can be exploited, such as mind control. magic."

Lisi'er smiled, "There is no need to worry. I have locked that person's position. He is still in the town. Even if he leaves now, I can still catch him back. Ai Xi is already hot. It’s over, we can’t let her work in vain again.”

Zhang Hao shrugged: "That's true, let's talk about it later."

A simple but very delicious lunch as usual. After finishing, Zhang Hao sipped his after-dinner tea and was about to capture the mage who controlled the civilians to sign the magic contract. The guard outside the door ran in: "Lord My lord, see you from the elders of the Thieves Guild."

The visitor was the nineteenth elder Lu Luxiu. After entering, he sat in Zhang Hao's study with a very excited expression.

Seeing that he is old and knowing that the humans in this world are very sensitive to the taste of tea, Zhang Hao didn't do anything to'treat guests with tea' this time, and asked Fina to get him a cup of mild fruit juice, and then curiously asked: "Elder Lulu Xiu. I don't know what is going on this time?"

"I heard that your lord punished an illegal businessman not long ago?"

Zhang Hao nodded: “Indeed, I don’t understand real estate taxation. However, I still understand that if he follows his approach, Bulu Town’s income may be greatly affected in the future. Speaking of which, there are generally several nobles. A very good assistant assists in territorial governance matters, but I don't know anything about it. Lisi's ability is good, but unfortunately she is lack of skills. The trade union has a wide range of intelligence lines. Is there any suitable person to introduce."

Lelouch’s nineteen eyes lit up: "Your Excellency Alex, I am here for this. Not long ago, you handed over the right to deal with illegal businessmen to the trade union. We are very grateful. At the same time, I and other elders have I have some new ideas, so I came here to discuss with you and see if we can cooperate."

"Please speak." Zhang Hao gestured gently.

Lulu Xiu Nineteen paused for a while, and said softly: "Your Excellency is a noble that was promoted hurriedly by civilians. In terms of manpower and contacts, it can be said that there is a blank. And our thieves' union has more experience in collecting intelligence, and many people think we Thieves can only assassinate, peep, remove traps and other skills, but in fact, because our intelligence content is too much, many thieves themselves have other specialties, and many are also very good at territorial governance, as well as political and economic skills. Many seemingly very advanced skills are actually just ordinary small methods, but outsiders don’t know them. They feel very mysterious."

Zhang Hao nodded: "I see, you mean, you choose a talent to introduce me, then, what price do I have to pay?"

"It doesn't need any price. Our thieves union lacks powerful force now." Lulu Xiu's eyes flashed with expectation: "And your Excellency, you have the most powerful strength among mankind, so I hope that your Excellency can take the time to teach. The talents we sent to you will let them master some special fighting skills."

Zhang Hao thought for a while, and asked: "It sounds good, but I have two questions. First, there are many shortcomings in the management of Bulu Town, but no matter which one, the rights are quite big. How can the labor union be determined? The people who are sent here will not have any special thoughts. Secondly, how far should I teach them to satisfy the union?"

"In terms of loyalty, we will sign a magic contract with Your Excellency." At this point, Lelouch XIX smiled meaningfully: "With such a great magician as Ms. Lisi'er, your Excellency can confirm. The true and false of the contract. Really speaking, it is not that you believe in us, but we believe in your personality."

Zhang Hao spread out his hands in embarrassment. He knew that his behavior was absolutely nothing to hide from the caring people, but being used against the generals did give him a rather weird feeling: "Well, then there is no first. I have a question, but I want to know, what are the conditions for the union to be strong?"

"It can make other unions no longer underestimate us, and it's okay to have any scruples." Lulu Xiu sighed in disappointment: "A few decades ago, the elites of our thieves unions would all be invited to professional leagues held in various countries. Meeting, but now. Not only will we no longer invite us, we will be turned away if we take the initiative to go."

Zhang Hao shook his head, "This condition is too general. Without an accurate definition, it will be difficult to judge by then."

"Our union believes that Alex's character will not let us down."

Indeed, regardless of the thieves’ union, or other unions, or even the royal families of various countries, they have a high evaluation of Zhang Hao, and almost all use the words ‘integrity’ and ‘kindness’. The thieves’ union puts trust entirely on him, and it is not entirely an act of gambling, but more like an investment.

Zhang Hao was actually a little touched by the trust in the thieves’ union. However, it is better to clarify many things: "I will not teach them the real core skills."

"I understand." Lu Lu Xiu nineteen chuckled: "A semi-god powerhouse can definitely not be cast by a secret technique. It must be the combined strength of all aspects to make it possible. Remember my ancestors. Lulu Xiu I once said that the simplest attack is sometimes more effective than the magnificent attribute vindictiveness. He, like your lord, is also a demigod assassin."

"I have also heard of Lelouch I. He is the founder of the Thieves Guild, the first owner of the invisible blade of the divine tool. When can the staff of the trade union come to me to serve?"

Lulu Xiu was overjoyed on the 19th, and it became: "Before tomorrow night, everyone will listen to the order before arriving at the City Lord’s In addition, we plan to organize a hundred-man team of guards in the union. , Is responsible for the security affairs of Bulu Town, please rest assured that the salary of this team is completely reimbursed by our union."

"Then thank the other elders of the union for me."

This is a good thing for a win-win situation, and the Thieves Union did show its sincerity. How could Zhang Hao have any reason to refuse. After hearing that she would take a lot of leisure time in the future, Lisi'er seemed a bit disappointed. It was not that she was reluctant to let go of her power, but that she really liked the feeling of working hard for her lover. She was born to be very lonely without work. type.

After hearing her complaint, Zhang Hao was a little bit dumbfounded.

After staying for a while, Zhang Hao and Lisi'er left the city lord's mansion and rushed to the former town center. Outside the door, they saw the group of soldiers and thieves who had beaten civilians. When they saw Zhang Hao, they all lowered their heads in fear and stepped aside. The two entered the room, and as soon as they saw Shashabi's spiteful cheeks, beside him, there was a female magician sitting calmly.

After seeing her, Zhang Hao and Lisi'er frowned at the same time: This person is Alicia's older sister who went out to experience training.

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