As everyone sat down, the second meeting about the orc invasion and whether to form an alliance was finally held.

By the end of the first day's meeting, everyone seemed to agree that the Horde was coming, even the very diplomatic Perenolde. What needs to be dealt with now is how to solve this problem.

Throughout the meeting, Lane was explaining to everyone that uniting the military was the only way to do it.

Terenas agreed immediately, and fortunately Trollbane and Proudmoore soon followed suit.

But Perenolde and Greymane are more difficult.

Ryan was not surprised at all by Perenold's reluctance. He was just like some of the nobles in Stormwind City in the past, tactful, malicious, and always liked to stay away from everyone.

Perhaps Perenold was personally afraid of the war, so he got involved in this topic. Others were undoubtedly more brave than him.

Greymane's decision, however, was a surprise.

The man's muscular body and the heavy armor he wore showed that he was undoubtedly a warrior. He did not say that he did not want to fight, but he was quick to make other suggestions whenever the topic of war came up, and Perenold of course always emphasized that all possible suggestions should be investigated in detail.

It was only when Proudmoore and Trollbane accused Greymane of cowardice that the stout man suggested that a combined army was their only way to save themselves.

The meeting on the third day was not much different. They were still discussing the war, but at least the conversation began to turn to thinking about logistics. Such as which armies will be assembled, where they will be placed, how supplies will be provided to them - now they are discussing issues about six countries, of course the mages of Dalaran are not counted, and all kings are. Have their own ideas and methods.

Naturally, the big question is who will be the commander to rule this army.

It seemed that all the kings felt that they should lead the combined army.

Terenas emphasized that Lordaeron was the largest nation and had the most troops, and this time it was everyone else he had summoned.

And Trollbane said that he had the most practical combat experience. At least on the surface, Ye Ting believed what this rude king of the Mountain Kingdom said.

Proudmoore mentioned the strength of his navy, and that ships were a key focus for transporting troops and supplies.

Greymane was in the southernmost kingdom, and he felt that this meant he should rule the army. For if the tribes marched overland, his kingdom would be the first to be attacked - although this was not the case. Stromgarde is truly a nation at the forefront of the Horde's march, and Modan will reach this kingdom after passing through Dun Morogh.

Perenold suggested that although his troops were not many, the commander should have wisdom and foresight. He believed that he fully possessed these abilities.

Then there were two who were not kings, but in terms of their personal rights, they were still kings. The leader of the people.

Archbishop Faol, who had his followers across the kingdom, and Archmage Antonidas, who, although in essence he only ruled over a city, had the power of the people he ruled over all the troops anyone could muster. The most powerful.

Fortunately, these two men had no interest in leading armies. And the two of them are always using their influence to remind the kings that the tribe does not care whether the alliance's army is ready. They may come here to attack at any time, and they have always emphasized that if an army does not have an A sole leader will be useless, no matter the size of the force.

This discussion lasted for a whole day or two, and before the discussion was about to continue on the third day, Ye Ting, who had been watching for a long time and became impatient, finally ignored his current status again and coughed dryly, attracting everyone. people's attention.

The eyes of the kings immediately focused on him, and the mage could feel the expectation coming from these eyes.

His speech a few days ago did not offend these rulers. On the contrary, his remarks, his understanding of the orcs, etc. all allowed these kings to see this mage's talents besides magic. At this time, He is already able to serve as a"counselor""、"Their status as a"sage" has gained their attention.

So now, when Ye Ting takes the initiative to speak, everyone is willing to hear what good ideas he has.

And the most critical point is that Ye Ting does not belong to any of them. , no matter what he said or who he offended, it has nothing to do with them.

This young mage is neither a court mage in Lordaeron nor a member of Gilneas. He neither comes from Stromgarde nor has been to Alterac. Although He agreed to become Jaina Proudmoore's teacher, but only reached a verbal agreement.

Among those who were qualified to express opinions, he was different from several kings' spectators.

Two days of negotiations made the choice of commander-in-chief difficult. After the deadlock, the kings refused to give in to each other. The battle for commander-in-chief has become a battle of spirits, but Ryan, Antonidas and Fao have been at odds with each other. Therefore, they eagerly hope that someone can take the perspective of a bystander. Breaking the deadlock from the outside.

So, with everyone's expectations, Ye Ting spoke

"Before I express my opinion, I would like to reconfirm whether all of your Majesty's agree to summon their own troops to fight against the incoming tribes. Do you all agree to the plan to form an alliance?"

All the rulers nodded.

""Well, I'm very happy that all the kings can reunite and fight side by side again," Ye Ting said in a proud and solemn tone."This makes me feel that everything we do now is just like our ancestors in Just like the Arathi Empire did."

Of course, Ye Ting is not a native of Azeroth, nor is his ancestor from the Arathi Empire. But the kings don't know that in their view, all humans in the world are descendants of the Arathi Empire. If you don't count Ye Ting , of course they are right.

Ye Ting mentioned the great achievements of the Arathi Empire, and everyone nodded proudly. Although the Arathi Empire has long been torn apart, every king today has contributed to the Arathi Empire, and Their ancestors were proud to have followed Emperor Thoradin.

Seeing that he had grasped the key point, Ye Ting nodded with satisfaction and continued:"Since our career was inherited from Emperor Thoradin, then the only one suitable to become the supreme leader now is Commander, in the war, the one we all must listen to should be the person who inherits the ancestral bloodline - the only descendant of Emperor Thoradin's bloodline, Sir Anduin Lothar."

As soon as these words came out, not only the kings, but also Lothar, who was staying next to Ryan, were startled.

However, after the shock, the kings all fell into deep thought._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel A

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