There, Lord Liver! Look there, that's the guy mentioned in my intelligence."

Ye Ting changed the direction of the griffon and stared down at the direction pointed by the Wildhammer dwarf Flanders.

Yes, there! His sharp eyes captured those things.

He kicked the griffon with his heel, His gryphon mount gave a little cry in response, tightening its wings and diving downwards.

Yes, now he could vaguely see something moving through the forest below, one that was as green as the forest troll, But with an even greener and weirder complexion, he easily recognized that this was their target - the Hinterland tribe's troops.

He pulled the reins back.

The griffin swung his tail, spread its wings and moved upward again. Flying away.

Kurdran, Falstad, Flanders and others were waiting in a circle.

Not far away, he could see a huge eagle-shaped stone sculpture looking down at the place confidently. The world. There is the home of these Wildhammer dwarves - Eagle's Nest Mountain.

The scene in front of them does not make these Wildhammer dwarves feel the usual pride and joy. Because it is too close to the tribe below them.

"Do you see that, lord? Flanders asked Falstad beside him."I told you, it was these ugly monsters that passed through the mountain pass and entered our forest!" They're the orcs from the tribe, right?"

Flanders was the person in charge of Kurdran who stayed in Eagle Nest Mountain when he was supporting the Alliance. Before this, he had never seen the orcs with his own eyes.

"You are right, this is our enemy. Falstad said to this subordinate."These ugly monsters are breaking into our world." There are a lot of them and it's hard for us to attack them while they're in the forest"

"Are we just going to let them wander across our land like this? asked a sentry.

"of course not!"His brother, Kurdran, smiled and said to the other Wildhammer dwarves:"Although they are huge in number, this is our home ground. We have to find a way to drive them into the open space. For this reason, we also brought reliable Allies, humans and high elves. Come on, lads, let's go back home, and we'll soon make it clear to those green monsters that they're not welcome in the Hinterlands."

In the process of fighting with Ye Ting, even the reckless Wildhammer dwarves have learned something. For example, Kurdran, he has understood that enough intelligence and appropriate strategies can make it easier for them to deal with their opponents.

In After discovering that the orcs had entered the Hinterlands rashly, even though they knew that the threat to the Eagle's Nest Mountain was not great, Falstad and the Kurdran brothers were still worried about their people. With the main force between the tribe and those remaining in the Arathi Highlands, Lothar made an arrangement to divide the troops. He would personally guard the more strategically important Arathi Highlands defense line, while Ye Ting would lead part of the alliance's troops to support Lan.

Because Due to the mountain road, not only the tribes, but also the main alliance forces in the Hilde Hills had to spend some time to enter the Hinterlands, so Ye Ting moved his troops to the rear and rode back with the dwarves on griffins. Arriving at Eagle's Nest Mountain.

Originally, he wanted to leave Jaina in the Hillsbrad Hills, but her magic apprentice was not willing to be left behind by her teacher, so he began to tease Ye Ting hard, and he rode a gryphon together. Let's go to the Hinterlands together.

In the end, Ye Ting still couldn't resist the little girl's cuteness and coquettishness, and reluctantly agreed to her request. The only requirement was that he must be obedient.

This was his second time coming to Eagle's Nest Mountain, and he came here last time. He persuaded the Wildhammer dwarves to join the Alliance to siege the trolls. The drunken night and what happened with Alleria while drunk were still fresh in his memory. This time he came to Eagle's Nest Mountain, and Alleria was with him. , it was not just the Wildhammer dwarves who were worried about their homeland.

However, this time, no one focused on wine, because the war could start at any time.

After several days of waiting and investigation, the intelligence from the Wildhammer dwarves reached Ye Ting hands

"In the past few days, those green-skinned guys have been coming and going in the forest, especially wandering where the forest trolls once lived, seeming to be looking for something."The person in charge of the report was Flanders,"These orcs are divided into many teams, and each team is accompanied by forest trolls, but I have never seen the totems of those forest trolls."

"Sure enough, your previous judgment was correct." Beside him, Alleria cast an admiring look at Ye Ting,"They should be looking for traces of forest trolls and seem to want to form an alliance with them. The unseen forest troll probably comes from the other side of the sea"

"In the entire Lordaeron, apart from the trolls, which ally has the ability to make a qualitative change in the power of the tribe?"Ye Ting held Gianna in his arms and sat at the main seat in the conference room and said

"Fortunately, we got rid of all the trolls in advance," Kurdran said with lingering fear."Otherwise, I can't even imagine what kind of harm the orcs would cause us with the help of the forest trolls... Sure enough, The Lever brothers are still smart."

At this time, Gianna, who was sitting on Ye Ting's lap, looked at Ye Ting with sparkles in her eyes. What this little genius with a high IQ admires the most is those who achieve great things with their brains - perhaps this is the reason for the high IQ. It's a common problem among people with IQ.

In the past, there were not many such people around her. In Kul Tiras, the ones she came into contact with the most were those reckless and bold sea men. This was also the reason why she yearned for Dalaran.

And at this moment, Ye Ting appeared in her eyes. This young man was not much older than her, but he relied on his wisdom to accomplish many things that were beyond the reach of ordinary people. This allowed Ye Ting to successfully replace Dai Lin. Becoming the most admired person in this girl's heart.

Now, since following Ye Ting to the battlefield, she has learned about Ye Ting's various deeds from more and more people. The more she understands, the deeper the surprise and admiration in the girl's heart.

Ye Ting didn't understand the thoughts of the little girl sitting on his lap. At this time, he was thinking about how to use the tribe's behavior to trick them.

He pondered for a moment, and suddenly the plan came to his mind.

"Falstad, Kurdran," the mage looked at the two Wildhammer dwarf leaders on the other side and asked,"After the last siege of the forest trolls in the Hinterlands and Zul'Aman, we confiscated many of their totems and Flags as trophies, do you keep these things?"

"Of course, these are all signs of our great achievements, and I want to use them to brag to my future children! Kudran patted his chest and said,"Why, do you need these things?""

"Yes," Ye Ting nodded and smiled confidently,"Since the purpose of these orcs is to find trolls and form an alliance with them, then we can make good use of this. With the spoils of these trolls, plus With my magic, we can lure these orcs to where we want them, and then……"

Having said this, Ye Ting smiled coldly. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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