Faced with the fact that the Sunwell was turned into a little girl by Ye Ting, all the high elf mages were extremely shocked.

Indeed, among the existing magics in Azeroth, there is indeed magic that creates or gives life to objects, but this kind of magic either has a time limit, or the life created is too simple, and the intelligence is too low, and it cannot be compared with Ye Ting.

This was the first time they had seen a spell like Ye Ting's that could transform an object containing huge energy like the Sun Well into a high elf girl whose intelligence was no different from that of an ordinary elf.

Such a miraculous spell is already infinitely close to the realm of"god".

After the shock, there was naturally deep concern.

The original Sunwell was just a dead object. It didn't matter if the dead object served as an energy source for the high elves to take whatever they wanted. But when this dead object has its own consciousness, will it continue to allow the high elves to absorb her power?

Even if she is the reason, it means that Quel'Thalas' biggest trump card is in the hands of a self-aware being. If this girl named"Anweina" is unhappy, it will have a negative impact on Quel'Thalas. What an impact Lars had?!

Therefore, among the current high-level mages in Quel'Thalas, they are divided into two groups, each holding different views on how to deal with Anveena.

One party believes that since the Sunwell already has self-awareness, it should be treated as a compatriot and a member of the country, given the corresponding identity and status, and become the power of Quel'Thalas.

But the other side opposed this opinion. They felt that even if the Sunwell had self-awareness, she itself was still the property of Quel'Thalas. Her existence belongs to Quel'Thalas, and she has no power to dispose of herself. They believe that they should find ways to completely control Anweina and use it purely as an energy source, just like in the past. Only in this way can the influence of self-will on their use of the power of the Sunwell be cut off to the greatest extent.

Among the mages, there is not much difference between the number of people holding the two views, so they are almost quarreling and unable to reach a conclusion.

The mages who hold the former view are led by Archmage Bi Luohua. This archmage served as the Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas thousands of years ago, and is also the creator of the three crystals of the"Gatekeeper" system - the Fire Stone, the Light Stone, and the Spark Stone. He is highly respected and has great influence among mages.

The mages who hold the latter view are headed by Archmage Rommath. Compared to Biluohua, Rommath is much younger. He once accompanied Prince Kael'thas in Dalaran for a long time in his life. He is a loyal follower of the Sunstrider royal family. Anwei The appearance of Na made him keenly aware of the threat to the Sunstrider Court - the loyalty of the civilians and mages of Quel'Thalas to the Sunstrider largely originated from the Sunwell.

In his opinion, the fact that the Sunwell has an independent consciousness not only weakens the power of the Sun Chasers, but also poses a threat to the dominance of the Sun Chasers.

Most of Rommath's followers are royalists among mages, Sunstrider loyalists, pragmatists, and some younger generations of mages. They hold this opinion for different reasons, but they all believe that complete control of Anveena is the best choice for Quel'Thalas as a whole.

Interestingly, although the great astrologer Solanlian has always been a loyal royalist, she completely sided with Bi Luohua on this matter. According to what she said, Anweina was just a child, and it was too cruel to treat her as a tool.

In the end, when the two sides were in a stalemate, the matter was brought to the interim commander Sylvanas.

Sylvanas naturally sides with Ye Ting, that is, Anweina, and the cute and well-behaved Anweina is indeed very popular with her. But as leader - albeit temporary - she couldn't be too partial in such matters.

Therefore, at Ye Ting's suggestion, Sylvanas pushed the decision to a referendum.

In other words, let the entire people of Quel'Thalas decide what to do with Anveena.

In fact, Sylvanas herself was worried about the results of the vote. She knew her people too well. In this precarious period, the existence of the Sunwell is the high elves' greatest support, and they are not willing to see anything unexpected happen to this support.

This is why the Romans faction unanimously agreed with this result.

She raised this opinion to Ye Ting, but the human mage just responded with a mysterious smile.

Ye Ting has naturally considered the current situation.

He had no worries at all about whether Anweina would get the support of the high elves.

Such a group existed that week in his hometown.

They are just a group of mortals, but they have the most stubborn beliefs and pursuits. They have a passion and fascination for something that surpasses the enthusiasm and obsession of fanatics for gods.

They are fearless, they can fight for a name, a voice, a picture, a model. Staying up all night, waiting in the coldest month of winter, waiting in line in the wind, rain, sun and rain.

Just to pursue the most beautiful things in the world in their minds!

This special group of people are called otakus and star-chasers.

In the process of shaping Anweina, Ye Ting gave her all the qualities that others can't help but pursue.

Sugar, spices, and a beautiful taste (no)... petite body, cute appearance, pitiable temperament, sweet voice... in short, it is the ultimate in cuteness.

In World of Warcraft, a world full of long-legged rough guys, no existence can compare with Anweina in terms of cuteness, not even dwarfs.

What's more, Ye Ting also added a little bit of Aphrodite's divinity when creating Anweina. This will cause her attraction to spread along with her magic, gradually spreading throughout Quel'Thalas.

As long as the high elves of Quel'Thalas don't give up using the magic of the Sunwell, the harder it will be for them to give up on Anveena's loveliness. Perhaps this situation was not obvious at first, but as time went by...

When Anweina was held by Sylvanas and appeared in the center of Garden Street, Anweina's perfect face, slender appearance, delicate When his temperament and almost foul cuteness appeared in front of the public, this invisible power was finally revealed.

Almost all the high elves were captured by Anweina the moment they saw her. The pitiful little elf aroused everyone's inner love and desire for protection, and the identity of the Sunwell made people think about it even more. There is an extra responsibility and love outside

"Even Anweina-chan is working hard to provide us with magic power, so we must also work hard to protect her!"

"Anyone who wants to control Anweina-chan is evil!"

"Anweina Saigao!"

"Cuteness is justice!"

"Three years of blood earned with death penalty is not a loss!"


The Romans made a mistake. They never expected that the people of Quel'Thalas would have such an attitude towards Anveena. The few opponents were overwhelmingly overwhelmed by the fans, and many opponents even saw the cuteness. Anweina immediately defected and joined the team that supported her.

As a result, the resolution of the moderate faction led by Bi Luohua received overwhelming votes and was passed without any controversy.

But that's not the biggest headache for romancers.

In the eyes of the royalists, a faction was born in Quel'Thalas almost overnight that seriously threatened the rule of the Sunstrider royal family. The core of the faction is Anweina of the Sunwell, with members from all professions and classes. Among them are high-ranking mages, rangers who roam the forest, and the most ordinary people. They had nothing to do with each other before, but now they all have the same identity - Anweina's fans!

This group of fans even established an organization called the"Sunwell Protection Association" for Anweina. Among the members of the association are many big figures like Bi Luohua, but the president is not Bi Luohua, but Solan. Leanne – because she’s younger and more active.

This kind of association has another name in Blue Star, that is,"Fans Support Association."

The second day after this association was established, it showed its influence that the royalists were afraid of: they proposed an almost joke proposal to Sylvanas, that is, to elect Anveena as the mascot of Quel'Thalas..

This kind of bill sounds very ridiculous, and even made the entire Quel'Thalas government look wrong, but in the end the bill actually passed! Pass! Got it!

But it has to be said that as a mascot, Anweina does play a huge role.

The cute little elf was led by Sylvanas to tour the entire Quel'Thalas. Her presence gave the high elves a rare bright color in the darkness and deeply comforted almost every family in mourning. The hearts of the high elves.

At this special moment, the entire Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, under the leadership of Sylvanas and inspired by Anweena, re-energized.

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