After Ye Ting and Penello walked around for a while, she left alone. She made an appointment with her friend to go to another used bookstore to buy information about N from previous years..E.W.Notes on T exam content.

Ye Ting walked alone to a magical animal store called"Magic Zoo". He went there to buy Feiju's favorite cat food - although she liked to eat the same food as Ye Ting. , but for her who has not yet transformed, it is healthier to eat cat food.

In the store, Ye Ting unexpectedly bumped into Hermione, who was buying an owl. Her vacation experience in France made her obviously dark.

When she saw Ye Ting unexpectedly, Hermione was obviously a little surprised. She happily greeted Ye Ting.

"I heard you got a new Order of Merlin, is that right?"When choosing the owl, she asked curiously

"Yes," Ye Ting nodded lightly,"It's just a medal."

"Just a medal? Hermione was a little dissatisfied with his attitude,"That is the greatest honor given by the Ministry of Magic to those who have contributed to the wizarding world. If I had a medal like this, I would definitely hang it on the fireplace in my house.""

"Oh, is it so? I think with your level, you will definitely be able to get that thing in the future."Ye Ting said casually,"But that's not the problem. In fact, most people in the Ministry of Magic are a bunch of idiots. I heard that some people there can't even use the Iron Armor Curse. What's the point of medals awarded by such a group of people? Woolen cloth? Sirius Black's grandfather also had a First Class Medal. Do you know how that came about?"

"Sirius? Is that the murderer who escaped from Azkaban? His grandfather was able to receive a first-class medal, which means that he has made great contributions to the wizarding world, right?"Hermione asked with some uncertainty.

"In fact, he did make a great contribution to the Ministry of Magic," Ye Ting said sarcastically."He donated a large sum of gold galleons to the Ministry of Magic, so he received the medal. In fact, even the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, received a first-class medal, but everyone knows that he is both timid and incompetent. He became the Minister of Magic purely because of his good relationship with Dumbledore."

The facts revealed by Ye Ting shocked Hermione. She had always hoped to work in the Ministry of Magic after graduation.

So, in the following chat, she kept silent about the medal and changed the topic to Animagus

"《The Daily Prophet said that you are the first Animagus of magical creatures in history, which is a great breakthrough in the history of transformation."Hermione looked at him with admiration,"Can you teach me the Animagus? I think my level of Transfiguration is good enough to learn this"

"Of course you can, but I suggest you not to do this for the time being," Ye Ting sincerely suggested,"Because right now, I am studying how to make people stably become dragon animagus. After I succeed, you can You can transform into a dragon."

While talking, Ye Ting spent tens of galleons to buy a large bag of cat food with fire crab meat added. He opened it on the spot and fed Feiju some. Feiju ate it gracefully, showing pleasure. expression.

Suddenly, a huge ginger-yellow thing jumped down from the top cage and landed at Ye Ting's feet. It wanted to move forward to have a taste, but after seeing Feiju, it He shrank behind Hermione's feet in fear.

This was a strange big cat with thick and fluffy ginger fur, but its legs were obviously a bit bent, and its face looked rough and squashed. It looked weird, as if it had rushed headlong into the wall.

"Don't! Crookshanks, don't! exclaimed the witch, trying to take the cat back, but Crookshanks and her circled Hermione's ankles

"Very cute little guy, isn't he?"Hermione knelt down, picked up Crookshanks, touched his thick and soft fur, and rubbed his strange flat face.

"It is said that it has the blood of a cat, but Crookshanks looks a bit weird, so no one wants to buy it. It has been living in the pet store for a long time."The witch introduced enthusiastically. She hoped that Hermione could buy Crookshanks.

"I want it," Hermione said cheerfully."How much does it cost?"

"It costs twenty gold galleons."The witch said happily.

Hermione took out her beaded bag and poured out all the coins in it, but when she counted them, she realized that she only had less than ten galleons.

"Come on, take it as my gift to you. Ye Ting casually grabbed a handful of gold galleons and placed them on the counter."Pay with my cat food. No need to look for it.""

After saying that, he turned around and left with Fei Ju.

"Wait, I don’t want yours……"Hermione shouted at Ye Ting's back, but he was already gone

"What a willful guy."Hermione stamped her feet with some annoyance, then hugged Crookshanks and said to herself,"I said no more, but he still makes his own decisions like this. It's really annoying. You're right, Crookshanks."



The last few days of summer vacation passed quickly. Ye Ting once again did not board the train. Instead, he set off from Hogsmeade and walked directly into Hogwarts.

Ye Ting came to the entrance of Hogwarts, which was a pair of majestic cast-iron doors with many stone pillars on both sides and winged boars in front.

However, on both sides of the gate, he saw two monsters wearing cloaks and about two or three meters tall guarding them. Its face is completely hidden under the hood, and its feet are not visible under the cloak because they are completely floating in the air.

They are dementors, dark creatures considered the ugliest things in the world. Dementors feed on people's happiness and therefore cause those who are close to them to feel depressed and hopeless. They can also suck out people's souls and turn them into a state of walking zombies, leaving only an"empty shell".

These dementors are the guards of Azkaban, but due to Sirius's escape from prison, they were sent by the Ministry of Magic to guard Hogwarts - because the Ministry of Magic judged that Sirius was likely to come to Hogwarts to look for him. His godson, Harry Potter.

However, when they saw Ye Ting, the two dementors actually came forward, as if they wanted to inspect him. One of them suddenly lifted his cloak and took a gentle breath.

Ye Ting felt a chill pass through his body, and even his breath seemed to condense in his chest. This chill penetrated his skin and reached his chest. His ears began to buzz, and countless painful memories suddenly came to his mind. He thought of his past, and of the years in the time and space tunnel where he was aimless and had nearly escaped death countless times. drifting in despair……


I took the bus home yesterday, so I don’t have much time to type. I will update tonight and update during the rest of the day. Also, please give me monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation votes.

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