The opportunity Yirel was waiting for soon came.

That was the sixth day after she defeated Little Goron.

In the past few days, she had been arranged to participate in gladiatorial combats more and more frequently, from once every two days to once a day, and finally to three or four times a day. In the past few days, the number of gladiatorial fights she had participated in had even More than the previous days combined.

The orcs seemed to be tired of her draenei dominating the arena. After realizing that no powerful opponent could defeat the invincible draenei, they began to try to use fatigue tactics to deal with it. she.

However, their attempt failed.

Backed by a steady stream of Holy Light and Shadow power within her body, even if Yrel does not directly use these two powers, she still has sustained combat capabilities and recovery abilities that far exceed those of ordinary people.

It sounds unfair, but in the real world, careers and professions are different.

In the game, for the sake of balance, the strength of each profession is equivalent. Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Mage... all professions are basically equal. Even if there are slight differences, they will not affect the overall situation.

In the real world, however, such fairness never exists.

Warriors, thieves, hunters - or archers - are basically the most popular professions, and they are also the most common professions. The requirements for talent are not high, and people with slightly better physical fitness can basically learn the skills of these professions..

But at the same time, most of these professions are used as cannon fodder on the battlefield, and they cannot be compared with other professions such as mages, priests, paladins, etc. in terms of rarity and strength.

After all, human beings have limits. How can simply exploring physical abilities be as high as manipulating energy?

But comparing the Paladin and the Warrior, the Paladin adds the power of the Holy Light to the Warrior. Therefore, compared to the Warrior, the Paladin is enhanced in all aspects under the influence of the Holy Light - whether it is defense, The support and recovery capabilities are far superior to those of warriors. It can be said that the paladin who is a warrior can also do it, and the paladin who is not a warrior can also do it. How can a warrior compare with a paladin?

In the war between humans and orcs, the emergence of the Paladin represents the last shortcoming of humans against the orcs - the quality of individual soldiers has been made up. If it weren't for the racial superiority of the orcs, the top warriors of the orcs would not even be able to compete with the paladins of the Silver Hand.

As for the draenei, although this race seems to be too peaceful, that is just a matter of policy.

In terms of physical fitness, the draenei have never been inferior to the orcs, but in terms of size, the draenei are as strong as the orcs, and are one head taller than them. With this kind of physical strength and the blessing of the Holy Light, it can be said that except for the strongest elites, ordinary orc warriors are just like giving food to Draenei paladins.

And now Yrel is such a powerful Draenei Paladin.

Therefore, she persisted in the rounds of battles. The orcs' difficulties not only did not defeat her, but made her more famous.

On the fifth day after defeating Little Gronn, and also the nineteenth day after she became a gladiator, Yrel took a breather.

On this day, it seemed that the entire Highmaul Tournament was not open. At the same time, according to Yrel's observation, every orc seemed to be very excited and seemed to be looking forward to something.

Ye Ting guessed that something big happened among the orcs.

Some time ago, he keenly felt the anomalies in the space on the planet Draenor. A huge portal was opened. The aftermath of opening the portal was powerful and full of chaos. This was noticed by Ye, who was very sensitive to space. Ting noticed it keenly.

And this gave him a bad feeling.

On the sixth day, Yrel was sent to the preparation room of the arena early, and everything that happened today made her smell something different.

Through the huge iron door, Yrel found that the orcs in the audience were more excited and violent than before, and the same was true for the orc jailers guarding the gladiators. In the conversations of those orcs, the girl frequently heard" yesterday"、"chief"、"tribe"、"strength"、"gift"、""Green skin" and other words.

In addition, today's gladiatorial ceremony was also quite grand. A large number of powerful and dangerous gladiators were thrown into the arena, and the orcs allowed them to kill each other without any scruples, as if they would not let these People will not give up until they die.

Yrel can be sure that at the end of the day, most of the most powerful gladiators in the arena will be consumed. It will take a long time for the orcs to rediscover such a group of ordinary slaves. What a strong man.

That also means that for a long time in the future, the gladiatorial fights here will not be interesting.

However, the orcs do not seem to care about this.

Finally, when the sky is dark and the sun is setting, Yi Rui There were almost very few gladiators around you - most of them were sent out and fell in the arena.

Now, it was finally her turn to be sent into the arena. She stepped onto the stage amidst the cheers and yells of the audience with ease. In the arena, as soon as Yrel entered the arena, she noticed that the scene was different from before.

Opposite her, at the highest point of the arena, on the luxurious high platform that had been empty for a long time, a figure appeared again, just like the first time she It's the same as when participating in a gladiatorial battle.

When Highmaul was still ruled by the Ogre Empire, the only person who could sit in that position and watch the gladiatorial battle was the Ogre Emperor of Highmaul.

Now the Ogre Empire has long been dominated by the orcs. The orc collapsed suddenly under the front of the soldiers, but the significance of that position has not changed. Therefore, the orc who can sit in the position of the ogre emperor must be a big shot among the orcs.

Because this high platform is too conspicuous, Yrel is stunned as soon as he enters. She discovered the person among them, and also discovered the abnormality of that person.

Yrel could swear by her horns that she had definitely seen that orc before - he was definitely sitting in the same position as Yrel when he first participated in the gladiatorial fight. The orcs are the same guy.

Yrel was deeply impressed by his appearance and the sharp blade on the palm of his left hand.

But now that guy has undergone tremendous changes compared to the original.

The guy originally looked pale because he had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time. The skin now shows a strange and evil green - Yrel has never seen an orc of that color.

Yrel didn't understand what happened, but Ye Ting, who knew the history, immediately understood it.

Green Orc The appearance of the beast means only one thing, and that is that the Burning Legion's plan to enslave the orcs is one step closer.

Thinking of the space fluctuations a few days ago, how could Ye Ting not know that it was the success of the traitor Gul'dan among the orcs? Summoned the vanguard general of the Burning Legion, the Abyss Demon Lord Mannoroth.

In order to further control the orcs, Gul'dan gathered the clan leaders of the tribe's large and small clans and tricked them into drinking Mannoroth's poison in the name of strength. Blood, green is the manifestation of the orcs being corrupted by evil energy.

This probably happened yesterday, because there was only one green orc he saw now, and he was probably one of the chiefs attending the meeting, while the other ordinary orcs still remained He has brown skin.

But Ye Ting knows that now that the first green-skinned orc has appeared, the tribe is not far away from the corruption of all members.


The pictures of Kargas are either white or red, and the green ones are very hard to find_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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