The death knight's sudden attack caused chaos in the alliance's defense line.

Where have ordinary soldiers seen such horrific scenes?

Although the heavy hammers and giant axes from the orcs were terrifying, they were traceable and they could still find ways to resist them.

And in such an inexplicable way that people bleed from all their orifices, these ordinary soldiers have no means of resistance at all.

What makes everything worse is the deadly death cloud emitted by the death knight, as well as the corpses of those who stood up again after death and turned back to attack their comrades in the past.

Whether it is the pervasive poisonous fog that is sure to kill anyone or the corpses of comrades evoked by the Death Knight, they have brought deep fear to the Alliance soldiers.

The morale of the soldiers in the front row suddenly began to collapse. Many infantrymen even turned around and ran away when the Death Knight approached slightly. No matter how the grassroots officers tried to boost morale and emphasized the formation, they could not get the infantry to re-form the shield wall.

Some officers even took the lead in escaping.

Fortunately, for the orcs themselves, the death knight was considered a feared and unpopular unit. When the death knight charged, there were not enough orc soldiers to follow.

Otherwise, as long as there are enough orcs to take the opportunity to charge, the alliance's formation will be overwhelmed.

Faced with the death knight who suddenly got up, Ye Ting, who had always been unfazed, was the first to react.

"The enemy's special force has appeared, it's the Death Knight! He ordered loudly:"Paladins, come out and hold them back!""

The first one to react to Ye Ting's order was Liadrin. Among the Six Silver Saints of the Silver Hand, she can be regarded as Ye Ting's direct descendant.

"In the name of Holy Light! Liadrin took the lead and shouted to the elven paladins behind her,"Silver Hand, attack!""

She took the lead in riding her horse and rushed into the soldiers in the front row. She raised her sword high, and the tip of the sword emitted golden light like the sun.

"Stand up quickly, soldiers! she shouted."The Light will protect you.""

The light spread from the long sword, shining on the soldiers, bathing them in the light. When the group of cloaked guys raised their hands again, although the soldiers flinched a little, no one fell. Next.

Then, Liadrin rushed out, and a gap was opened in the shield wall, enough for Liadrin and other paladins to pass through one by one. After that, Uther also led the other Silver Hands The holy knights followed.

The holy light of these holy knights instantly dispelled the death cloud spread by the death knights, and the corpses touched by weapons with holy power were cut to death as if they had encountered a nemesis. They fell like wheat.

Then, the Paladins used their power of holy light to heal the wounded soldiers and calm their minds. The soldiers of the Alliance rejoiced again. Inspired by the surprising skills and power of the Paladins.

Only Turalyon felt very conflicted. As a Paladin, he should be together, and as Lothar's lieutenant, he should stay here to assist his commander.

However, no matter what, the Paladin and the Death Knight were almost Two professions that were born at the same time and faced each other face to face for the first time.

The death knight's shadow and necromantic spells brought death and decay to the battlefield, but the holy light of the paladin was able to dispel the darkness. For a time, both sides Evenly matched, the fight was back-and-forth.

At the same time, the orcs finally seized the opportunity and began to cooperate with the death knight to continue attacking the shield wall. However, the timely appearance of the paladin relieved the pressure on the defense line, and the holes that were torn open quickly disappeared. were filled by other soldiers.

On the orc side, Orgrim originally had mixed feelings about the power of the death knights. Although he is still deeply uneasy about the death knights, he also agrees with their unstoppable fighting power on the battlefield. But the Alliance The sudden appearance of the Paladins on the other side made him frown. These warriors who had mastered the power of the Holy Light were obviously much more difficult to deal with than the frail priests in the past, and their number did not seem to be small - at least compared to spell casting. It was much more than the previous ones.

This forced Orgrim to increase the importance of death knights in his mind and suppress the thought of banning them.

But now, he has realized that he wants to defeat the team in front of him that supports Stromgarde. (He thought) The army must come up with more trump cards to ensure that the tribe can conquer Stromgarde.

On the Alliance side, Ye Ting quickly discovered the tribe's new measures.

He saw many people who were much taller than the orcs. The new creatures quickly approached the alliance's defense line.

They were ogres! These huge creatures joined the battle, waving sticks like uprooted trees. The addition of these behemoths immediately broke the balance of the battlefield, even if Paladins and death knights also had to stay away from these big guys.

So, under their blows, which were comparable to battering rams, the entire shield wall collapsed, and the soldiers were defeated by this powerful blow. The Horde emerged from those gaps stormed in and swept away the Union soldiers inside.

"Change your strategy immediately," Ye Ting ordered the messenger."According to the previous backup plan, all soldiers formed a small team defensive formation! Fall back and regroup!"

The herald nodded, then raised his horn, blowing a short sound first, and then another long sound.

After hearing this sound, the team captains began to shout orders to their own teams to assemble them. The soldiers, even those who left their own squad in the chaos, gathered close to the highest-ranking sergeant.

Each squad began to skillfully form a small defensive square formation. This was Ye Ting's combination of modern tactics and Qi Jiguang's Yuanyang Formation. The suggestions they made for the training of Alliance soldiers, although different from the large phalanx favored by human countries, were still adopted by Lothar.

Now, this new training applied to chaos has finally played its due role The role of these temporary shield formations formed by squad leaders and high-ranking sergeants as the core effectively prevented a large number of casualties caused by chaos. They began to retreat while containing the orcs. The tribe tried to break through them, but The Alliance soldiers stood tightly together, holding their weapons steadily and stabbing any orcs who came close.

The orcs kept attacking these teams with sheer numbers, crashing into these warriors again and again until They were exhausted and fell down. Compared with the large phalanx, these small shield formations were indeed a little thin.

Facing the crazy orcs, a small team was defeated from time to time, and then the entire team was swallowed up by the orcs.

But most of the alliance soldiers They were all able to successfully retreat.

Others in the rear were not idle either. Turalyon and the other commanders rode through the ranks of soldiers at the bottom of the hills, organizing them to build another shield wall.

Every time As one group retreats, the wall opens to let them in, and then closes as they enter.

The soldiers then reinforce the wall, and then help the other groups so they can get through safely.

High Elf Ranger Troops line up Behind the shield wall, Alleria directed them to keep bending bows and shooting arrows, trying their best to stop the orcs. She was worried that any creatures that might come close could knock down these defenders.

Finally, the temporary collapse of the defense line was stopped in time.

However , , the existence of ogres is still a hidden danger to the alliance, and someone must deal with them._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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