Different positions lead to different results. Zhang Hao thinks that it is nothing for Aviva to bring a base version of the magic array back to her country. But in the eyes of a certain magician branch, it was different.

"The base plate of the magic circle of water gathering is gone?" The middle-aged man behind the desk raised a expressionless face: "When did you find out?"

The middle-aged magician in front of the desk replied, “I discovered it about half an hour ago. Then I investigated Jennifer’s entry and exit records and found a suspicious point. Leave quickly. Jennifer let him into your study at the time, and you seem to be meeting with a big man. The substrate may have been lost at that time."

"It's not just a day or two for Isubiya to have an idea about the base of the water-gathering magical array."

The middle-aged man stood up and tidied his light gray magic robe. He said: "You will inform the branch of Yatar City first, and ask them to help pay attention to the entry and exit of the Isubians. If you encounter a target Subordinates can kill those who match. The princess of Isubia must be captured alive, but it can be seriously injured. It doesn’t matter if the hands or legs are missing. Well, yes, at the same time, I also inform the Leven City branch so that they won’t let them go. Flee in the direction of Snow Country."

The prime-age magician hesitated: "Guild Leader. It hasn't been confirmed if they did it. Doing so will cause unnecessary diplomatic disputes."

"You have someone bring a copy, and after you catch them, you can just stuff them on them." The branch president smiled lightly and seemed very happy: "According to the regulations of the union and the Torres neutral country, we need to assist They arrested some special personnel. How can we fail to fulfill such an important obligation. You should inform them. The sooner you prepare for this, the better."

The middle-aged magician shook slightly, and then exited the study.

"I'm worried that I don't know how to take the next step, but you have delivered it yourself. Izubia, Torres. It will be wonderful if you make a noise."

The horse-drawn carriage galloped on the road, as it did a few days ago, arousing the surprise of caravans or pedestrians on the road. A few desert warriors were struggling to ride behind their horses.

Zhang Hao still looked like an elf, sitting in front of him as a carriage driver, and the atmosphere in the carriage behind him was a little weird. Alicia closed her eyes and fell asleep while Isubia Princess Aviva looked rather uncomfortable. This situation lasted for two days until they reached the outskirts of Leven City.

Because it is a border city, the city wall of Leven City is also quite high, which can be seen from a distance. It was already quite close to the north, and the weather had begun to turn cold. Zhang Hao took out the clothes bought two days ago from Xujiezi and handed it to Alicia. Let her put it on, but the desert princess Aviva on one side was dumbfounded.

She has no travel experience. She always stretches out her hands when clothes and opens her mouth when she eats. I didn't feel anything when I wandered south of the neutral country of Torres before, but now I am approaching the territory of the Snow Country, and I gradually feel cold.

Seeing that Alicia had cold clothes, Ananda thought she would also have a copy, but she never expected to see the other party moving. Although there is a constant temperature magic circle in the carriage, she is not afraid of the cold wind, but she can't stay in the carriage forever Don't come out. Not only her, but the desert soldiers who followed began to feel cold.

Although the warriors have fighting spirit and excellent physique, they are far inferior to the magicians in their ability to adapt to the environment.

Aviva also knows some magic, but she is not proficient. Her magical fluctuations can only support the ability to keep out the cold for about three hours. After the magical power is exhausted, it will cause mental collapse. It's not cost-effective. Generally, the magicians who use magic power to keep out the cold and heat insulation are all at the advanced level or above. Their magic power recovery speed is much faster, enough to offset the consumption of magic power.

In any case, the desert warriors feel that cold is a fact. Aviva is a little worried about the issue of keeping out the cold in the future. Fortunately, Leven City is right in front of you, so you can buy some clothes on the street later.

"Your Excellency, can you give us some time in Levin city later." Aviva poked her head out of the carriage and asked in a negotiated tone: "We need to add some warm clothes."

Zhang Hao looked at her light and very **** clothes, nodded, then turned around blankly and continued to drive the carriage.

"A male elf who doesn't know anything about style." Seeing that Zhang Hao didn't mean to give herself a piece of clothing until now, Aviva felt a little confused. It is the instinct of most women to like to be noticed by men and to be taken care of. Aviva just said that, and didn't mean much to hold grudges.

However, although her voice was low, Alicia still heard her. In any case, her divine bloodline is awakened, and her ears and eyes are not a problem. Upon hearing this, she, who was kind-hearted, wanted Zhang Hao to give Aviva a winter coat to relieve her cold, but now she immediately dispelled the idea.

Kindness belongs to kindness, and her heart is more inclined to defend her own man.

The majestic Levin city wall was in front of him. After paying more than ten copper coins by head, a group of people entered the city. Aviva ordered the desert scimitar warriors to buy warm clothes, and she accompanied Zhang Hao and Alicia to eat in a not luxurious hotel.

The environment of this civilian hotel is fairly clean, but there are a lot of people and noisy. Zhang Hao and Alicia didn't think there was anything, but Aviva seemed very uncomfortable. After all, she was a princess, and the hotel she lived in along the way was also a luxury hotel. Seeing the ordinary people around who looked a little ‘dirty’ back and forth, she had no appetite. After a few bites, he stopped.

It's not that she looks down on civilians, it's just the ‘cleanliness’ that came out of a little spoiled.

Aviva is very beautiful and sexy, but here is the border with the country of feminism and the country of snow. Although seeing Aviva as a desert woman, there is no one who is unhappy with swearing.

After a while, Zhang Hao and Alicia were also full. The two slowly drank the slightly sour juice to aid digestion. After a while, the desert scimitar soldiers also found them, and a few people came in and ordered a lot of meat and ate them. Just when they were about to eat and drink, Zhang Hao suddenly stayed for a while, then frowned.

"Hurry up, trouble is coming."

Alicia believed her man so much, she stood up without saying anything. Aviva and the desert warriors looked questioning. Only a few seconds later, their expressions also turned pale.

Huge magical fluctuations erupted from the north right corner of the city, and instantly swept the entire city. Almost subconsciously, the wartime guard bell rang in the city, and a group of city guards rushed into action. After a meeting, they calmed down. The commander of a certain army appointed four hundred people to help defend the city wall. . Then led the other more than 600 heavy-armored soldiers directly to the Magician Guild.

The street became a mess, Zhang Hao walked ahead, he held Alicia's hand tightly, and the latter followed him step by step, without a trace of panic on his face. The desert princess Aviva rushed up from behind, her expression was very strange: "Your Excellency, was it the great wizard who chased us that day?"

"Don't you remember this kind of magic fluctuating?" Zhang Hao asked as he walked and turned his head, with a strange expression. Even people like him who are not good at magic have memorized this powerful and majestic characteristic, and it makes no sense that a prophet of the other party can't memorize it.

Aviva did not answer. Of course she remembered it, but she couldn't believe it. The other party blocked their retreat so quickly, and now it is almost impossible to leave from here.

The temperature outside was cold, and Aviva shivered all over her body in thin clothing. She didn't know whether it was caused by nervousness or low temperature. The following desert scimitar fighters also looked heavy. It is true that desert soldiers are not afraid of any battle, but they also have the ability to judge strengths and weaknesses. A great wizard, plus a city defender, is a dead end no matter how you look at it.

When he arrived at the place of the carriage outside the hotel, Zhang Hao opened the curtains of the carriage and said, "Aisy, and the princess, you can go in first. It's cold outside."

Alicia smiled lightly and got into the carriage. Aviva stepped onto the cowl of the carriage, turned her head suddenly, bit her white lips, and asked expectantly: "Your Excellency, can we escape?"

Zhang Hao replied indifferently: "Try hard, it's up to you."

Facing Zhang Hao's ambiguous answer, Aviva felt infinite despair. She sat in the carriage in a daze, thinking about what might happen after being caught by Torres Neutral. She tried to imagine the situation, the more she thought about it, the colder she thought, and finally she gave up thinking when she couldn't bear it.

Only then did she realize that the carriage was slowly moving forward, and when the question was about to arise, she saw Alicia sitting opposite, with a calm expression on her face.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Aviva looked at her incredulously. Although the opponent was most likely a legendary sword dancer, she encountered a great wizard standing on top of her strength. It's not an opponent either.

Alicia smiled softly: "He will solve it."

Aviva didn't understand, where did the other party have such strong self-confidence. Seeing Alicia's affectionate eyes, she couldn't help but retort: ​​"I mean, in case, in case your husband can't solve it. "

Alicia just smiled and said nothing. Aviva felt that she was slapped empty and her heart was uncomfortable, but then she found that although she looked at the other person’s confident and cheerful expression very unhappy, but somehow, her mood was calmer, fear and other emotions. As if moving away from his body~www.readwn.com~ the carriage suddenly stopped moving, and Zhang Hao's voice came in from outside the carriage: "It seems that we can't get out. The defense is very tight."

Avivara drove the curtain and found the carriage parked under a big tree. It is very close to the city gate, but through the gaps between the leaves, you can see the city gate and the city wall, guarded by many soldiers who are waiting.

There are a lot fewer residents scurrying in the streets, and most of them return to their homes. In this case, most people will subconsciously think that their nest is a safe place.

Aviva struggled with the last glimmer of hope in her heart, gritted her teeth and asked Zhang Hao, "Sir, do you have anything to do."

"Try hard, it's man-made."

Still the same answer, in an indifferent appearance, Aviva felt the darkness of despair really enveloped herself. She recalled her prediction: This trip was full of surprises.

She has now begun to doubt whether her prediction is really accurate.

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