There is a saying that is more true: the ignorant are fearless.

Typically, the more one knows, the more awe one feels.

Compared to the archers in the human army who are not familiar with magic, the high elf rangers understand best what this series of buff magic means.

When they saw Ye Ting use this series of spells, they understood that the outcome of this competition was basically certain.

Under such a terrifying buff, even a clumsy farmer will become the best marksman.

When Ye Ting finished casting all the buffing magic, he had transformed from an ordinary person who was a little proficient in using bows and arrows to one who was proficient in bows and arrows. At the same time, he surpassed Lor'themar in agility, vision, perception, movement speed, and shooting speed. marksman.

Moreover, this marksman has a calm and cold heart. He will not have any fluctuations or be disturbed by any external things, so it is almost impossible to make mistakes.

At the same time, Ye Ting also specially changed the weather nearby, turning the entire shooting range from a breeze to a windless state, and his arrows were made unaffected by air flow.

What's even more exaggerated is that he also accelerated time. In this way, even if he completed the entire game in the same time as Lor'themar, in the eyes of outsiders, he would be much faster than Lor'themar - his time flow was Compressed.

The most troublesome thing is the magic from the world of Harry Potter. Under the influence of this magic that affects the destiny of the world, even the goddess of luck is undoubtedly on his side, as long as he is not Deliberately miss the mark, and any small mistake will be wiped out by fate.

Ye Ting can cast such a series of buffing magics. Putting aside his own magic power, at least in terms of the number of magics he masters, the rangers have to be in awe of him.

In fact, although some of the series of magic he used are very complex, most of them are quite unpopular among magicians. You know, even a great magician will not be bored to learn. There are so many magics that are not usually used, which requires a huge amount of time and experience - unless the mage is a weirdo who specializes in bows and arrows - but this is obviously impossible.

Therefore, there is only one conclusion: the mage in front of him is indeed a true genius and strong man. He has mastered so many spells at such a young age that many people cannot finish them in a lifetime. Although he may not necessarily have profound attainments in certain magic, he is versatile and versatile and can handle almost any situation.

Lor'themar was even secretly glad that he did not propose a swordsmanship contest with the opponent, otherwise he would have been beaten from the front by a series of steel and iron bones, steel guardianship, perfect shape, bear's tenacity, and bull's strength... and he would have lost. Even more ugly.

So, under the complicated eyes of the rangers headed by Lor'themar, Ye Ting held a long bow and Shi Shiran stood in the middle of the shooting range.

"I'm ready, now, let's get started."He looked at Halduron Brightwing and declared warmly, as if he was announcing the judgment of fate.

"Okay...Okay, pre...preparation - start."

Although Ye Ting's tone was gentle, to Haduli, that plain tone seemed to contain a powerful momentum, which made him stutter when he spoke.

After Hadulun announced the start, he officially started his Performance.

Yes, it is performance, or showing off skills. Now no one will think that Ye Ting will lose this game. What everyone wants to see is how he will win and how far he can win.

Ye Ting does not He did not choose to move and shoot like Lor'themar to spread his attack range throughout the entire shooting range. Instead, he stood firmly in the middle of the shooting range and started shooting directly. In this way, if he wanted to hit the humanoid targets at both ends of the shooting range, It is inevitable to choose to shoot diagonally. In this way, whether it is a longer distance or a smaller shooting angle, it will increase the difficulty of shooting, but this is not a big deal to Ye Ting.

He even closed his eyes directly and completely passed Detect magic to determine the position of the target, and then start shooting at the human-shaped target at the end of the shooting range.

The bow is opened like a full moon, and the arrow is like a shooting star.

Ye Ting keeps shooting like this, and the movements of his hands are like clouds and flowing water.

In the enhancement magic Under this effect, Ye Ting's hand speed was far beyond that of ordinary people. Coupled with the distorted time, the action of taking one from the quiver to shoot an arrow created a strafing effect. In less than four or five seconds, he The shots were fired from one end of the shooting range to the other. The quiver was empty, while the twenty human-shaped targets on the shooting range each had an arrow stuck in their head.

"No... less than five seconds! Halduron announced the result in surprise,"All twenty targets hit the vital point, and... and they all hit the same place between the eyebrows.""

"If the time distortion magic is strengthened, the time will be even shorter."Ye Ting said lightly,"But that's enough. In this case, just consider me winning."

As he spoke, he walked up to Lor'themar. Although the two were of similar height, and even Lor'themar, a high elf, was taller, in his eyes, the human mage who was walking slowly looked extremely tall. , almost making him look up to

"That's won." Lor'themar gritted his teeth and finally admitted his failure,"I underestimated you humans. I have to admit that you do have the strength to match your words... I am convinced."

After saying all this, Lor'themar bowed deeply to Ye Ting, and then said to Nathanos beside him.

"Maris, I also have to apologize to you. In the past, I did make judgments without knowing enough about you. This was my fault. In the future, I will view you comprehensively and without prejudice. I hope you can forgive me. my fault"

"Of course, Theron," Nathanos was a little flattered. He had never been treated like this by Lor'themar before, and he immediately became excited:"I will work hard to prove myself!"

"I'll be waiting," Lor'themar tried to smile at Nathanos,"but until then, don't expect me to look up to you."

After saying these words, Lor'themar seemed to become more free and easy, and his eyes when looking at Ye Ting became much more sincere.

"I will fulfill my promise and voluntarily join the volunteer force to support you. I hope to give you more guidance on the battlefield."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to Ye Ting

"Of course, you are most welcome."

The two men held their hands together forcefully.

The originally tense atmosphere in the Far Traveler camp also eased a lot. The other rangers looked at Ye Ting no longer with provocation and resentment, but with respect and admiration.

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