After Eddard Stark, the new"Hand of the King", arrived at King's Landing, the first royal meeting was held quickly.

King Robert's royal council consisted of four important ministers.

The first is the eunuch Varys, who serves as the intelligence chief in the Imperial Council and is actually the spymaster. He collects secrets through a network of intelligence woven by his"little birds."

Before Varys started his career, he had a good relationship with Illyrio Mopatis, the governor of Pentos who invested in Viserys and Daenerys. After he became a famous intelligence dealer in the Free Trade City, he was The suspicious Mad King Aerys II invited him to the court and has served as Chief of Intelligence ever since. After Robert overthrew Aerys II, he resumed his service to King Robert.

However, he seems to still have some loyalty to the Targaryen family, because he is part of Illyrio's plan to support Viserys. After Illyrio was burned to death and Daenerys established her rule in Pentos, at Ye Ting's prompt, Daenerys contacted the spy chief and cooperated with him. From this point of view , he still deserves some trust.

However, he actually knew nothing about Ye Ting's arrival.

The second is Lord Renly. He is Robert's younger brother. He looks very similar to the young King Robert. He is tall and handsome. His black hair reaches his shoulders and is always neatly combed. He knows how to do it very well. The importance of his own charm, his taste and devotion in dressing were enough to put any important minister of the kingdom to shame.

The third person is Petyr Baelish, the king's finance minister, nicknamed"Littlefinger". He was once a minor noble from the Five Fingers Peninsula and was adopted by Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun. He and Eddard Stark's wife, Hoster Tully's daughter, Catherine Tully's childhood sweetheart, and has always been in love with her, but in the end Catherine married Eddard. In addition, Catelyn's sister Lysa Tully was very infatuated with him, and she had an affair with him and became pregnant. In the end, Lord Hoster broke them up and married Lysa, who had lost her virginity, to the old and heirless Vale. Lord Jon Arryn - the former"Hand of the King" and the adoptive father of Robert and Eddard.

The fourth is Grand Maester Pycelle. His bald head is covered with age spots, and a few sparse white hair hangs on both sides of his forehead. His bachelor's necklace is made of twenty-four metal pieces and hangs heavily from his neck to his chest. His snow-white beard flows down to his chest. In this era, bachelors shouldered various important responsibilities, including but not limited to pharmacists, magicians, diviners, stargazers, military and political advisors, and even served as midwives and babysitters.

However, Pycelle is not a national advisor who conscientiously abides by his oath. From time to time, he would secretly do some unruly things based on his own needs, such as exerting a biased influence on political events. He had a special admiration for Lord Tywin.

There are so many factions in just a royal council, which is enough to show how neglectful and unpopular Robert's rule is - he is surrounded by either idiots, schemers, or sycophants, but everyone has their own little calculations.

After Eddard arrived, Robert's first task was to hold a grand jousting tournament to celebrate the new prime minister's taking office.

King Robert announced that the winner would be rewarded with 40,000 gold dragon coins, and the second place would be rewarded with 20,000 gold dragon coins. The winner of group close combat is also worth 20,000, and the winner of archery is worth 10,000.

The bonus alone cost 90,000 gold dragon coins, and a large sum of money was also spent on banqueting guests, organizing martial arts competitions, etc. You know, one gold dragon coin is a soldier's military pay for a whole year, and A good set of armor costs four or five gold dragon coins.

This incident made Eddard very anxious. In addition, he also had to spend his time investigating the death of his adoptive father Jon Arryn and dealing with his belongings. He believed that Jon's death contained a major conspiracy.

In addition, he had to deal with the conflicts between her two daughters. He came to King's Landing on this trip and brought two of his five children, Sansa and Arya. The eldest daughter Sansa is engaged to Robert's son Prince Joffrey. This trip is to complete the marriage, while the second daughter is purely here to join in the fun.

Sansa has been educated as a lady since she was a child. She has traditional feminine charm in line with her noble origin. She has a strong interest in music, poetry, singing, dancing and other"female leisure activities" such as embroidery. When she was young, she had naive romantic fantasies about handsome princes, noble knights and love, often dreaming of love stories described in stories and songs.

However, Arya is a lively and energetic girl who loves fighting and exploring. This is the exact opposite of her well-behaved sister, Sansa Stark, which puts the two sisters at odds.

Eddard once accidentally harvested a litter of five young direwolves while hunting. Since Stark's family emblem is the direwolf, he asked each of his five children to adopt one. On the way from the city to King's Landing, Arya's direwolf injured Prince Joffrey and fled, so the vicious Queen Cersei asked for Sansa's direwolf to take the blame. After losing her pet, the relationship between Sansa and Arya continued. Nervous, she placed all the blame for the direwolf's murder on Arya.

During Ed's subsequent investigation, he discovered that his adoptive father, who died suddenly of illness, had been studying a book called"The Genealogy and History of the Main Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms" before his death (which included many descriptions of the countess and their children) and had secretly He met Robert's eldest brother, Stannis Baratheon, and planned to send his son to Stannis' fiefdom, Dragonstone, for adoption by Stannis. As far as Eddard knew, Jon and Stannis had never had a close relationship in the past, and these seemingly abnormal behaviors aroused his curiosity.

In addition, Jon and Stannis also investigated the king's illegitimate son. Even so, he still did not figure out why Jon's desire to see the king's illegitimate son would cause his death.

Even under such circumstances, the tournament was still held. For this reason, the national treasury had to borrow a large sum of gold dragon coins from the Free Trade Bank - this emerging big bank was currently the most capable of lending to the king, and it also required interest. The smallest party. As a result, knights from all over the country came to King's Landing one after another, and the entire city fell into unprecedented crowding and chaos.

Ye Ting arrived at Junlin City at such an opportunity.


If you think about it carefully, the conspiracies and relationships in A Song of Ice and Fire are indeed very complicated, and it is still a bit reluctant to write them in a short length.

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