After more than a month, the war finally broke out again at the head of Shattrath City.

A month was enough for Shattrath's technicians to repair the collapsed walls and rebuild the city's defense system.

Having learned the lesson from last time, the Draenei no longer dare to underestimate the methods of the orcs. Although their civilization is very backward and their productivity is very low, the power of the Burning Legion gives them powerful siege power.

To this end, the draenei people prepared more artillery fire and arranged more crystals to charge the protective shield - they had already used all their strategic reserves in their determination to die.

However, even so, they still overestimated themselves and underestimated their enemies, especially the determination of Kil'jaeden and Gul'dan.

In order to break through Shattrath in the shortest possible time and prevent accidents, Kil'jaeden even took action himself to open Shattrath's energy barrier for the orcs.

Even though the draenei's technology was quite advanced, it did not stop Kil'jaeden, who had been in charge of the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years.

It didn't take long for the Deceiver to find the weak point in the"energy protection Yang" around Shattrath.

Green evil magic shone, and the powerful energy field supported by countless Arkenite crystals instantly collapsed.

When the orcs saw this, they cheered and accelerated their march.

In their eyes, Shattrath is a fish bone stuck in their throats, making them uncomfortable, and a huge and delicious piece of fat.

For fish bones, pulling them out is the best option, and for fat meat, eating them is the best option.

Without Black Hand's orders, the orcs who couldn't wait to take revenge automatically rushed towards the city wall.

In the rear, Kil'jaeden, who had completed his mission, did not take action again, but gave an order to Gul'dan:

"Gul'dan, my most loyal servant," the deceiver said in a deep voice, looking at the beautiful golden city under the dark starry sky and the overwhelming orcs like a locust plague in front of the city,"Now, your final The test is coming, and victory is in our hands - if you can complete the task

"My magic can only temporarily shut down the city's defenses, but they'll fix it sooner or later.

"From the prisoner's mind, I have learned that there is a huge barrier generator in the city, powered by a large number of crystals. It is the source of Shattrath's barrier power... Oh, I have felt it, That soul-stirring energy... Go, my servants, go, destroy the barrier generator before they can fix it. Only then will we be sure of victory!!"

At this time, the Draenei people of Shattrath have discovered a terrible fact: the most impregnable embankment in their image has burst, and what can be seen now is only the black mass of orcs sweeping in!

Archbishop Haha Tarrou made a quick decision and personally led the technicians to the center of the city to repair the barrier generator, while the other warriors braced themselves for a bloody battle. The

Draenei garrison officers hurriedly organized a resistance, but they had no idea what to do. , Kil'jaeden's goal is the barrier generator?

After receiving Kil'jaeden's order, Dan completed a careful operation: he tried every means to send several warlocks to Shattrath, and let them join forces in Shattrath. A portal is established within the portal - although the use of space spells is far inferior to that of mages, warlocks can still use some space teleportation spells.

Through the portal, Gul'dan will send an elite force into Shattrath, and when the warlocks destroy the barrier, a portal will be created. The machine must be able to resist the enemy's attack for a while, and then destroy the machine, without giving the draenei a chance to re-establish the barrier.

All resistance is powerless, and few people can preserve what Kil'jaeden is bent on destroying. Live.

Although the draenei discovered the Horde's terrible intentions and poured a large number of troops into blocking the barrier generator, it was too late. Although in the end the team that infiltrated Shattrath was completely annihilated, the barrier generated The device was still completely destroyed by the terrible evil energy, and even Archbishop Hataru was seriously injured while defending the barrier generator.

But the most important thing is that there is no more barrier, the most powerful secret weapon of the draenei It was lost like this.

Fortunately, the core of the barrier generator, one of the seven Atama crystals——"The"Shield of the Naaru" has not been lost. With it, the Draenei can still build a new barrier generator.

But will the orcs leave them such a chance?

The barrier generator was destroyed, and the orcs' offensive Even more crazy.

The orc warlocks also tried their best. Huge meteorites burning with green evil fire fell from the sky from time to time. Every time one fell, the city wall shook a little. At the same time, a stone giant stood up from the pit. Wielding their giant fists of rock, they destroyed the city wall.

Finally, a corner of the city wall collapsed under the heavy bombardment of the hellfires and the flames of fel energy.

Although the draenei dispatched a large number of elite troops such as vindicators, rangers, and trackers, Even long-distance professionals such as priests and stargazers desperately went to the front line, but they still seemed powerless in the face of the tribal army rolling in like a flood. The orcs' big axes struck in front of them. For every opponent, the ogres were twisting their huge bodies in the first gap in Shattrath, waving their thick maces wantonly, and making bursts of howling sounds like ghosts and wolves.

The entire gap was blocked by , were crowded with green orcs, and it looked like a vast green ocean from a distance.

In the chaos, the orcs gradually moved forward and gradually entered Shattrath.

The first of the draenei people The defense lines collapsed...

The war spread mercilessly into Shattrath City, and blood was like a bursting river, soaking the streets.

The Draenei were relatively prepared for this.

Long before the war began, the Draenei The impregnable fortifications built by the draenei on many streets, countless blocked roads and strong barricades proved to the orcs that these brave draenei were already prepared to fight with them in street battles.

However , , the speed of the orcs was so fast that many Draenei soldiers had not had time to withdraw from the city wall, and their green figures had appeared near the block closest to the city wall. You know, if there are not enough soldiers to organize a defense, only With the strength of the draenei civilians, they could not withstand the orcs for long.

Against these natural killing machines, the resistance of the draenei civilians was in vain.

Soon, a massacre broke out under the walls of Shattrath

"No - we need to hurry up and support them!"

On the top of the city, the senior Draenei leaders headed by Velen were extremely anxious. They wanted to quickly lead the army to fight side by side with their people, but they were held back by a group of orcs who were not afraid of life and death.

Right there They could only watch helplessly as the orcs slaughtered the weak ordinary draenei, when an accident happened.

Several draenei wearing golden armor they had never seen before rushed out from behind the barricade, and they stood In front of the civilians, he blocked the heavy attack of the orcs._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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