On the desolate battlefield, a breeze blew by, taking away the last trace of smoke.

The glorious composite temple that originally stood gloriously on the earth has now mostly disappeared.

The temple of the wind god Shu, the temple of the rain god Nut, the temple of the sky god Nephnut, the temple of the earth god Geb... The rest of the combined temples were basically destroyed in the attack from Nitocris, only The main hall of the remaining temples, the tall pyramid representing the sun god Ra, still stands here, having survived an attack so terrible that it could overturn the continent.

This is the limit of what Ozymandias can do.

Although the Radiant Composite Temple has a defense capability of" against Sovereignty", the attack from Nitocris's ultimate Noble Phantasm is so powerful that Ozymandias must focus all his defense power on it. In the main hall, this ensured that the glorious composite temple was not completely destroyed.

As long as the main temple exists and most of the combat power of the Glory Composite Grand Temple exists, he has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

As the saying goes, what arrogant people despise most is people who are more arrogant than themselves; what arrogant people hate most is people who are more arrogant than themselves.

Facing the Noble Phantasm attack that Ozymandias was proud of, Nitocris made the most resolute counterattack - the same Noble Phantasm mode with inherent enchantment, which was exactly the same from Egyptian mythology and History, but a more powerful force, was like the tip of a knife piercing Ozymandias's heart, causing his blood to surge and his anger to surge. At the same time, his mood was still more in disbelief.

It was him who was known as the king of kings and the incarnation of the god Ra. He was in disbelief when he saw a pharaoh who was stronger than himself.

Normally, Ozymandias would not mind using the pharaoh's calmness to fight and chase this more powerful pharaoh, compete with her, and prove his strength.

But now, he can't do this.

Because of the instructions from Gaia, and also because of my own situation.

Gaia's order forced him to confront Nitocris, who was also the pharaoh, with swords and a quick battle. Nitocris's revenge made him even have the power of destruction at this time.

As an inherent barrier, the power of the Noble Phantasm of the Divine City of Memphis comes not only from history itself, but also from myths, beliefs, and legends.

Therefore, the inherent barrier summoned by Nitocris did not simply intercept the royal capital Memphis and her army from the history of Egypt, but added the legendary Memphis and mythology on this basis. Memphis in...

As the saying goes - heroic spirits are the noblest fantasy.

Ye Ting's heroic spirit transformation magic is actually to arm real people with fantasy, sublimating from"people" in this world to"people" in myths and legends.

Generally speaking, the achievements of heroic spirits in history are not as good as the settings in myths and legends. The stability, the breadth of the spread of the legend, etc. will all affect the strength of the heroic spirit. As a pharaoh who is unparalleled and unparalleled in Egyptian history, Nitocris's"Eternal Sun Empire" can compete with Glory on the first level. If the Composite Grand Temple wants to compete with it, opening it to the second floor is enough to scare Ozymandias.

Yes, this pharaoh, who had always been proud and even looked down upon the gods, actually felt fear at this moment.

This fear is not just the instinct of creatures. Because of the divine origin, Ozymandias is instinctive whether he is part of the"god" as a descendant of Ra or part of the"human" as the king of mortals. Feeling afraid of Nitocris.

Although this emotion only appeared for a moment, when he realized this, he immediately felt proud and angry.

As Pharaoh, how could he be afraid?

The boss's blood-red eyes were wide open, and his mind was completely filled with rage, but this anger actually made him calm down.

The angrier he gets, the calmer he becomes. This is what makes him a wise king.

If Moses, his close friend, were here, he would surely understand that Ramesses II was the strongest in this state.

"I will defeat you!"

In the temple, Ozymandias squeezed out a sentence seriously.

"I have already witnessed the artillery fire of your kingly power. Yu admits that as a pharaoh, you are indeed better than Yu. In this regard, Yu is willing to call you the strongest.

"But I will still defeat you, not as a king, but as the embodiment of God on earth——"

As he spoke, the pharaoh finally walked out of the temple.

No longer hiding behind the temple's defenses and trying to survive, but showing the courage to confront Nitocris head-on.

""I am Ozymandias," the pharaoh said as he walked forward.

"I am the glorious sun, the largest and most powerful Pharaoh. Nothing is impossible for Pharaoh on earth! All things and phenomena are within the palm of my hand!!"

Behind him, the great pyramid representing the temple of Ra suddenly began to bloom with golden light, like a burning sun. The sun in the sky, the radiance combined with the great temple and the divine capital Memphis, for a time, on the battlefield It's like there are three suns existing at the same time

"Almighty God, witness Yu’s great deeds! Bow down! With infinite brilliance, the sun god will come here!"

The brilliance of the sun has already submerged the temple, and the powerful temple disappeared without a trace as if it had become the fuel of the sun.

"That temple... was sacrificed?!"Seeing the change at a glance, Nitocris lost her voice.

She couldn't imagine that for the sake of victory, this junior pharaoh could actually make such a sacrifice.

That was his most powerful Noble Phantasm and his trump card. , to say that I don’t want it anymore.

Of course, this does not mean that the Noble Phantasm will disappear permanently. The original information of the Noble Phantasm will always exist on the Seat of Heroic Spirits. What is being sacrificed now is just a backup.

In other words, in this appearance, Ozymandias can no longer use this Noble Phantasm.

"After sacrificing such a powerful Noble Phantasm, what on earth was he going to do?"

Thinking of this, Nitocris immediately became alert.

She stared at Ozymandias in front of her, not wanting to let go of any detail.

She saw the sun that was born as a result of the sacrifice in the temple drifting towards Ozymandias himself, and then became one with him.

Ramesses II, submerged in the sun.

From him, Nitocris suddenly felt a familiar power

"That is...the power of God the Father!"

As the ultimate treasure of Ozymandias, each temple in the Radiant Composite Temple contains part of the power of the corresponding god. As the garden of the gods, Egypt has many gods, and the temples are equivalent to gods. How many mysteries can the king's Ozymandias wield, and what is shown here is only a part of his many powers.

But now, he has sacrificed the main temple on behalf of Ra, and has been endowed with powerful powers from the real The power of the sun god.

That is Ozymandias, as an exceptional level heroic spirit, the original power, the essential power.

This is the"mythical gift"._

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