The magic of designing time and space is powerful and dangerous.

Time and space are the basis for the existence of the world, but compared with other elements that make up time, time and space are always hidden behind the scenes and have nothing to do with ordinary life.

But world and space spells are too convenient, and certain time and space spells are quite commonly used by magicians.

But that's all an ordinary magician can do.

Only the most talented mages can delve into the principles of time and space, and they will come into contact with the most dangerous and wonderful aspects of time and space.

But even these mages cannot freely control time and space - after all, the structure of creatures living in three dimensions is not suitable for higher-level powers.

No matter how proficient the magician is in time and space, he will be repelled by the space after using [Flash Technique] two or three times in a row. If he continues to use it forcefully, he will either be ejected from the cracks in the space, or he will be crushed by the highly repulsive space.

No matter how powerful the magician is, he will feel tremendous nausea when passing through the time and space tunnel constructed by time and space spells such as [Portal], because humans themselves are not a species adapted to navigation in four dimensions or even higher dimensions. This is not the case with humans at all. transferred by will.

The only exception is Ye Ting.

The sea of ​​time and space, as the sum of all possible worlds, the eleven-dimensional ultimate universe, gave Ye Ting, who accidentally fell into it, a powerful talent of time and space, allowing him to come and go freely in the cracks and whirlpools of any time and space.

And this time it's the same.

The distortions in the time and space tunnel that were incomprehensible to human senses could not make him feel any discomfort at all, and the impact of the tunnel itself on the human body could not hurt him at all. After a moment of twists and turns, Ye Ting finally discovered that he had appeared in a strange place. , but belongs to three-dimensional space.

He finally landed and arrived within the world.

However, the next moment, he realized that his landing spot might not be very good.

Only a few dim torches provided a little light in the dark room. It was surrounded by steel fences, and behind it was a wall made of rough stones. On top of the wall, which was more than one person tall, there was only a 30 centimeter square. The solitary opening can see the sky outside. Coupled with the messy and wet straw underfoot and the fishy smell mixed with feces all around... it was obvious that this should be a prison cell.

He was just here for the first time, and this cell was certainly not prepared for him. The owner of the cell, the unlucky man, was sitting at his feet.

Although he had never seen one before, Ye Ting recognized the race of the girl in front of him at a glance - obviously, she was a Draenei imprisoned in a prison.

The signal for help seemed to come from the girl in front of him.

Thinking of this, Ye Ting's brain started to work crazily.

According to the basic rules of time jump, unless it is a creature with a high-dimensional existence such as the Bronze Dragon or Tokisaki Kurumi, two of the same person cannot appear at the same time. This law naturally applies to Ye Ting himself, so the time of his current existence cannot be the years of the Azeroth War.

Through the only small window in the prison, Ye Ting could see the night sky. Although there were not many places he could see, Ye concluded that this was not Azeroth based on the few visible giant planets in the sky.

As a solid planet, Azeroth's atmosphere is much thicker than that of the planet in front of us. The starry sky that can be seen is similar to that of the Earth. All the stars are just twinkling dots. The only one visible to the naked eye is"Ms. White""、""Little Blue Boy". But these are obviously not them.

Combined with the unlucky Draenei around him, Ye Ting concluded that there is a 99% chance that the planet he is on at this time is Draenor.

So, today's Delaney At what point in time should Llanor be?

This requires reference to the history of the Draenei.

A long time ago, the Draenei were once called the Eredar. They were a type of people with a high degree of talent in spellcasting. A race that lived on the planet Argus millions of years ago, the Eredar were famous for their study of arcane magic. The

Eredar at that time were led by three leaders full of wisdom and power - Kilgar Dan, Archimonde, and Velen. They created a great civilization and lived peacefully in their own world.

However, one day, everything changed.

The Dark Titan Sargeras broke the tranquility of Argus. He promised endless knowledge and power to the eredar. The eredar, hungry for knowledge, accepted his gift, were baptized by evil energy, and became a member of the Burning Legion.

Only the prophet Velen foresaw this. At one point, with the help of the Holy Light Life Naaru, he led some tribesmen to escape from Argus in a spaceship.

They were later called the Draenei, meaning"exiles", and Draenor was one of these exiles. The Exiles' new habitat is also their second home. In fact, in the Draenei language, Draenor means"Exile's Refuge."

For hundreds of years, the Draenei have lived in Draenei. No lived in harmony with the orcs, the original inhabitants of the area, until the minions of the Burning Legion found them again. After the orcs were also corrupted by the Burning Legion and formed the primitive tribes, the draenei were massacred. Under the leadership of Velen , the Draenei hid. In the end, the Horde opened the Dark Portal and launched an expedition to Azeroth behind the door, and failed. Even Draenor became famous because of the huge explosion of the Dark Portal. It is the broken star of [Outland].

When the Dark Portal opened again, Outland fell into war, and the draenei took the opportunity to escape from Draenor on the Exodar, the companion ship of the Naaru Fortress Storm Fortress, and finally crashed in Ai. Near the Blue Island on the west coast of Kalimdor, the planet of Xerath.

In addition, in the real history of Warcraft, due to the accident caused by the bronze dragon, there was a parallel world of Draenor, and the orcs in that world were not destroyed. The Burning Legion was successfully corrupted, but instead developed into a powerful [Iron Horde] under the intervention of a certain time-traveling orc. In Draenor, that parallel world, there are also traces of the Draenei.

Because Draenor is After it was broken into Outland, the gravity generated by the planet that lost a lot of mass could hardly bind the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere in Outland to be very thin. As Draenor in Outland mode was exposed to the void, the magic elements of the entire planet were extremely violent and chaotic..

At this time, the magic elements that Ye Ting felt were very harmonious, comparable to those of Azeroth. Obviously, Draenor at this time was still Draenor.

Based on various evidences, Ye Ting found out from the history of Draenor A large period of time has been ruled out. At this time, he was either in Draenor before the Dark Portal opened, or he existed in Draenor in a parallel world. The last evidence was his summoner, who was next to him This girl who sends out signals has the luck of being the chosen one.

In the entire draenei race, there are many powerful male draenei, such as the great prophet Velen, the defender Maraad, the broken Akama, etc... But the only female draenei who is said to be the Chosen One Ni, there is only one person.

That is the chosen protagonist of the entire parallel world of Draenor. He has the template of a protagonist. He has risen from an ordinary Draenei priest all the way to Archbishop and finally defeated the major bosses of the Burning Legion. The winner in life - Yrel, known as"Slutty Hoof".

But her protagonist template only exists in Draenor in the parallel world. She never appeared in history in the main timeline. She probably died early in the orc attack.

Referring to the deep gloom in the fate of the protagonist of the girl in front of him, Ye Ting can conclude that this girl is Yrel in the normal timeline, and the time point at this time is approximately the time when the Dark Portal opens. To be more specific, it is approximately What Dark Portal looked like 4 or 3 years before


In my opinion, the version of Warlords of Draenor is a complete failure of World of Warcraft. It is hard to learn from other people's parallel worlds.

Yrel, who created the prototype of the protagonist out of thin air, grew up with the players all the way. After reaching the top, he actually had no role in the subsequent versions. It seems that the version of Warlords of Draenor is regarded as a dark history even by Blizzard itself.

Anyway, I didn’t plan to write about Warlords of Draenor, but I was reluctant to let go of the Yrel I raised, so I came up with this plot. It won't be too long, and after that comes Wrath of the Lich King.

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