"of course."Ye Ting nodded,"The common people are common people, and the nobles are nobles. They are not of the same mind. The nobles may have their own ambitions, but what about the common people? Their requirements are not many. All they yearn for is to live and work in peace and contentment. As long as they have something to eat and a stable life, they will be satisfied.

"The nobles will try to instigate the royal power of Lordaeron, but to the people, being led by someone is not a leader? As long as the leader can give them the life they want, who will they support?"

"So why do you say they will help me?"Jalia is still a little confused.

"Speaking of which, we have to talk about your father." Speaking of Terenas, Ye Ting's tone was complicated,"Although I don't agree with your father's views, I have to admit that he is a good person. of the monarch. Although he values ​​the nobility, under his rule, Lordaeron has been developing and growing. At this stage, the people of Lordaeron can enjoy the dividends of development to some extent, and at least they can still live a peaceful life."

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Sander."After being praised by his father, Caliya and Yourongyan.

Ye Ting nodded and continued:"Back to the topic, because of this, the Menethil royal family has established enough prestige among the people, and this is how you can gain their support. Base"

"But... they still have their own lord?"Callia pointed out wisely

"Yes, but so what."Ye Ting sneered,"Under the leadership of the lord, they have to face the threat of the Scourge Legion, and their lives and survival cannot be guaranteed at all. At this time, you, the daughter of the late king, stood up and promised them that you would lead them to drive out the undead and restore Lordaeron. Who do you think they would believe?"

"How can it still be like this?——"

After hearing Ye Ting's plan, Caliya didn't understand it at first, but Janis and Onyxia immediately exclaimed.

Compared to political novices like Jialiya, these two are undoubtedly vixens in this regard, but even they looked at Ye Ting with complicated eyes after they figured out the meaning of this plan.

Perhaps it is because this world has practiced feudal aristocracy for a long time. Even Onyxia, who has lived in human society for hundreds of years, is only familiar with the political tactics of alliances between nobles. Who would have thought that Ye Ting's strategy of mobilizing the people and removing wages from the cauldron.

But they can clearly judge that this strategy is completely feasible, but for the nobles, this is completely breaking the rules and overturning the table. If so, Caliya who uses this strategy will have to become the public enemy of the nobles. No.

However, they then thought, even if the nobles regarded Calia as a public enemy, so what?

These are not peaceful times. The undead natural disaster has torn the country apart. The noble lords are fighting on their own without even taking care of themselves. How can they have a chance to unite to resist Calia? Maybe when Calia subverts the rule of a few nobles, others won't even receive the news.

From this point of view, the plan given by Ye Ting was indeed brilliant, taking everything into consideration.

Although Jialiya is a novice, she is a very smart girl. She quickly understood it, but she still hesitated about it.

"Brother Sander's method is great, but... I'm just a useless princess. Can I really do this? And...is it too much to treat those nobles like this? After all, they were once loyal ministers to their father.……"

Ye Ting sighed and patted the princess on the shoulder:"You are indeed a kind-hearted child, Caliya, but kindness does not mean being unprincipled. This needs to be remembered, otherwise you will not be able to become a qualified king."

"Become... king?"

Jia Liya was a little surprised, but Ye Ting did not explain and just continued:

"When facing ordinary people, you can express your kindness at will. This is the freedom of a king. But when someone dares to raise a knife against you, you must resolutely fight back. The dignity of the king cannot be provoked. This is the bottom line!

"If those noble lords were truly loyal to His Majesty Terenas, they would not have that attitude at all when facing you, the orphan of Menethil. How loyal they are becomes clear when they respond perfunctorily to your requests. For such courtiers, the king must adopt the most resolute attitude. Only in this way can a clear boundary be drawn for everyone - this is the way to be a king."

"The way to be king..."Hearing this word, Princess Caliya was obviously a little unsure."……Why are you telling me this... I don't have the talents of my father and brother. If I become a king, I probably won't be able to do it."

"No! you can do it."Ye Ting grabbed Jialiya's shoulders and looked into her eyes seriously:"You can do it, you have the potential."

"Really? Obviously I am such a useless girl, I don’t know how to do political maneuvering, nor do I know how to march and fight.……"

Jialiya's voice was timid, and her eyes looked at Ye Ting with hope, hoping that this would dispel the man's decision, but Ye Ting's attitude was still decisive:

"No, it doesn't matter. You can learn political maneuvering, you can also learn to march and fight. With your intelligence, it is not difficult. No matter how bad you are, you will still have ministers and generals to help you. But the most important thing is that you have a heart that is truly willing to consider the country and the majority of people!"

"A heart that considers the majority?!"

"Let me just say this. If you want to rebuild Lordaeron, the only way in front of you is to stand up as a princess and be crowned king, leading everyone to fight against the natural disaster. If even you give up, then the future of Lordaeron will be at an end. The entire land will be reduced to death under the iron heel of the Scourge, and the people on this land will end up becoming minions of the Scourge— —Even so, don’t you want to be the king?"


The future described by Ye Ting shook Calia's refusal. She witnessed her father's death and the fall of Lordaeron with her own eyes. Calia had personal experience of the horror of the Scourge. She could imagine that. It will be a future of despair.

She didn't want to see that future come true. She didn't want to see those kind and honest innocent people, the smallest and most real people she had ever seen in the church, eventually become rotten corpses wandering the desolate land.

"If this is the only way, I would like to be the king."

Finally, the unconfident princess gave his answer.

Ye Ting nodded happily:"This is your decision, and it is also your greatest qualification to become the king. My former professor said something that I still think makes sense: 'It's not your abilities that determine who you are, but your choices.’"

Looking at the princess who was starting to feel a little uneasy again, Ye Ting touched her blond hair comfortingly.

"Don't worry, my princess. You are the daughter of Terenas, and you have the blood of Menethil, so you have that talent, and you have me by your side."

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