This conference, Yrel's speech to the draenei at this conference had a profound impact on the draenei.

The Complaint Conference easily used empathy and herd mentality to expose the shortcomings of the"Way of Holy Light" in the fastest and easiest way in front of the draenei civilians, and the draenei people widely developed a sense of resentment. The doubts about the"Way of Holy Light" made it easy for the"Way of Balance" to replace it and become the new belief and choice of the Draenei people.

The adaptation of a speech by a German leader from Blue Star made these"Germans" (Delaini's joking name) in World of Warcraft empathize with it and make their hearts swell. The brilliance of the speech is that it ties nationalism and the"Way of Balance" together. Through the encouragement of"nationalism", the draenei let go of the"Way of the Holy Light" that represents internationalism. It can be said that the red side's The"Complaint Conference" and Mustache's speech, these two communication trump cards from Blue Star, each used individually, can be regarded as a powerful weapon among the Draenei whose spiritual civilization development is lagging behind that of Blue Star. Dimensionality reduction attack.

Now when the two are used together, it has the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

According to Yrel's statistics, at least one-third of the soldiers and civilians who participated in the conference that day abandoned the way of the Holy Light and converted to the way of balance. It can be said that the results were immediate.

The remaining two-thirds gradually joined the ranks of the Way of Balance in the following days. Among the rest of the people who do not believe in the way of balance, most are astrologers who study magic and are unbelievers who did not believe in the Holy Light in the past - but even these people prefer the way of balance in their hearts.

Even Yirel himself was frightened by the effect of Ye Ting's method.

In fact, only Ye Ting knows that whether it is the"Complaint Conference" or Mustache's speech, the reason why it can quickly and widely convince people and convert them on the spot does not rely on a solid theoretical foundation and advanced thinking.

Its essence is similar to PA's routine.

After all, no matter how perfect the theoretical foundation of the"Tao of Balance" or some Blue Star doctrine is, it is still beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Therefore, in terms of propaganda, we cannot rely solely on the advanced nature of the theory to attract people - but on Find ways to break people's habitual thinking, dismantle what they originally believed in their hearts, and replace it.

The true meaning is to"create anxiety", or to put it more nicely - to expose anxiety.

In this regard, some aspects of consumerism are similar to modern media propaganda.

However, relatively speaking, PA and modern consumerism"manufacture" consumption and distort the facts are much higher. And whether it was Yrel or the red side's complaint meeting, or Mustache's speech, more of them revealed the real anxiety.

But whether it is created anxiety or actual anxiety, the purpose of raising it is to create dependence.

What is expressed is that"only XX. can save you."

In this process, whether it is the empathetic complaints from others or passionate speeches, the purpose is to enhance the fear of anxiety and identification with this"XX. Anxiety and dependence are widely recognized to a certain extent, then the remaining disapprovers will be unknowingly coerced, eventually generating group fanaticism.

Thus, its purpose is achieved.

It sounds scary, but in fact, Yrel Children with such original nature have to admit after becoming rulers that this kind of PUA hand itself has nothing to say.

The key lies in whether the proposed"" is real or false; and whether the ideas and doctrines relied on are real and valid.

Similar With this method, the red side finally had the last laugh, but Mustache failed.

Of course, Yrel did not know Red Fang and Mustache, but she herself firmly believed that the"Way of Balance" was real and effective, and she Actively took action for it.

And the conversion of faith does not come without paying a price.

At least during this period of time, many people had problems in the process of converting their faith.

Some Holy Light priests and defensive officers because of Abandoning the way of the Holy Light and losing the favor of the Holy Light, they almost became useless. However, the Auchenai soul priests who used the power of shadow rarely lost the power of the shadow after believing in the way of balance.

Thought, among these shadow users Many of them have become stronger.

In addition, there are also many former paladins and warriors who have gained the power of shadow and become the profession that was originally only Yrel's - Shadow Knight.

Even some who are good at assassination and stealth Rangers (different from the game, in addition to archers, rangers also include some thieves) have also received a little favor from the power of shadow. There are also many ordinary people who were not qualified to become paladins and priests in the"Way of Balance". Next, he became a user of Holy Light.

However, except for Yrel, Ye Ting's personal disciple, no one could take care of both Holy Light and Shadow.

But in general, after the rise of"The Way of Balance", because Its idea of ​​being more in line with natural principles and more universal has greatly increased the overall number of users of the power of Holy Light and Shadow in Auchindoun.

Although most of the new users of the Power of Holy Light and Shadow are civilians , but I believe that as long as they undergo a certain period of training, they will soon become a new fighting force.

When Ye Ting initially completed the transformation of the draenei's technology tree, Yrel was organizing the use of these new powers of light and darkness. Military training and skills training for veterans.

The senior garrison officers and priests led these recruits and taught them the skills they had mastered.

However, these veterans could only teach the skills of paladins, priests and shadow priests at best. , as for the skills of the Shadow Knight, they must be taught by Yrel himself.

In addition, Yrel also needs to promote a series of priest and paladin skills from Azeroth that Ye Ting taught her, and she is very busy. Happy.

In addition, the new equipment designed by Ye Ting is constantly coming out of the factory, which requires the draenei to adapt.

The entire Auchindoun almost became a huge factory and barracks for a while, and everyone was busy.

But because of Yi Riel's"complaint meeting" and speech, the entire draenei people in Auchindoun fell into passion and fanaticism, working and training to the point of forgetting sleep and food. No one is willing to complain about suffering and tiredness, everyone They are all working hard for the"freedom and dignity of the great draenei".

In this situation, only Ye Ting still remembers that there is still a big problem that has not been solved in Auchindoun, and that is the gradually fading shadow force field.

The wreckage of Narudori was made into a"Dark Star" by Ye Ting and launched two weeks ago. Now there is only an empty shell left. Due to its rapid wreckage, there is no possibility of recovery for this empty shell.

This means that the"pseudo-shadow realm" environment in Auchindoun that originally attracted the souls of the Draenei will no longer exist after the power of shadow dissipates.

The fading of the shadow force field represents the gradual disappearance of the draenei souls. Although the"Immortal" magical mecha designed by Ye Ting has its own force field to maintain the soul, it cannot generate souls out of thin air. In other words, if Ye Ting does not do something, the"Immortal" will face the prospect of no successor. possible. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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