The hug between the two lasted for a long time before Janis took the initiative to leave.

When Ye Ting looked directly at her beautiful face again, he found that although the female mage's eyes were still slightly red, she was no longer as haggard as before.

Janis is indeed worthy of being a Archmage. Although weakness will appear in her temporarily, it cannot affect her forever. From this point of view, most women in noble families are far inferior.

After the Barov family lost all its men, this female mage was indeed able to stand up and become the support of the entire family.

Now, Janis looked at Ye Ting with nostalgic eyes and talked about the past with him.

"Little guy, it seems to have been almost a year since we last saw each other in Dalaran. Unexpectedly, the little guy who needed to learn all kinds of basic magic day and night has now become a big shot in the alliance."

The friendship between Janis and Ye Ting began when Ye Ting announced the theory of transformation magic. This theory that created a new school was so shocking that Janis, who had been staying at home in Alterac, couldn't hold back after hearing about it. , went to Dalaran and met Ye Ting.

Perhaps because she was a mother, at that time, Janice became very interested in this boy who was about the same age as her sons. Ye Ting helped him a lot.

Regarding Janis’ statement, Ye Ting frowned helplessly.

"How many times have I told you, don’t call me kid? I’m not a kid."

If you really add up the ages you have experienced in previous lives and various dimensions, Janis is the younger one.

However, in response to Ye Ting's rebuttal, Janis behaved like an unscrupulous person who played pranks on her little brother - and even on her juniors. Like an elder, he said casually

"Okay, little guy, I got it, little guy."

Facing the unrepentant Janis, Ye Ting could only roll his eyes and said,"Forget it, just be happy."

This helpless expression made her laugh again.

Looking at Janice's smile that was slightly restored to its original glory, Ye Ting still had a straight face on the surface, but he was relieved in his heart.

I hope this female mage can get out of her heart soon. It's sad.

The two immediately talked about trivial matters in the past, and after understanding each other's current situation, the topic finally got down to business.

"So, the fact that you little guy appears here means that the Alliance has noticed the Horde's movements in Alterac, right?"

"In fact, it was me who noticed the tribe's movements," Ye Ting shook his head and said speciously,"Ever since I let Orgrim escape in Poison Mist Canyon, I have been staying near the Alterac Mountains.Whether there is a tribe or not, we didn’t find any clues until today."

"So that’s it," Janis was a little disappointed, then she cheered up and said,"So, that means, as long as you send the intelligence back to the alliance, reinforcements will come to Alteran, right?"

"That's natural."Ye Ting nodded.

"That's great." Janis was excited and complained to Ye Ting:"Most of the territory of the Rolf family has been occupied by these beasts. Many of our people and property were destroyed at the hands of these beasts. I hope the alliance can provide support as soon as possible. Help us take back all this, and the Barov family will repay the alliance well."

After hearing Janis's request, Ye Ting nodded, but he showed a hesitant look, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Seeing Ye Ting's expression, Janis noticed something was wrong and took the initiative to ask

"What, is the alliance in trouble?"

"No, this has nothing to do with the alliance,"

Ye Ting shook his head. He looked at Janis, and after careful consideration, he said,"It's... about the Kingdom of Alterac and the Barov family."

When the Barov family's troubles were mentioned, Janice's expression immediately became serious. She sat up straight, looked directly at Ye Ting, and asked:

"Appreciate further details"

"Alterac's betrayal may indeed bring a lot of trouble to the Alliance, but now that it has been noticed, the Alliance will naturally be able to properly resolve it."Ye Ting said confidently,"But have you thought about what to do next?"

"What happens next?"

"That's right, when the Alliance officially defeats the Horde, what do you think the outcome of Alterac will be?"

"The end of Alterac……"Janice fell into thinking,"Either the countries will abandon the original Perenolde royal family and support a new king, or they will simply divide the land of Alterac. After all, Alterac has territorial disputes with surrounding countries. The relationship between the Stormgard royal family and Alterac is not very good. If the Kingdom of Alterac is lost, then the Barov family……"

Thinking of this, Janis's expression suddenly changed.

With a slightly trembling tone, she spoke of the future that was basically destined to happen.

"……Without the political protection of Alterac, the Barov family would probably be divided...……"

Originally, the Barov family and Alterac had a cooperative relationship. One party provided political and military asylum, and the other provided economic support. Once one party perished, the fate of the other party would not be good.

Janis Barov's face was almost pale.

If the occupation of the territory by tribes was a temporary trouble for her, then the division of the territory by other human kingdoms was an almost unsolvable big trouble.

After all, the tribe can only be cruel for a while, and the other human kingdoms are one of the real masters of the continent of Lordaeron.

Immediately, she fell into hard thinking, trying to come up with a way to break the situation.

It's a pity that if the Barov family's territory is still intact at this time, she can barely cope with it by relying on the wealth accumulated by the Barov family for generations.

But now, most of the Barov family's territory has been occupied by tribes, and a lot of wealth has been robbed.

And once the alliance's army regains the lost land from the tribes, it will be even more difficult to take back these lands from the hands of other countries.

After thinking to no avail, Janice's eyes immediately turned to Ye Ting.

Looking at this mage who was quite famous in the alliance, her eyes gradually brightened, as if she saw the last straw.

So, Janis grabbed Ye Ting's hands tightly, looked at him pitifully and begged.

"Little guy, now, only you can save the Barov family."

"I? Ye Ting pretended to smile bitterly,"I am just an ordinary mage. I have no power at all in other human kingdoms. How can I save the Barov family?""

"No, you can! Janis held his hand tighter,"Don't belittle yourself. You are now the number two figure in the alliance, and you have also made such great achievements in the war against the tribes. No king of any country can ignore it." With your influence, as long as you speak up when the time comes, they will definitely sell your face."_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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