The Devil King of Fast Wear was a Little Sweet

Chapter 864: cv is a tear-wrapped ghost (2)

Chapter 864: Cv Is a Tears-wrapped Ghost (2)

Mu Rou is hidden in the dark, and usually speaks to others, using only false sounds.

Her original voice is soothing and gentle, and it sounds a bit like Xiaohua's, so the drama of Xiaohua's dubbing is just right.

After signing the contract to buy out the voice, she could not speak in her own voice in any public place. As long as she was found to be the master of the voice, Mu Rou had to pay a huge penalty.

Forced helplessly, Mu Rou had to live with pseudophonic sounds.

Her false tone is a loli.

Some sweet waxy loli sounds, accompanied by her sister-in-law's appearance, are even more stigmatizing.

In reality, Mu Rou can only reduce the number of talks in school, and is dissipated into a pretense.

In the network, when I found 5sing and pia play, Xirou found a place to let myself go.

In these two places, she can alternate her voice with a fairness.

Even if the original sound is returned, others will only praise her when they listen to it. The sound is like a certain star!


Mu Rou was oppressed, and suddenly turned into a senior.

This year, she graduated, worked, applied for an editor on a website, and worked as an employee.

From her sophomore year to graduation, her contract with Xiaohua also expired.

Xiaohua's agent signed the contract with her. This time, Mu Rou carefully looked at the contract and solemnly signed her name.

However, Xiaohua did not intend to let her go.

In the gap between the pages, they moved their hands and feet, added a contract with a small font, and the color of the font was very light. If you don't look carefully, you can't see what the word is.

There is no doubt that Mu Rou has been ritualized again.

Xiaohua has now become a big flower, with a continuous stream of traffic and endorsements. Under her hands, she has a better choice of dubbing. Mu Rou is a discarded pawn.

But even if this piece is used up, Xiaohua doesn't intend to let it go.

She signed Mu Rou as an artist and gave her a lot of scripts. These third-rate scripts may play 18-star stars, and there will be no ratings at all.

However, they can abolish Murou's throat.

Under the threat of contract, Mu Rou has to do a lot of dubbing work in addition to work every day.

For the longest time, she worked in a small shed for ten hours without stopping.

After that day, her tonsils were so swollen that she couldn't say a word, and she was suspended from the hospital for three days.


In the CV circle, Mu Rou is a hidden god. Her ancient songs and her pia play are amazing, reaching the standard of the top gods in the circle.

However, she never took on business, never appeared or attended any occasion.

On one day, Mu Rou suffered a car accident on her way home and died on the spot.

After her death, police officers investigated the matter and issued a police announcement.

A sharp eye recognized Mu Rou, and compared Mu Ro's traces in the cv circle, dug out the identity of Xirou CV circle.

At that time, all her voice fans in the CV circle lit candles on Weibo.

The well-known front-line big flower, reposted Weibo, tears said that he and Mu Rou have been friends for many years, but Mu Rouying died young.

The sound fans have turned the traffic flow.

Mu Rou, an orphan, was dealt with by frontline agents.

Before dying, there will be a wave of heat in the big flower, Mu Rou died without staring.


The demon Lord Xia Ling is about to attack this time is a film emperor in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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