As everyone continued to go deeper into the Sunwell Highlands, more and more corpses were visible, and the levels of the dead were getting higher and higher.

There was even a member of the Silver Moon Parliament among them - one of the few people who occupied the pinnacle of power and strength in this country, but he died in vain in his own base camp, stabbed in the back by his own people..

This can't help but make the elves' inner anger grow stronger, and at the same time, their shuddering feeling becomes more obvious.

Judging from the traces, there should be only one murderer, and judging from the techniques, he is not a professional warrior or assassin. There is a high probability that he is a mage.

As a high elf, he was able to kill so many former colleagues and superiors without any scruples, which shows how insane this murderer was.

Originally, Sylvanas could still laugh at humans, but she was able to cultivate such a depraved prince, who even did not hesitate to turn her homeland into a kingdom of the dead. Now it seems that the high elves are just half as good in this regard.

The pace of everyone became faster and faster, and finally, when they were about to reach the Sunwell, someone else's voice finally came from the empty corridor of dead silence.

It was the sound of gold and iron clashing, mixed with the shouts and curses of high elves. It was obvious that someone was fighting not far away.

"Could it be that the troops guarding the Sunwell are still fighting?"

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel excited, and their speed was a little faster.

As if there was a bright light in the dark, after walking through this empty and gorgeous corridor, what appeared in front of Ye Ting was a magnificent square, with a pool standing in the center of the square. A brilliant and magnificent pool of water. The pool of water is not very wide, only about a few meters square. But even the most ordinary mortal can see how much great energy is contained in this dazzling pool of water - that energy is as blazing as the sun, full of energy. Overflowing with golden light, the surrounding area is very sacred, just like the Kingdom of God.

There is no doubt that this is the Sunwell that has nurtured Quel'dorei for thousands of years.

But at this moment, in this great and sacred place Next to the Sunwell, there was a scene that was incompatible with the atmosphere.

The first thing that caught the eye were the corpses of three mages. Each of them was covered in robes that only Silver Moon Councilors were qualified to use.. The three mages, who were at least legendary, fell beside the Sunwell that they had guarded all their lives. Their postures before death were similar to those of the mages in the corridor. They all died from sneak attacks and backstabbing.

In addition, what they had seen before That, more than half of the entire Silver Moon Council was given away for nothing - if they were still alive, the four legendary mages would be firing on all cylinders, and it would be impossible for the Scourge of the Undead to do what they want in Quel'Thalas.

Unfortunately, everything It is irreversible.

Looking at the past, it is an even more miserable scene.

A Quel'dorei warrior wearing the armor of the commander of the High Elf Legion was seriously injured and squatting in front of the well with a long sword.

In front of him Among the people standing in front of him, one was an elf mage, and the rest were undead. Among them was an old acquaintance of Ye Ting.

"Salorian, how are you?"Sylvanas immediately revealed the identity of the warrior, and then turned to his enemy:"Arthas...and Dar'Kan! It's you, it's you who betrayed everyone!"

She remembered Darkan, a young mage who has become famous in recent years. Many people think that he will definitely become a great mage in the future. Now he actually stands on the side of the undead, and his identity as a traitor is self-evident.

But than Apart from Sylvanas, Liadrin is even more angry.

"Darkan Drasil, it’s you, how could it be you? Why is that you?!"In addition to anger, the girl's tone also contained deep disappointment,"I can't believe it at all that you would do such a thing. Have you forgotten how we fought for Quel'Thalas together? Have you forgotten the oath you, me, Galiel, and Lor'themar made to protect this country?"

Faced with questions from old friends, life-and-death partners... and even crushes, a trace of astonishment flashed across Darkan's young and handsome face, but more of it was still resentment and distortion.

"Oh, why am I not the betrayer? Why can't it be me? why it's not me? I have sacrificed so much for this country, even at the cost of my life! And how does it repay me? In other words, you think I should be like you, holding the little recognition they give me as a gift and being grateful! ?

"Oh, I forgot, they gave you more than that little bit... Lor'themar became the ranger lord (the highest military rank below the ranger general), and you rose to the top and became the leader of the paladins. You became them As one of them, naturally he has to speak for them.……"

"shut up!"

The elf mage was full of jealousy and complaints. He was interrupted by the paladin in the middle of his sentence:

"What about Galiel? His level is lower than yours now, he is just an official priest, but he has never complained."

"A mediocre person will naturally not and dare not complain."Speaking of another"old friend", Darkan actually sneered,"As long as he has one thousandth of my talent, he will definitely be willing to betray like me."

When Dar'Kan said this, Liadrin's last trace of friendship for her old friend disappeared.

"‘He who is dark in his heart sees darkness everywhere he looks,' is what Mr. Sander said. I didn't understand this sentence before, but now it seems that this is the best description of you. So, stop making excuses for your own depravity. Before complaining about others, have you ever reflected on yourself? Selfish, aggressive, arrogant... I can name countless reasons why you are not welcome. We have reminded you time and time again, but you never listen to our advice. Now you have the audacity to talk about injustice?! Your so-called injustice is not the reason for your betrayal! This is just an excuse for you to seek power and power by any means necessary. Stop insulting Quel'Thalas with your filthy words!"

Speaking of this, Liadrin spat hard to show her disdain for Dar'Kan.

This former"old friend" really disappointed her.

In the war with the trolls, , she, another priest named Galiel, Darkan, and Lor'themar once had a life-and-death encounter. That encounter made several young elves of similar age form a deep friendship.

As time goes by, the four friends are all walking on their own paths. She originally thought that just a slight difference in status would not shake their friendship, but she never expected that Darkan would become like this.

It seems. Infuriated by the rejection of his old friend, Darkan's expression became more and more distorted, as if he wanted to devour the person in front of him with anger. But he was very aware of the gap in hard power between himself and his"old friend" after becoming a paladin, so he He bowed and looked at the death knight beside him flatteringly.

"Short-sighted people simply cannot understand my foresight, let alone the master’s greatness and generosity. Only the master holds the real power, and surrendering to the master is the best future for Quel'dorei... Unfortunately, you can't see it anymore.

Then, he begged the fallen prince:"Great master, please use the power of death to let them see the true greatness and eternity.""

Darkan was so flattering and his posture was so humble.

But he lowered his head deeply and did not see that his master, the fallen prince Arthas, was looking at the human mage in front of him with fear. Unafraid, he couldn't help but take a step back.

Seeing this familiar opponent, the prince recalled the unbearable failure experience that happened not long ago.

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