All the countries in the Alliance are happy to hear about the Silver Hand's plan to recruit new soldiers.

When Archbishop Fao just announced the creation of the Paladin profession, although the rulers of various countries had great trust in the highly respected Archbishop, they still had reservations about it. Therefore, in addition to preparing their own dry food (referring to the Holy Seal), the first generation of Paladins Except for Liadrin who was recommended by Ye Ting, the other five were all personally selected by Fao.

After the training of the first generation of Paladins, the Paladins demonstrated their abilities in front of the alliance's top leaders. Although many powerful Paladin skills in the future have not yet been developed, these"warriors" who have mastered the power of the Holy Light are still here. Show off in front of kings and nobles.

Without him, it is really because the alliance lacks physical melee professions with strong enough personal abilities, and also lacks extraordinary strength.

Therefore, the Paladin can be regarded as the chosen one who came into being. Compared with the top warriors who are very physical and talented and rarely seen, the Paladin profession is much more approachable to the people.

This does not mean that Paladins do not need talents. On the contrary, compared to the average person who can use two-handed tactics, it is relatively difficult to become a Paladin because he not only requires people's physical conditions, but also requires people's mental conditions. restricted. However, the upper limit of the Paladin is obviously higher than that of ordinary warriors, and the strong ones among them are more likely to emerge. At least the Six Silver Saints are not yet able to compete with legendary warriors like Lothar, but they are not far behind him..

Faced with the new professional system that can mass-produce powerful people, all countries in the alliance are excited.

Led by the Kingdom of Lordaeron, various countries have sent a large number of talented warriors and priests to Stratholme, hoping that they can be selected to become recruits of the Silver Hand, and their support for the Silver Hand's materials has gradually increased..

Even the high elves, who had never valued the faith of the Holy Light, saw that the Paladin profession could complement their army, and under the invitation of Ye Ting and the auspices of Prince Kael'thas, they sent a mission to Stratholme. own choice.

In the end, the first batch of Silver Hand recruits numbered about a hundred, including dozens of high elves. These people began training as paladins under the leadership of the Five Silver Saints.

As for why it is the Silver Five Saints?

As the first-generation Paladin, Turalyon was too embarrassed to be unable to use the power of the Paladin. In addition, Lothar was interested in him. Now he was transferred to Lothar and became his adjutant.

As for Ye Ting, although he has the status of advisor and adjutant, due to his previous achievements, he no longer needs to be responsible for those trivial things. The alliance tends to arrange for him to be responsible for the magic and other extraordinary powers in the war. And if necessary, let him lead the battle alone.

In a word: promoted.

And Turalyon, the future commander of the Alliance Expeditionary Force, not only lost the possibility of hooking up with his wife Alleria Windrunner in the original book, but he also had to be Lothar's younger brother and Ye Ting's younger brother.

Overall, I am satisfied with Turalyon's ability and Ye Ting. Although he often treats Lothar as some kind of legend and seems too respectful when facing Ye Ting, at work, his His intelligence, loyalty and diligence are all evident, and he is indeed a very good... tool man.

While the Alliance was making intensive preparations, the Horde received supplies from Khaz Modan and Death Knights as warlock replacements. Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer discovered that he wanted to attack Lordan. In Lun Continent, they still face a lot of troubles.

To reach the human kingdom by land, the orcs must pass through the swampy mire in the north - the wetlands.

This route is already full of dangers, not to mention transporting siege tanks and commanding the army to travel long distances.

Later, the orcs must also cross the Sador Bridge, which leads to the only connection between the two continents of the Eastern Kingdom, before they can reach Lordaeron.

However, the Sador Bridge has a narrow deck and is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Today's Alliance army has been deployed in the Hillsbrad Hills and has begun preliminary training. Once the orcs attack from land, they will be able to react quickly.

In the opinion of most people on the Alliance side, the barbaric orc tribe does not understand the navy, so they will definitely fight to the north from the land.

Therefore, Doomhammer decided to go in the opposite direction and build a water fleet to surprise the core of the Lordaeron Alliance by sea.

Although no one openly questioned the warchief's decision, most people were unsure.

Orcs are not naturally good at long-distance navigation. They have never done such a thing in the world of Draenor. Most superstitious clans are full of respect for Wang Yanghai.

Orgrim did not expect that Gul'dan and the Ravager clan would help him a lot in persuading the tribe to sail. Gul'dan and his followers told the other orcs that traveling by water was much safer than traveling by land, and that this was the wisest strategy. Orgrim was naturally happy to see the results, but he remained highly wary of Gul'dan's motives.

In fact, Gul'dan does have his own purpose, and he also hopes that the Horde will have a powerful fleet so that he can do his own thing. The specific reasons will not be disclosed for the time being.

In a bay located to the southwest of the wetland, the orcs' shipyard is hidden here. Orgrim personally supervised the construction of this huge fleet.

The orcs know nothing about shipbuilding, but fortunately some ogres are good at sailing. The Zandalari trolls on the islands in the sea are the trolls who are scattered around the world by relying on ships to communicate.

These ogres helped the orcs build huge heavy warships, and also taught the orcs how to build small, light boats that could sail on the sea and rivers more safely.

In addition, Doomhammer also met a new race-goblins.

Hidden in the shadows, these clever and cunning creatures not only witnessed the arrival of the Horde, but also witnessed the powerful orcs taking over Stormwind City. In the midst of the chaos, they took the opportunity to get a piece of the action.

Therefore, instead of staying away from the tribe, the goblins took the initiative to approach these invaders.

The tribe has just arrived in Azeroth, and there is still a lot to learn about the world and local culture. The goblin clan expressed their willingness to provide them with new technologies, maps, and other useful information... provided the price is right.

Unlike other warlike and reckless orcs, the cunning Orgrim did not choose to forcibly enslave this group of bold goblins as most orcs thought. Instead, he generously rewarded the goblins for their help with the human wealth gained from the war.

With the help of the goblins and other members of the tribe, the orcs began to build the warship.


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