Chapter 1234: He Likes Him (19)

From Xia Ling's side, the relationship between her and Sheng Fei is clear and reasonable.

Teachers throughout the school know that Sheng Fei has excellent talents, and he just won the national Olympic runner-up before the high school.

The teachers who knew the situation were very sorry for Sheng Fei.

With Shengfei's qualifications at the time, his family allowed him to participate in some Olympic training classes. Shengfei may not only be a runner-up, but also a champion.

He suffers from deficits and sees fewer types of questions. He has not been instructed by his teacher.

Such a good seed, no one can bear to see him grow crooked, so when hearing rumors of Sheng Fei's early love, teacher Zhang of class 10 immediately went to class 2, and asked class class teacher 2 to find out about the situation.

Xia Ling's class teacher, seeing Mr. Zhang asked nothing, and then spoke.

"Okay, Jin Qing, the teacher has a general understanding. Go back and study for yourself."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Xia Ling exited from the office.


After school in the evening.

Xia Ling followed the flow of people and came to the bus stop.

Gu picked up to protect Qi Mei.

Xia Ling went home by herself, and she followed the crowd into the bus.

This time she got on the car late, there was no place on the car. The whole car was like a canned box, and she and other students holding the handrails were like sardines squeezed in a can.

The car started quickly, and Xia Ling stood, looking at the night scene of the city passing by the window.

When he got on the bus this time, Xia Ling had already seen Sheng Fei.

He was wearing a headset, sitting in a single seat by the window, looking sideways to the window.

The black schoolbag was on his lap, and in this crowded bus, only he was calm and quiet.

Not only Xia Ling, all the girls who were on the station saw it.

The girls looked secretly, and none dared to approach.

Xia Ling was pushed back and forth by the crowd until she noticed that she was close to Sheng Fei.

The bus was suddenly braked when someone suddenly rushed out of the zebra crossing in front of the car and was almost caught in the bottom of the car.

The people in the car were all together, and Xia Ling was holding the armrests to be the group that adjusted her center of gravity the fastest.

However, a warm hand suddenly struck the wrist of her other hand.

"Classmate, there is a place here, you can sit down."

Sheng Fei's tone was flat, just like Xia Ling's life, but he held on to the power of Xia Ling's wrist but remained calm.

Xia Ling was pressed halfway by Sheng Fei and placed on his seat.

And she looked up, and saw in front of him the slender figure of the boy half.

Grasp the handrail with one hand and the schoolbag with the other.

Sheng Fei stood where Xia Ling stood.

He looked dull, as if he had given up his seat to Xia Ling, doing only trivial things.

"Thank you." Xia Ling looked up at him, and said lowly.

Sheng Fei nodded Xia Ling a little, and accepted her thanks.


The bus bypassed the pedestrian and continued on.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Fei would even give a seat to the girls.

The girls who had previously avoided Sheng Fei didn't dare to approach, looked at Xia Ling who was seated in Sheng Fei's seat.

Xia Ling sat there, bearing tens of thousands of tons of jealousy, holding a schoolbag on his lap, and just like Sheng Fei just cast his eyes out the window.

Bus stop announcements.

Fewer people in the car.

Gradually vacated the station.

Seeing that the stop sign near Xia Ling's house was coming, she stood up.

Gaze at Sheng Fei, he smiled at Sheng Fei, turned around behind him, and reached the door of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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