After settling the matter regarding the crown, Ye Ting still stayed at Hogwarts and enjoyed campus life.

As usual, he continued to conduct his research in the secret room. At the same time, in his spare time, he would fool around with Hermione and Zhang Qiu, or tease his"new love" Luna Lovegood.

And on weekends, he would look for opportunities to go home and comfort Fleur and Penello from their lovesickness.

Such a day is as happy as a fairy.

However, outside of Hogwarts, the situation in the entire wizarding world has changed.

Under the order of Ms. Bones, led by Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office, the Aurors launched a full-scale attack on all the Death Eaters who had been identified by Harry Potter as appearing next to Voldemort in the cemetery. Our family carried out the arrest.

Although there are actually many pure-blood families who have taken refuge with Voldemort, since Voldemort died for the first time fourteen years ago, the Death Eaters have basically dispersed.

Since Voldemort maintained his Death Eaters based on strength and fear, although there were certain profit factors, most of the Death Eaters still could not be said to be loyal.

Many Death Eaters completely betrayed Voldemort after that, covering up their pasts.

There are also Death Eaters like Karkaroff who betrayed their companions to avoid trial. Of course, these people cannot turn back.

There are not many people who truly pursue Voldemort to the death and are determined to resurrect Voldemort after his death.

Therefore, now that everyone is at war with Voldemort, the Ministry of Magic cannot use the evidence from fourteen years ago to make arrests at will. It can only use Harry's identification to confirm who is Voldemort's true loyalist, because if according to the fourteenth year, Although the previous list was more foolproof, it also meant that they would force many people who might not have been prepared to return to Voldemort's side to a dead end.

It would be fine if the Ministry of Magic had enough power, but the Ministry of Magic does not have an army. In the past, maintaining law and order could only rely on Aurors, but in today's situation, the number of Aurors is somewhat stretched.

Unfortunately, the selection of Aurors was too difficult, so they could not be replenished in a short period of time. Now, Bones' only way to expand the strength of his men is to recruit retired Aurors and turn to the power of the Order of the Phoenix.

Among the Aurors who arrested these pure-blood families were the retired Alastor Moody, and of course the current Kingsley, Tonks, etc.

Although the members of the Order of the Phoenix do not accept Bones's leadership and have their own plans, Bones is on their side after all, and he also occupies the title of the Ministry of Magic, so even though Bones' plan is Doubtful, but they accepted the order.

Since the Aurors had prepared for a long time and took full action, and because such a bold action was so unimaginable that no Death Eater could have thought of it in advance, the action was quite successful.

Led by the Malfoy family, the MacNeil family, the Avery family, the Nott family, the Crabbe family, the Gower family and many other families were killed overnight by the Aurors, and all of them were imprisoned in Auror. Zikaban.

It wasn't until early the next morning that someone discovered that the manors of several families were all empty, and the whole truth came to light.

For a moment, the entire wizarding world was in an uproar.

This is not only because of the decisive actions of the Ministry of Magic - or the Bones faction, but also because of the identities of these families.

These families are all famous pure-blood families, among which the Malfoy family, the Avery family, the Nott family and other families are among the famous twenty-eight holy families.

These families have always been very influential in the wizarding world, but now they have been wiped out by the Ministry of Magic.

The first person to react to this incident was not Voldemort or the Death Eaters, but the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

Because these families are also the main members of the pure-blood sect behind him now.

Without these people, the pure-blood faction would be in name only, and his already precarious ministerial position would soon be in jeopardy.

So, the next day, he issued dozens of orders to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and ordered Azkaban to release members of these families.

However, over the past period of time, Ms. Bones has been fully prepared.

Not only did she work hard to fight against Voldemort, but she also took the opportunity to eliminate the bad and save the good in her continuous missions, turning the entire Department of Magical Law Enforcement into an iron barrel.

Even in Azkaban, which originally obeyed the minister's orders, Bones found ways to intervene.

She kept calling Azkaban's Aurors on the grounds of lack of manpower. After a series of complex transfers and full-time assignments, Azkaban's Aurors had been replaced by him from top to bottom. Now they have been replaced by Azkaban. Bones was firmly in control.

After realizing that his order was in vain, the helpless Fudge had no choice but to use his last resort.

He called an emergency meeting of the Wizengamot.

At the meeting, he accused Bones of acting without authorization, using public weapons for personal use, and arresting a large number of innocent civilians without any reason, including many loyal and reliable wizards - of course referring to Lucius Malfoy and his like.

Of course, Ms. Bones also fought back. She cited Harry's original testimony and believed that these families were very likely to still be helping Voldemort. Although the Department of Magical Law Enforcement would not judge them at will, for the sake of wizards For the sake of the safety of the world, they will be temporarily detained in Azkaban until it is confirmed that there is no threat.

Of course, Bones used the word"detention""、"Words like"protect".

However, when these words are put together with Azkaban, it is obvious that no one will believe it.

Since these captured families include almost half of the members of the pure-blood Wizengamot , therefore, Fudge was able to get even less support from the pure-blood faction.

However, as a qualified politician, he keenly grasped the fact that Aurors were dispatched without authorization, spreading panic and making people believe that if they are not proud, If Roga supervises, then Ms. Bones will use this as an excuse to arrest all members of the Wizengamot who oppose her as Death Eaters, thereby excluding dissidents.

Such remarks are indeed true in the Wizengamot There was a market where many wizards believed that the actions of the Aurors were considered wanton, which put Ms. Bones at risk of becoming dictatorial.

In short, with the help of Dumbledore, Bones finally maintained her position. Advantage.

However, as time goes by, if Bones does not make further gains, then more and more people will oppose her in the Wizengamot. In the end, it is not impossible to be counterattacked by the Fudge faction.

On the contrary, As long as Bones can prove the correctness of her actions - such as actually finding evidence of Death Eaters or obtaining other information about Voldemort, then this operation can be regarded as her decisive attack and foresight. Become a plus point.

In short, the risks and challenges of this operation coexist.

However, as far as Bones is concerned, she is indeed sure of victory.

Because this is only the beginning of the entire plan - to alert the snake.


That’s all for today, there should be an update tomorrow

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