The noise of the battle between the totem stone giants and the powerful warriors was really too loud.

Especially the tall and heavy stone giant, every move, punch and kick will cause small-scale earthquakes.

The battle between the two sides shook the ruins of the city. Soon many decaying buildings collapsed, and occasionally unlucky trolls and alliance soldiers were buried inside.

As their battle became more intense, the Amani Trolls and the Alliance did not dare to stay in the buildings for fear that these thousands of years of"dangerous buildings" would collapse due to vibrations.

This was an advantage for the alliance. As the dominant force, they did not want to start a street fight with the trapped trolls. Therefore, these"earthquakes" actually helped them force the trolls out of their hiding places and eliminated the trolls' geographical advantage.

Of course, in addition to the above, the battle between these behemoths makes ordinary soldiers feel the most fear.

No matter how the trolls and alliance soldiers fought, without exception, they no longer dared to approach the center of the city. In their eyes, the battle there was simply not an area they could touch.

Compared to ordinary soldiers who don't know anything, those who care more about the battle in the city center and near the temple are the commanders of the alliance.

Among them, the most nervous ones are the Windrunner sisters.

Under Ye Ting's order, they ran across the entire city as fast as they could, summoning every strong person they could meet in order to quickly support Ye Ting, who was fighting alone.

They discovered this immediately when the stone giant stood up in the direction of the temple.

No way, who made the stone giant too tall?

However, although the two of them knew that Ye Ting could use the deformation technique, they had never seen Ye Ting use such a level of deformation technique with their own eyes. Therefore, they did not understand which side of the battle this giant stone statue belonged to.

All they knew was that the situation Ye Ting faced in the temple must be more complicated.

As they continued to summon the strong men in the alliance and gathered them to approach the temple, they saw with their own eyes that the four huge stone giants fell one by one.

They still didn't understand what this meant. All the anxious sisters could do was hurry up and hurry up.

Unable to wait, Alleria even gave up the military horse on her crotch again, and regardless of her physical strength, she broke out at her top speed as a top ranger, just to reach Ye Ting in one step.

Then, when the two sisters arrived at the battlefield in front of the temple first, what they saw was that the last tall totem stone giant had his knees shattered by the violent blow of the half-human and half-bear spirit bear Nalorak, and finally slowed down. It fell slowly and turned into a pile of rubble after making a loud noise.

In front of these containing the powerful power of Loa, even the ten-meter-high rock giant could only occupy a temporary advantage, but its too bulky body and slow movements were still obvious shortcomings, and they were quickly defeated by the powerful warriors one by one..

Seeing that his powerful warriors had finally cleared away some of the rock summons, Malacas finally breathed a sigh of relief. He once again used the shadow shield of voodoo to block Ye Ting's machine-cannon-like arcane missiles, and then erupted with a powerful force. The shadow power forced Ye Ting to retreat temporarily, allowing him to have several divine warriors retreat in front of him, waiting for orders.

When the power of the shadow dissipated, Malacas reappeared in Ye Ting's sight. He looked directly at Ye Ting, who had suppressed him until he was unable to fight back, and made a gloomy voice.

"I have to admit, mage, you are the most powerful spellcaster I have ever seen... But, you still failed. Your spells are useless in the face of the power of Loa!"

"what about you? Malacas," Ye Ting retorted,"In front of a useless spell, you still have to beg for mercy, don't you? You are just a shameful traitor who betrayed your own gods and stole their power."

Ye Ting said this in Zandalari, which is the language of the trolls. After hearing his words, except for Dakara, who knew the truth, all the other trolls panicked.

They had been in Zul'Aman from They have never seen such a powerful warrior who has mastered the power of the Loa God. In their eyes, the half-beasts and half-trolls in front of them are the incarnations of the Loa God. Now that Ye Ting reminds them, they begin to pay attention to what they see in front of them. The divine warrior became suspicious.

Seeing this, Ye Ting took a step further

"Malacath, do you know why the once glorious Amani trolls can only survive in the ruins of this empire, and are even forced to this point by us?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"Malacas' face became more and more gloomy and he said displeasedly.

However, Ye Ting was not prepared to respond to him. Instead, he said loudly:"Although you trolls have been glorious for thousands of years, you are now worse than you have been for thousands of years. What has changed before? No! Not at all! Whether it is a huge troll empire or a tribe with a small population today, you will always maintain a barbaric, cruel and bloody civilization. You still treat others viciously, and you also treat yourself viciously. You still feed on people and use people as your own. You will always stagnate and be surpassed by other races - whether it's you, the sand trolls of Zul'Farrak, the jungle trolls of Zul'Gurub, or the frost trolls of Zul'Drak, Or the 'civilized people of Zandalar'’"

"Yeah? Is this your conclusion? Malakas shouted angrily:"Is this the reason why you shameless latecomers occupy our former territory and want to wipe us out?""

"Yes, you are right."In response to Malakas's question, Ye Ting just nodded indifferently,"As far as the trolls are concerned, we are indeed all latecomers. But any other troll can accuse us of this, just not you. From what standpoint do you say this? I swear, the troll's blood on my hands is not even one percent of yours! I have seen the deep resentment surrounding your Loa warriors and the hundreds of troll souls. In order to deceive your gods and extract their power, you must have paid a lot of sacrifices. , you are the spokesperson of Bwonsamdi (the god of death of the trolls)!"

"You are lying!"How could Malacas admit this fact in front of his compatriots - although the sacrifices in the past were also fire sacrifices, it was different from now. Such living sacrifices did not consume much of the troll's life, far less than the extraction. One percent of Loa's power ritual

"Since you don’t admit it, let them see for themselves!"

Ye Ting said that and pointed the wand at the temple.

The next moment, the walls and dome of the temple made of rocks gradually weathered at a speed visible to the naked eye under the magic of turning fossils into sand, and then turned into large tracts of gravel. In the end, everything collapsed.

After uncovering all this, the altar in the temple and the abyss for sacrifices under the altar were all exposed to everyone. The tragic situation in the abyss, even if the Windrunner sisters beside Ye Ting had experienced it The warriors who had fought a hundred battles, had hearts as strong as steel, and harbored hatred for the trolls could not help but avert their eyes and couldn't bear to look directly at them. The remaining troll soldiers in front of the temple were even more confused. _Please read the underlined version of the novel. Download Feilu Novel A

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