As ether replaced true ether as the foundation of earth's magic, the era of gods ruling the earth finally officially came to an end.

The surface of the earth that has lost the true ether has completely cut off the basis for the birth of gods. It can be said that after the annihilation of the gods in the mortal world, except for the two major island countries that still have remnants of the age of gods, the main land in this world has been completely lost. The soil where gods were born, human beings have lost the greatest restraint above their heads, and the glorious era of human reason is about to come.

Of course, it was the brilliance of human ethics under Ye Ting's rule.

As the true co-owner of mankind and the emperor who rules the world, Ye Ting has only two tasks.

First, monitor the development of human science and wait for the official birth of Alaya.

Second, continue to develop the Qin Empire and push it to prosperity.

In fact, except for the mainland of China, the rest of the human beings on the earth are just newly attached people. Compared with the loyal old Qin people and the completely assimilated people of the Six Nations, these newly attached people have no regard for him. Enough loyalty and obedience - Da Qin is still a conqueror to them.

And without the loyalty and surrender of all mankind, Ye Ting would not be able to truly control Alaya.

According to Ye Ting's research, with the current level of prosperity of human science, there are only less than a hundred years left before the birth of Alaya. During this period, Ye Ting needs to use governance methods to fully make all the conquered people fully recognize the Great Qin. rule and remain loyal to him.

In fact, this is not difficult. After all, it has been nearly a hundred years. In this era, it looks like four or five generations, or even more.

Ye Ting believes that with the advanced production and living standards of the Qin Dynasty that are thousands of years ahead of the times, it can easily win the sincere attachment of the people who previously lived a primitive life.

In fact, in the eyes of most of the conquered people, the conquerors from Da Qin were regarded as god-like beings.

They ride steel-covered mounts, hold artifacts that can spit thunder and fire, and are omnipotent in heaven and sea.

The place they live in is the city of gods. It is an ingenious steel jungle with buildings as tall as mountains and a fairyland-like clean and tidy environment. Everywhere is filled with delicacies like nectar, dragon liver and phoenix marrow. Their daily work Most of them can use"artifacts" to do their job and live like gods.

If you ask them if they are willing to join these men of God and live the same life as them, of course they are willing.

Individual die-hards and fanatics are exceptions.

But these die-hards and fanatical believers have lost the gods they believe in, so they are like water without roots, unable to make much waves among the crowd.

So, after the Qin Dynasty conquered various countries in the world, the era of vigorous construction came.

The earth in this era is no better than in the 21st century. In this era, the world's population is less than 200 million, and the population of the original Great Qin is only comparable to that under Ye Ting's management.

With a population of less than 200 million, the required living area and the number of cities are far less than those in the 21st century. With the help of magic technology and the population diversion of Mars, not as much has been built as imagined.

But this still took the Qin Empire about ten years.

In these ten years, countless new cities sprang up all over the world in the lands conquered by Qin. Railways and highways connected the entire world. At the same time, the development of new cities was carried out for the newly conquered people. Education popularization work.

After all, just relying on these ancient people to break into the modern world, they can't even do coolie work - such work is usually left to machines in Great Qin.

Let's put it this way, if they don't have enough education, these newly attached people won't even be considered a labor force in Da Qin.

With the popularization of education, these more than 100 million newly-attached people are finally able to gradually adapt to the modern life under magical technology, and can also join this society as a labor force, relying on their own abilities to support themselves. Daqin's labor force has finally increased rapidly..

However, compared to the Qin people who have adapted to the emerging magic technology, all they can do is the lowest and hardest work.

But this is enough. Even the lowest standard of living in modern times, in their opinion, far exceeds the enjoyment of feudal nobles.

And as these newly attached people formally integrated into the Qin society, the original Qin people ushered in a class jump one after another.

Even the ordinary workers and farmers who were originally at the bottom of Da Qin society were considered high-level intellectuals compared to these newly attached people.

Ten years ago, a large number of adventurous Qin people responded to the call of the First Emperor and set out from China to all over the world to help these newly attached people build cities, educate them, and teach them knowledge and skills.

In the process, they reaped massive rewards.

Ten years later, these Qin people became the real owners of the new city, and the original indigenous people here became their workers and employees, providing them with labor.

After all, in terms of knowledge level and understanding of modern society, how can these new people surpass the Qin people who have adapted to this society for decades? If they want to upgrade from the most basic labor force to intellectual workers or even capitalists, most of the newly-affiliated people simply do not have that level. This is something that only the Qin people can do - this is the first-mover advantage of the Qin people.

Back then, the old Qin people used this first-mover advantage to exploit the people of the six countries. Now all the Qin people use this method to exploit people of other races.

Therefore, through advanced science and technology, culture, as well as economic and political means, Da Qin easily completed the rule and assimilation of these newly attached people.

To put it harshly, there is slavery.

This process is somewhat similar to the process of European colonists dominating the indigenous people in the Age of Discovery, but it is gentler.

After all, compared to slavery in the feudal era and the slave era, capitalist slavery is more subtle and silent.

Although the Qin Empire had a law that everyone under the emperor was equal, legal equality did not mean substantive equality. After all, compared to the foreigners who have just emerged from feudal life, the Qin people have been"civilized people" for many years. They are all handsome, tall, and wise. They have created a brilliant civilization. Today, He also shared the spread of this civilization with the foreign races who had been living in dire straits.

How can such a Qin person not be admired?

In fact, there is now a wave of advocating Da Qin culture and worshiping Da Qin people among all the ethnic groups of the Xinfu people - even they themselves can now call themselves Qin people - everyone is expected to learn Da Qin Mandarin well and know how to speak it. It is a pride to write Xiaozhuan. Everyone loves Qin people’s festivals and wears Qin people’s traditional costumes.

In contrast, their own culture represents feudalism and decadence and deserves to be spurned.

Their men regard the appearance of Da Qin people as beautiful and hope to dress themselves up as Qin people, and their women are eager to marry Da Qin men..._

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