Although the Resurrection Stone has so many uses for Ye Ting, the top priority is that it must still be used to collect intelligence.

Through constant attempts, Ye Ting discovered that the souls resurrected by the Resurrection Stone have complete memories of their lifetimes. Moreover, because these souls have greatly changed their personalities after resurrection, they usually do not stick to their previous positions too much and are indifferent to the world of the living. Chasing death.

In other words, even if Ye Ting resurrects Voldemort's die-hard loyalists, most of them will not be too loyal to Voldemort. No matter how much he despised death during his life, after being resurrected by the resurrection stone, Ye Ting can get it with a little bit of tricks. Complete information about this soul.

Of course, the Resurrection Stone is not omnipotent, it still has limitations.

Just like Ye Ting determined the limitations of other planes: the limitation of the resurrection stone lies in the"coordinates" of the resurrected soul.

This"coordinate" is not an ordinary coordinate, but a memory about this soul.

If Ye Ting wants to travel or summon, he must rely on the memory of the works about the target plane in his memory as coordinates, because the source of these works comes from the cross-dimensional projection of plane information. In short, in these works It contains the"existence" of the plane, and the"existence" of the plane is recorded in his memory.

In the same way, the"coordinates" of the souls resurrected by the Resurrection Stone also come from the"existence" of these souls, and only the"existence" of the target soul can be found in the memory of the person who has been in contact with the resurrection target.

The conclusion is: Ye Ting can only travel to the planes represented in the works he has seen.

In the same way, the Resurrection Stone can only resurrect the people in the user's memory.

Moreover, the limitations of the Resurrection Stone are even greater, because the person it can resurrect must have real contact and communication with the user, and memories obtained solely from photos, portraits, rumors, etc. are invalid.

This also illustrates the truth from the side.

A person will die three times in total in his life.

The first time your heart stops beating, then from a biological point of view, you are dead.

The second time is at the funeral. Everyone who knows you comes to pay their respects, and then your status in society is dead.

The third time is after the last person who remembers you dies, then you are really dead.

In this way, it is completely impossible for Ye Ting and others to expect to obtain information through unrestricted resurrection.

However, they have another method. If they want to resurrect someone they don't know, they can ask someone who knows the target person to complete the resurrection steps. This way they can also get information. In the end, they only need to remember to use the forgetting spell afterwards. That's it.

Through further research on Voldemort, they gradually got a clue about the search for the next Horcrux.

As we all know, Voldemort split his soul by murdering with the Killing Curse, and the pretentious Voldemort actually had a sense of ritual, just like he insisted on using the relics of the founder of Hogwarts as his Horcrux , he will also look for some special targets as murder targets to split souls and create Horcruxes.

For example, his father, the Muggle, Tom Riddle Sr.

It was during the murder of the old Riddle family that he created the Horcrux of Marvolo Gaunt's ring.

When looking at the enemies and important people in Voldemort's life, it is indispensable to mention the orphanage where Voldemort was born and where Ye Ting lived for ten years, Wu's Orphanage.

Ye Ting believes that he can gain something there

——This is of course, after all, it has been mentioned in the original work.

So, Ye Ting took Hermione and Fleur back to Wu's Orphanage and found Mrs. Gary who had taken care of him for ten years.

At this time, Wu's Orphanage has undergone tremendous changes compared to when Ye Ting left.

This place is no longer shabby and cramped, and it is no longer a remote and neglected little orphanage.

On the contrary, this has become the largest, best-equipped, and most outstanding orphanage in London.

After Ye Ting made a fortune twice through the collapse of the Soviet Union and the pound crisis, he donated a large sum of money to Wu's Orphanage and completely expanded it. Mrs. Gary also made money from a small orphanage. The person in charge became the director of a famous orphanage in London.

This can be regarded as understanding his original feelings.

But this time they came here to investigate Voldemort's past.

Fortunately, Mrs. Gary herself grew up in this orphanage and happened to know the young Voldemort.

Through Mrs. Gary, Ye Ting successively summoned Mrs. Cole, the director of the orphanage when Voldemort was a child, as well as several friends of Voldemort's childhood.

Through the memories of these resurrected souls, they learned about Voldemort's childhood.

In fact, Voldemort had already noticed as a child that he had special abilities that other children his age did not have.

However, unlike other little wizards of his age, he is able to control his abilities very well.

He can move objects with his mind and make them float to any position. He can make animals and creatures obey his orders, he can speak Parseltongue, and he can also use his abilities to injure other orphans.

After a fight with another orphan named Billy Stubbs, he used his powers to hang the boy's rabbit from the rafters.

Another time, he took Dennis Bishop and Amy Benson into a cave, where Voldemort did something so terrible that the two orphans were so frightened that they refused to say anything..

However, through the souls of Dennis and Amy, they learned that these two poor children became the guinea pigs of the young Voldemort.

The young Voldemort also stole things from other orphans and kept them in his own wardrobe like trophies.

Eventually, Dennis and Amy also revealed that they died at the hands of Voldemort - for unknown reasons, and they had no contact with Voldemort as adults.

However, Hermione and Fleur immediately understood the reason for this inexplicable murder - Voldemort was making Horcruxes again.

So, with Voldemort's character, he would definitely hide the Horcruxes in the hands of an important person, or an important person in his memory. Place.

There are only two places that are connected to Voldemort and his two childhood friends at the same time: one is the orphanage and the other is the cave.

However, after all, there are people in the orphanage all year round. If the Horcrux is hidden here, then Voldemort will definitely not set a trap - because if a Muggle accidentally stumbles into the trap, something unexpected happens, causing a bad impact, then magic The Ministry will send someone to deal with such an incident, and the Horcrux will be easily exposed.

Then there is only one option left to save, and that is the cave where Voldemort went to in his childhood.

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