After Ye Ting gave a positive answer, then Von Delor was satisfied and turned to Liadrin

"This trip to Lordaeron is the first time you are truly away from Quel'Thalas (the war with the trolls took place in Zul'Aman, next to Quel'Thalas)," the old priest taught earnestly,"In addition to fulfilling your duties as a priest, responsibilities, you should take this opportunity to see more of the customs and customs outside of Quel'Thalas. By the way, if you see any young people you like, don't hesitate. I don't mind you and the high elves. people interact."

Hearing this, Liadrin glanced at Ye Ting instinctively. Unexpectedly, Ye Ting happened to look at her as well, which made her immediately look away and blush.

Fortunately, Bi Luohua was on the other side. The great mage spoke, just in time to relieve the embarrassment

"You haven't gotten married yet, so why bother?"The Grand Magister mocked his old friend.

"I haven't met the right person," Vonderaor replied calmly,"At least she still has a chance.

Liadrin retorted softly:"It's too late for you two to get married." Now, don't say this to my face again!"

The great mage leaned against the backrest of the seat, sighed, and said,"Hey, it seems that she is still following your old path, she is really similar to you."

Liadrin suppressed a smile. These two are old friends. They grew up together and fought side by side countless times. Sometimes she couldn't help but think about how capable they were of getting into trouble when they were young. Now, they are gradually approaching the dusk of their lives. Liadrin always feels that they are like an old couple who love to quarrel, and they can always bring her laughter.

However, when she thinks about leaving them temporarily, Liadrin couldn't help but feel a little melancholy.

"Don't worry, it's just a temporary departure."Ye Ting comforted her in her ear at the right time,"Furthermore, every family has to experience the fact that children are independent and far away from their parents. It is absolutely normal. Only in this way can parents guide their children's future."

"I see. Liadrin wiped the corners of her eyes,"Thank you for your comfort. I think I'm much better.""

"It doesn't matter," Ye Ting smiled,"After all, Pastor Von Delor asked me to ask for your help. If you have any difficulties or inner worries in the future, you can tell me at any time. Don't be too external."

"Of course, thank you, you are a good person."Liadrin's face was a little red.

She was dealt the good guy card when she came up. Ye Ting shook his head speechlessly.

Fortunately, this trick does not exist in Azeroth.

No matter how reluctant Liadrin and Von Delor are to leave, In the end, Ye Ting led the team to leave Vondelor's church and continue their journey.

Quel'Thalas is not a large country, and the High are not a race with a large population, so the journey ended very quickly.

In the end, the number of volunteer troops under Alleria's command almost reached 5,000, of which over a thousand were from the Farstrider troops, over a thousand were from various church divisions, and the rest were ordinary high elf rangers.

These rangers Although not as elite as the Far Walkers, they are far better than human archers and are very good as reinforcements.

Most of them come in the name of Windrunners and follow Alleria, hoping to find a future in the war. , and Alleria promised to promote the best among them after the war and recommend them to join the Far Traveler team.

This army of about 5,000 people was considered to be the entire early reinforcements of the high elves for the human side—— Of course, there is support from mages, but that has nothing to do with the army.

For Quel'Thalas, this is a decision that favors compromise and compromise. On the one hand, the high elves adhere to tradition and are unwilling to interfere in human wars; On the other hand, they were wary of the existence of the demons behind the orcs, so they made such an uneasy decision: they sent enough reinforcements but did not use their own regular army: anyway, none of the eight legions were used, and the rangers and priests were all volunteers. The high elves only provided necessary supplies for the spontaneous actions of civil groups.

But from the perspective of humans, the number of troops supported by the high elves can be considered sincere. After all, no one has as large a population as humans. Moreover, these Reinforcements, whether they are rangers, priests or mages, are the most needed arms by humans. Looking at other arms such as warriors and spellbreakers among high elves, although the former are elite, there are only so many cannon fodder warriors among humans, and there is no need for high elves to be the icing on the cake. , although the latter is aimed at legal professions, the bellicose orcs are basically warriors in the lead, and warlocks will not appear on the frontal battlefield in most cases, leaving spell breakers completely useless.

In short, at present, both sides still have Satisfied.

In this way, Ye Ting and Alleria led the army of high elves all the way to the Kingdom of Lordaeron. So far, the coalition forces of the human countries have not fully converged, and supplies from various countries are also being urgently transported. , everything is not yet on the right track.

Ye Ting and Alleria also have tasks. They must seize the time to conduct emergency training for these elves before they officially confront the orcs. Although many of them have participated in high-level The war between the elves and the trolls in Zul'Aman was something they had never experienced before: fighting side by side with humans and fighting orcs. They needed to learn and adapt to fighting outside the forest.

Of course, Alleria was the only one who had to do this. People can complete it, and Ye Ting did not waste his time on such trivial matters.

After settling the elves in a camp on the outskirts of Lordaeron, he left here and headed to the holy city of Stratholme—of course, He didn't set out alone, but took Liadrin with him.

He planned to bring Liadrin to Archbishop Faol and let Liadrin transfer to a paladin.

Yes, this was his first thought after seeing Liadrin.

In the original history, Liadrin has proved that in addition to being a priest, she also has the talent to become a warrior, and she has been serving as the leader after becoming a blood knight, which further illustrates her talent. Such a talent does not need to be It's going to waste.

In addition, if Liadrin becomes a paladin, then this profession will soon appear among the high elves. Maybe in this way, Quel'Thalas will be more resistant to the undead disaster in the future. ability.

Fortunately, the person who invented the paladin profession was Archbishop Fa'ao. If it had been anyone else, Ye Ting would never have had this intention.

Archbishop Fao himself is generous and philanthropic enough to treat all races equally. Therefore, he will not be too precious about teaching the methods of becoming a paladin to his allies, the high elves. At the same time, he still has enough reputation to be on par with the kings of other countries, so that he will not give up his decision due to political pressure from other countries.

Ye Ting even thought that not too long had passed since Faol brought the four Paladin candidates to Lothar, to his mission to Quel'Thalas, and then to his return to Lordaeron.

Maybe if Liadrin is brought here at this time, she will have a chance to become one of the first generation paladins. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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