Walking through a dark corridor, accompanied by a heart-wrenching"squeaking" sound and the"clattering" sound of iron chains, the dark dungeon iron door was slowly raised.

Along with the roar of mountains and tsunamis, the dazzling sunlight hit her face, causing the Draenei girl who had been in darkness for a long time to close her eyes.

However, what came with this sunshine was not the warmth as imagined, but a chilling chill.

It was the shadow of death coming from the arena, along with the stinking smell of feces and urine and the thick smell of blood.

"Damn blue-skinned monsters, your opponents are here, prepare to be baptized in blood!"Behind the Draenei girl, a rough orc voice roared

"Choose the weapon you are comfortable with and give us a little fun with your life."The voice of another orc said proudly.

Yrel stamped her hooves angrily and took down a one-handed warhammer and a buckler from the weapon rack on the side. Beside her, several embarrassed and thin Delai The Nigerians also took out their own weapons - mostly warhammers and the like.


Suddenly, a loud shout came from the arena outside, and the entire arena suddenly fell into silence.

It seems that the owner of the voice has a lot of prestige among those"audiences"

"Next, let us invite new gladiators - our captives and slaves, those cowardly blue-skinned monsters to show us their power!"

As the voice sounded, bursts of rude laughter came from the audience.

The audience's laughter even interrupted the host's voice, but the host did not take it seriously.

Because the war against the Draenei was too smooth. , the image of the peace-loving draenei in the eyes of the warlike orcs has completely changed from the"civilized race" they admired in the past to synonymous with weak and cowards. At this time, boasting about their"power" is just a warning to others. Their mockery.

Seemingly hearing the irony, Yrel gritted her teeth.

She had never hated the past policies of her race as much as she does now, and she had never felt that the so-called peace and patience were so ridiculous. Ting's views on war and peace became more and more reasonable in her mind, while Velen's teachings seemed so pedantic to her. At this time, bursts of urging sounded from behind the draenei, which were the orc soldiers. Urging them to play.

However, for slave gladiators like them, the arena in front of them is so dangerous. The door illuminated by the sun is like a huge mouth that selects people and devours them in the eyes of the Draenei. No one knows What terrible opponents will be waiting for them in the gladiatorial arena.

Man-eating beasts? Warlike orcs? Brutal ogres? Huge one-eyed demons? Even taller gronn giants?

Yrel has already noticed it , the people beside her have begun to tremble, and they have no confidence to live anymore.

There is no intention of ridicule, who doesn't want to, but in the current situation, if there is no existence of Ye Ting, Yirel feels that he is also They will be the same as these compatriots. Their fate is not within their control.

Even with Ye Ting's presence, there is no way to guarantee that her compatriots will survive the next battle.

For a moment, she really wanted to suddenly burst into violence. Kill all the orcs nearby, and then escape from here with the compatriots around him.

Looking around, looking at the jailer who opened the cage and the dozen or so guards behind him who were armed to the teeth, Yrel flicked his cute little tail irritably.

No, she can't do this, because in addition to these compatriots, she believes that there are more Draenei who have been caught here, and she can't be so reckless.

Thinking of Ye Ting's suggestion before coming here, the girl immediately turned around, Speaking loudly to the draenei:

"My fellow citizens, we are now held captive, and life or death is not ours to decide. Since everyone chooses to fight to earn a life for themselves, it shows that everyone is unwilling to accept the status quo. So why don't we take up arms and give it a try?"

After saying that, the girl turned around, held her head high, and walked out of the door first.

Behind her, the other draenei looked at each other, and followed suit, seeing that Yrel was not tall. With their strong backs, everyone showed shocked expressions, and there was a hint of life in their eyes.

Through the long and narrow passage, Yrel and the other draenei came to the center of the arena.

This arena is called Highmaul Arena The field was the capital of the Ogre Empire and one of the largest and most important buildings in Highmaul.

Long before the rise of the orcs, the ogres were once the overlords of this land. With the power of magic, The ogres established the great empire of Goria. At that time, even the orcs surrendered to their brute force and magic and became the gladiators and slaves of the ogres.

In the ogre civilization At its peak, they built arenas in major cities, and this huge arena was one of them - it was too huge, and it was built for the size of ogres. You know, ogres Human demons are almost several times taller than orcs and draenei, and this arena can accommodate thousands of ogres in the auditorium alone.

But now those guys are no longer sitting in the auditorium, but are replaced by more A shorter, but more ferocious orc.

Standing in the middle of the field, Yrel heard bursts of crazy insults and roars coming from all directions.

"These blue-skinned monsters, kill them all!"

"Kill them, tear them apart!"

"They disturbed the sleeping souls of the ancestors, kill them!!"

"Ah, they are really ugly without their fangs and bald heads."

"Blood! Only blood can wash away shame!"

The insults from the audience made Yrel, who knew the orc language, look extremely gloomy, and the overwhelming sound impacted the fragile hearts of the other draenei.

If it weren't for Yrel's existence as their backbone, many draenei would The Leoni might even sit on the ground with their legs weak.

Starting from the encouraging speech just now, Yrel has won the recognition and admiration of all her compatriots with her brave and fearless performance.

After a while, the audience's voice became quieter After a lot of silence, the host on the high platform continued to speak.

"Next, ten blue-skinned monsters will enter the arena representing blood and glory, and their opponent is a Tabu sheep from the Nagrand grassland.——"

"Ha ha ha ha————"

At this moment, the laughter became even more exaggerated


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