The remnants of Amani are relieved here, but the evil branch trolls, who have always been ambitious, are starting to make moves.

The destruction of Amani and the death of Zuljin were not bad news for them, but good news.

The destruction of the Amani tribe meant that they lost external threats, and Zul'jin's death left them with nothing to worry about.

Their leader, the evil priestess Hex, has been looking forward to this day for a long time. This loyal priest of the blood god Hakkar has always had such a dream in his heart: to hold a game in which an entire troll tribe is sacrificed. A grand blood sacrifice.

The Deadwood, Maltooth, and Rotten Moss tribes were her targets, but now, she was interested in the remaining Amani trolls.

Using the last members of the old dynasty as sacrifices to announce the arrival of a new dynasty was a very meaningful thing for her.

Especially now, the most powerful forces in the Hinterlands, those annoying Wildhammer dwarves who like to fly in the sky, seem to have begun to abandon the land in the Hinterlands, give up their disputes with them, and instead develop the newly conquered land. of Zul'Aman.

This is undoubtedly a God-given opportunity for her.

So, she secretly organized a hunt for the Amani trolls. She vowed to capture these remnants of the old empire, and after blood sacrificing them, she officially began a full-scale attack on the old enemies of the Deadwood, Maltooth and Rotten Moss tribes..

She had been waiting for this day for a long time.

However, she was not the only one waiting for this day.

Ye Ting has actually been looking forward to all this happening.

In fact, Ye Ting's plan was based on his understanding of these tribes in his previous life.

In the original history, the Evil Branch Trolls began to conquer other tribes after the Second Orc War.

Due to the failure of the war and the break with the tribe, Zul'jin lost his prestige among the trolls. He even lost his arm in the war, and reviving the troll empire became a luxury.

Except for the Amani trolls, the rest of the forest troll tribes are no longer willing to gather under his command. It was under this circumstance that the Evil Branch trolls launched an attack on the remaining troll tribes in the Hinterlands.

Of course, their plan ultimately failed because their opponents defected to the tribe and successfully defeated the Evil Branch tribe with the help of the tribe. In the end, the Evil Branch tribe was unable to use other trolls to sacrifice the blood god Hakkar. He had no choice but to send his subordinates to the blood altar, and eventually gradually declined.

Although there are precedents to follow, making Ye Ting's plan highly feasible, Ye Ting is still not very reassured.

After all, he is in a real world now, not a simple novel or game, and any accidents may happen.

In order to prevent these accidents, Ye Ting personally went to the Hinterlands to monitor the Amani Troll and the Evil Branch Troll.

He needed to ensure that the Evil Branch Trolls would attack the remnants of the Amani Trolls, but not allow the Amani Trolls to be completely wiped out.

The best thing is that the Amani trolls can escape the attack of the evil branch trolls, and then find other troll tribes to form an alliance to fight against the evil branch trolls.

For this reason, he was even prepared to transform himself into a troll and drive a wedge between these tribes.

However, fortunately, most of the situation developed as he expected, and he did not do this. It was easy to transform into a troll, but pretending to be a savage and dirty troll was not something someone like him was willing to endure.

In the end, the Evil Branch Troll attacked the remnants of the Amani as scheduled. The only surprise was that the remnants of the Amani Troll were too weak and had insufficient available troops, so there were a lot of gaps in the tribe's defense and reconnaissance capabilities.

Therefore, Ye Ting, who was hiding near the Amani tribe, had no choice but to use magic to create an accident, allowing the Evil Branch Troll's ambush to inadvertently reveal its flaws, and was finally discovered by the Amani Troll's incompetent sentry.

Then, everything went as planned. Warlord Dakara decisively led the Amani trolls to escape, and escaped the pursuit of the Evil Branch trolls after paying a considerable price.

Warlord Dakara is worthy of being the hero in the original history who once revived the Amani Trolls after Zul'jin's death.

After learning about the Evil Branch Troll's recent series of attacks on trolls from other tribes, Ye Ting decisively made the decision he expected: to contact the tribes such as Deadwood, Bad Teeth, and Rotten Moss to fight against the Evil Branch Troll.

With Dakara's ability and the reputation of the Amani Trolls, the coalition was naturally established, and Dakara himself, like Anduin Lothar, was respected as the commander of the coalition.

In this regard, the troll tribes may have the same judgment as the human kings: identity + ability.

Lothar relies on his identity as a descendant of Emperor Thoradin, and he is the only commander in the entire alliance who has truly fought against the orcs. His leadership ability and combat experience are guaranteed. Of course, the Kingdom of Stormwind is weak enough, and he himself has not restored the Arathor Empire. Ambition is also a reason.

The same is true for Dakara: he belongs to the once great Amani trolls, and has been fighting the high elves for a long time, and is considered a veteran, while the conflicts between the trolls of the Hinterlands are relatively minor. At the same time, the current situation of the Amani tribe is very weak, which makes it insufficient for him to take advantage of the opportunity of the coalition to annex other tribes.

All the troll tribes here merged together to discuss the important matter of besieging the Evil Branch Tribe and eradicating this evil existence.

When the Priestess Hex, the leader of the Evil Branch tribe over there, heard the news, she was naturally furious and wanted to lead her army to severely punish these ignorant tribes.

The two sides faced each other tit for tat, and the war naturally began.

A frontal battle between trolls naturally consumes far more strength from both sides than the petty attacks in the past.

For a time, the entire Hinterlands forest became a meat grinder for forest trolls.

As forest trolls, both sides of the war are masters of forest warfare.

The leader of the coalition forces, Dakara, has rich combat experience, but the Evil Branch Trolls have the same advantage as they belong to the same tribe, and their overall strength is basically the same.

They either ambush each other or counter-ambush each other in the forest. The two sides work as a small team and interact with each other in the dense deciduous forest, virgin oak and maple forest of the Hinterlands, bringing the tactics of forest warfare to the extreme. Every day, both sides The tribe has hundreds of trolls buried in the forests of the Hinterlands.

Ye Ting's plan has basically been successful so far.

Everyone except Ye Ting was very surprised that this plan could produce such results.

Although Ye Ting's subordinates and the rulers of the alliance countries had already understood the purpose of the plan in Ye Ting's plan, they were still shocked by Ye Ting when the plan was actually realized.

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