Ye Ting naturally had his intention in arranging the so-called"Twelve Golden Men" to guard the zodiac signs in synchronous orbits.

Although the orbit of the earth is already covered with rail guns, which can cause precise strikes to every corner of the earth at any time, rail guns alone are not enough.

The railgun itself can only serve as a strategic deterrent to the ground. Once activated, it can only cause devastating consequences.

But more tasks must be handled by the"Twelve Golden Men", also known as Gundam.

This is like artillery to infantry.

Although artillery is the king of modern warfare, real occupation and non-destructive security warfare still rely on infantry.

And these"Twelve Golden Men" were arranged by Ye Ting, a real-time deployment of power by the Qin army.

Being in geosynchronous orbit, as long as Moonce11 detects that any corner of the earth requires the Qin army's power, the"Twelve Golden Men" located in geosynchronous orbit can be activated immediately.

Compared with the ordinary Qin army that sets off from the Daqin military base and takes several hours to reach its destination via ground, air and sea vehicles, the Twelve Golden Man system wants to drop the Gundam to any corner of the earth, and the time required is only In less than an hour, the end is much faster and more efficient.

The Twelve Golden Men based on magic technology, plus"weapons derived from raw materials""、"kill"、"Supported by the concept of"destruction", its combat effectiveness is much more powerful than those"Gundams" from other worlds based on technology.

Moreover, under the influence of magic, these Gundams also possess various functions that scientific products cannot have - such as complete consciousness control, For example, the enlargement and reduction of body size, etc.

In addition, as a weapon stationed in the"Zodiac", it is also equipped with corresponding conceptual weapons. The earliest names of the Zodiac come from the twelve earthly branches of China. Western astronomy also has such a pedigree, which are:

Aries in the Palace of Fortune, Taurus in the Palace of Wealth and Silk, Gemini in the Palace of Brothers, Cancer in the Palace of Farm and Home, Leo in the Palace of Children, Virgo in the Palace of Servants, Libra in the Marriage Palace, Scorpio in the Palace of Disasters, and Sagittarius in the Palace of Migration. , Capricorn in the Official Palace, Aquarius in the Fortune Palace, and Pisces in the Secret Palace.

Through the magic of the two sets of celestial pedigrees in the East and West, the twelve golden people are armed with concepts representing these twelve houses, and these twelve houses contain All the life nodes that the people living in Daqin can encounter. Therefore, with the power of spiritual veins and celestial phenomena, this conceptual weapon of the zodiac gives Gundam powerful power - not only the owner has the highest ability to destroy the continent , and has an almost immortal concept of defense.

Of course, in addition to the Twelve Golden People, Great Qin also established many other great armed forces and creations.

One of them is Xianyang, the capital of Qin.

As the capital of Great Qin, Xianyang was as early as the era of the Six Kingdoms. It was built into the first floating city of the Qin Dynasty. It traveled around the world as the capital of Qin. In addition, the core of the political power of the Qin Dynasty did not need to be geographically limited, which enhanced the centralization of the central government.

With the unification of Kyushu and the conquest of the world, Xianyang It is no longer the only floating city. There are other cities that have completed the transformation of floating cities either for commercial reasons or for political reasons. However, the status of Xianyang, the capital of Qin, is still irreplaceable.

This is the imperial capital of Great Qin. Like a near-Earth satellite, it circles the earth, the empire's territory, day after day, month after month, on a quarterly basis, to ensure that the entire world is under its control.

However, as the Xian Qin Empire expands in the middle of the solar system, Tuotu, one day, even Xianyang, which is a floating city and can patrol the world, will not be enough to serve as the capital of Qin.

Therefore, it is urgent to build a new capital that can exist in the sky and patrol various planets.

This The new capital is the"Afang Palace" that has always existed in Da Qin's plan.

The prototype is Uranus, the giant ship of the Greek Mechatronic civilization.

With the development of Da Qin's technology, and with the help of the supercomputer Moone11, this country has mastered It has acquired the skills of space megastructure.

In fact, the most difficult thing about building space megastructure is not the engineering and materials difficulties, but how to coordinate and plan this ultra-large project.

If you want to complete this large-scale man-made project on a planetary scale, The complexity of architecture is unimaginable. Ordinary civilizations and countries cannot accomplish this great feat in design alone without tens of thousands or even billions of engineers working together and without an ultra-efficient overall planning system. However

, Ye Ting has Moonc11.

This is a supercomputer that can deduce the entire solar system on its own. It is more than enough to calculate and design giant structures on a planetary scale.

Daqin only needs to invest manpower and material resources step by step according to Moonce11's instructions and complete the construction.

And the Afang Palace that Ye Ting wants to build - or Uranus, is basically an"orbital residential station""+"Colossus"+""Titan Battleship" is a complex that has three functions: residence, conventional space movement and combat, and planet-destroying super weapon.

In order to build Afang Palace, the entire Daqin went through the efforts of three generations and spent a full fifty years, almost All the resources collected from Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and other planets during this period were consumed, and about half of the productivity of the Qin Dynasty in the past fifty years.

And the achievements of the entire Qin Dynasty were also remarkable.

There is a Fu of Afang Palace that praised:"Six Wang Bi, the world is one; Shushan Wu, Afang comes out. It was covered for more than three hundred miles and isolated from the sky. Lishan is built in the north and turns west, going straight to Xianyang. The two rivers flowed into the palace wall. Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to the pavilion; the waist of the corridor is unobtrusive, and the eaves and teeth are high; everyone is holding on to the terrain and fighting each other. Panpanyan, Huanyanyan, honeycomb water vortex, I don't know how many tens of millions of them have fallen! The long bridge is lying on the waves, what's the point? If you return to the Tao and walk in the sky, what will happen if you don’t fly? highI am confused and don't know east or west. The singing stage is warm and the spring light is warm; the dance hall is cold and the wind and rain are miserable. Within one day, between one house, but the climate is not uniform


The following is the translation: The monarchs of the six countries of ancient Northern Europe, ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, ancient Aztecs, ancient India, and ancient Persia all perished. The four oceans of the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic Ocean, and Indian Ocean were all unified; the craters of the planet Already dug out, Afang Palace was built and took off.

The huge shadow covered more than three hundred miles of land, separating the sky and the earth. The north-south Lishan Mountain curves westward under the influence of the gravity generated by the huge mass of Afang Palace, pointing towards Xianyang. The anti-gravity water storage system will suck enough water to fill the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers into the protective wall of Afang Palace. This will be enough for use.

Inside Epang Palace, there is a tall building almost five steps away, and a lookout pavilion ten steps away. The guidance system in the Epang Palace allows it to shuttle between the gravity corridors of the star like a ribbon. The rail guns and other weapons on the top of the Epang Palace are staggered like canine teeth, pointing high to the outside; the command in the Epang Palace The officials are all heroic spirits, working on their own affairs and scheming with each other.

Wormholes and space rifts circled and intertwined around Afang Palace. Countless frigates of Afang Palace surged out like bees from a hive, as if spinning in the water vortex. There were millions of them.

At this time, a space-time tunnel opened in the space in front of the battleship. Why was there something like a long dragon inside? It turns out that the King of Qin opened a number of space-time tunnels to conduct wormhole navigation. Why is there a rainbow? Because the collapse of space causes irregular refraction of light, it is completely impossible to tell the direction from west to east in the wormhole.

(In addition to the military, the civilian technology in Afang Palace is also quite advanced and luxurious.) The singers on the getai are afraid of the cold. The climate simulation system on the getai makes the entire interior of Afang Palace seem to be filled with spring sunshine; the dancers in the dance hall are afraid of the heat. When the tide is high, an artificial system is used to cause rainfall. In one day, the interior of a battleship can simulate a variety of weather conditions


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