The next day, the Draenei gathered on the city wall early as usual, waiting for a new round of offensive as usual.

But this time they discovered that the orcs under the city wall were different from the past.

Compared with the loose team, tattered armor and uneven quality before, the orc army that came to the city this time was completely different.

Orc warriors wearing heavy armor, wolf cavalry riding terrifying beasts, two-headed flying dragon cavalry, tall ogres and more, even taller one-eyed demons and Gronns, thousands of them are densely distributed in the sand tower. On the other side of Si City, they could not see the border like dark clouds. The plains exuded a stench, and the sound of horns and drums from the tribes spread for several kilometers and continued for a long time.

And this time the towering battle flag was different. It is no longer the shabby clan flags that look like tattered ghost paintings, but many very familiar and exquisite battle flags: the

Frostwolf clan battle flag with the wolf head symbol tattooed on a piece of wolf skin, and the broken blood-red palm. The clan battle flag, the Blackstone clan battle flag of the Black Mountains, the red background with white stripes, and the Warsong clan battle flag with a terrifying roaring human face... The appearance of these battle flags all represents that the big clans, as the elite and main force of the tribe, are not Then use the power of small clans and slaves to consume the draenei. This time, they were going to attack the city themselves.

Behind the flags of these big clans, there are battle flags of countless small tribes. Evil skull braziers and ritual circles are everywhere. This is the masterpiece of the warlocks. They are using it to prepare evil spells and then spread them. The evil energy desecrates the land of Draenor.

Seeing such a scene, even the dullest person realizes that a big war is coming.

For a time, all the draenei on the city wall stood ready, and the signal requesting support was directly conveyed to the rear through Kara.

After experiencing a long war, even the draenei who yearn for peace are now accustomed to war, and their reactions are quite well-trained.

Soon, more Draenei climbed onto the city wall. The gorgeous armor and sharp blades gleamed golden in the sunlight, and were dotted with blue and purple crystals, forming a wonderful giant landscape painting..

Faced with such a large number of soldiers, no one among them was afraid. Under the guidance of the sacred Kara, the draenei will never back down no matter how powerful the enemy they face.


The melodious and majestic horn sound came from a distance

"dong dong dong——"

The majestic war drums have also been played.

After that, there were countless shouts and curses and the sound of axes hitting shields.

"So, the final battle is about to begin."

On the city wall, Yrel's eyes contained will. After fighting the orcs for so long, she naturally understood the meaning of the scene in front of her, but she was fearless. No one, including the archbishops behind her, noticed that Delai A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of Archon Ni

"Get ready to fight! Ours, for the lives of our people! For our freedom! For holy Kara!!! Yrel turned around, looked at the Draenei on the city wall, and raised the warhammer in his hand.

The Archon shouted loudly, and her voice echoed on the battlefield.

"May the holy Kara grant us victory!!"

Countless draenei responded loudly.

In this months-long war, Yrel has fully proved that she is qualified for the position of consul. She is no longer the unprepared person she was when she took office. A little girl under suspicion.

Unlike Velen who has stayed in the prayer room for a long time, accompanying himself with magic and illusions, always trying to find a way out for the draenei from the endless future. Yrel never thinks too much about the illusory future. , she only grasps the present.

Therefore, compared to Velen, who is wise and enigmatic in the eyes of the people, Yrel, who was born as an ordinary person, is undoubtedly more vivid and more people-friendly, and the establishment of her prestige is not the same as Velen. They are all the same.

While galloping on the battlefield, she has saved her compatriots from fire and water countless times, turned defeat into victory countless times, and killed terrifying and powerful enemies under her war hammer countless times.

In this In this special era, she has successfully carved a deep mark in the hearts of the Draenei - she is a leader who brings about change and victory.

In history, such leaders who are interested in military affairs often have a number of leaders in the army. The highest prestige, and now the entire Draenei clan has become an army.

Now, facing the endless orc army, in the minds of the Draenei, Yrel's existence represents their confidence in victory.

Under the city wall, the mighty and mighty The slutty orc army has begun to march.

Although they conquered the entire Draenor, this does not mean that the tribe has established any glorious civilization.

On the contrary, until now they are still a barbarian, and they rule Draenor. , treating all other races as their slaves, just like the Mongols in the past - the only thing they were more successful than the Mongols was that they were more prolific than the Mongols.

But even though they were so barbaric, they still learned something in the long war.

For example, now , many orcs formed several giant phalanxes under the command of their chief. Each orc held a shield, and the shields formed a tight shield wall, seeming to want to defend the draenei. The draenei had never seen this scene before. Obviously, the orcs in front of them were much more elite than those in the past.

But even though these"elite" orcs used shields to form a powerful formation, this could not hide their workmanship. Rough equipment and a disorganized team, the entire shield wall is uneven, and there are even many loopholes visible to the naked eye.

"snort! It's amazing that these savage greenskins can stand in such a queue and form such a formation."Ranger Archbishop Nelly looked at the scattered formation of the orcs and said disdainfully.

Yrel nodded in agreement.

For a moment, she really wanted to order all the immortals and photon turrets to open fire.

These stupid things The orcs didn't understand what their crystal focusing cannon was about. They seemed to think it was some kind of enhanced crossbow, javelin or trebuchet. The dense crowd in the shield array in front of them was completely the most powerful force of the Delaney artillery fire. A good target.

Yrel believed that as long as she gave the order, the endless artillery fire would definitely engulf these people in an instant and severely damage these elite orcs.

But after thinking of her plan, she chose to give up this opportunity.

So, faced with this During the offensive, the photon turrets and immortals on top of the city only sparsely directed their artillery fire at the army further away, while what was used to deal with the shield array in front of them was the arrow rain from the Draenei rangers._Please read the underlined version of the novel. Download Feilu Novel APP!··

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