Chapter 1229: He Likes Him (14)

Xia Ling controlled his diet and couldn't eat that much.

However, Ms. Jin's caring breakfast is not the same as the milk tea delivered by Gu Shi. Xia Ling is reluctant to throw it. of

"The breakfast near my house is very good, you just taste it."

Xia Ling smiled and said, took out the warm breakfast without seeing it, and stuffed it into Sheng Fei's hands.

Soy milk and churros are tasteless even when eaten in a public car.

Sheng Fei looked down and looked at this loving breakfast package.

The fried dough sticks are fried deep-fried small fried dough sticks, the soy milk is pure white sealed cup of soy milk, and there is a Jinqing refueling pattern specially customized by Jin Mama.

Looking at the girl sideways, Jin Qing's round and tender face looked soft and very harmless. She gave him breakfast and the girl took out a post-it note from her bag.

Sheng Fei glanced at it, it seemed that the words were copied in the book, and she was very motivated to memorize the words while taking the bus in the morning ...

She seems to be different from other girls.

Sheng Fei's eyes were a little soft, holding the breakfast bag, and opened the warm breakfast.

"Thank you……"

Thanks gently, if it wasn't for Xia Ling's ear strength, she wouldn't hear the thank you.

She looked at him, and Sheng Fei bowed down for breakfast. Although it was in public, he didn't make any sounds.

A slight smile drew from her lips, and Xia Ling looked back.

Although she didn't say it, the teenager sitting beside her was still like a small alert animal.

She could scare him a little bit.


In the first middle school, Xia Ling and Sheng Fei got off the bus together.

Xia Ling intentionally delayed, and distanced himself from Shengfei.

The girls in the school were very concerned about Sheng Fei, and Xia Ling didn't want the rumors to spread so early.

Slowly, she looked at Sheng Fei's back.

The tall and handsome figure of the boy walked halfway above the others in the crowd. Whether it was long legs or temperament, Sheng Fei was carrying a school bag, and it was all cool and cold in all respects.

Xia Ling appreciated for a while, and suddenly saw Sheng Fei stop by the road.

When Xia Ling came to his side, Sheng Fei slowly started to walk.

I don't know if he did it on purpose, but Xia Ling did move forward with him.

Xia Ling looked at him. Sheng Fei walked slowly and slowly. After waiting for her, he did not mean to speak with her while walking.

Xia Ling smiled.

Sheng Fei can wait for her, Xia Ling is already in a good mood.


The two walked together without speaking, Sheng Fei Junxiu was cold and Xia Ling was white and slightly fat.

The two walked together like a handsome little tree, with a slightly oval ball next to it.

This way from the school gate to the teaching building, their combination attracted many people's attention, but not many people think of this combination to fall in love.

Jin Qing was still very famous in the middle school. At first she was a colleague and some people saw her sitting in the car.

However, when Gu Shi clarified that they are neighbors, and it is impossible to like this kind of chubby girl, Jin Qing was defined as a follow-up chubby girl in No. 1 Middle School.

And Sheng Fei, he is the flower of Kao Ling in the first middle school.

The pretty senior high school junior high school student is so beautiful that when she walks on the road, someone will ask her if she wants to sign an artist contract to debut, and she confessed to Shengfei that she was still rejected.

The one who walked with the class fat girl and the flower of Gao Ling, the most talked about is, how did the little fat girl see the wind to make the rudder enough?

(End of this chapter)

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