After the speech, Orgrim ordered that everyone be given an unprecedented meal.

Everyone was full at this meal, and the sufficient food gave them the strength to fight - they had not had a full meal for a long time on their way back to the Burning Plains.

In fact, this meal was the last food and grass left by the tribe.

This shows Doomhammer's determination to fight to the bitter end.

"Gather the warriors of our clan. he shouted to Saurfang's letter,"My elite guards and I will launch a charge, leaving the rest of the Horde behind us.""

Turn around, Doomhammer stared at the huge figures hidden in the shadows, waiting for them.

Each of these huge guys straightened up and nodded after making eye contact with him, and Doomhammer also made responded.

These are his elite guards, these are ogres.

Doomhammer used to be a law-abiding orc. When he was young, he was taught by his elders to hate ogres. At that time, the Horde It had not yet been formed, the fallen blood and the devil's conspiracy had not yet appeared. At that time, the orcs had been enslaved and oppressed by the ogres. After the tribe rose, the ogres became slaves of the tribe. Many The surrendered ogres followed Gul'dan and Cho'gall to join the Ravager Clan and the Twilight Hammer.

However, these people are different.

They are smarter than most of their own people, and in addition, they are not warlocks. And they are all warriors.

More importantly, they have sworn loyalty to him alone.

Orgrim knew that these people admired his strength and courage-perhaps they all regarded him as a little one. of ogres and promised to obey his personal orders.

In turn, he, for his part, respected their strength and trusted their help.

He knew that these ogres would come to their aid when needed. He will die, and he will do the same.

Now, they will all make a bet with their lives, and the victory of the tribe also hangs on them.

At least, the Dark Portal is safe.

Red Blackhand, Maim Blackhand and some of their clan members are still alive. These orcs spread all over the continent are the last hope of the tribe in Orgrim's heart. The scouts they sent were driving from Khaz Modan in Doomhammer. They found him on the way here, and he had ordered them to rush to the Dark Portal to join the others.

In fact, Orgrim still distrusted the brothers, just as the brothers still hated him.

But at least, they Having proven their loyalty to the Horde,

Orgrim needed strong warriors. A passage to Draenor. If they lost that door, they would have nowhere to escape, even if the battle might be drawn to themselves. Once he nodded to his ogres. Then he stepped down from the dais, to the plains ahead, where battle awaited them.

Just as Doomhammer had hoped, the Alliance was unprepared for the sudden orc counterattack.

The Alliance had intended to A siege, however, also caused some of them to foolishly reveal their location - outside a circle of cliffs surrounding Blackstone Mountain.

"Orcs!"A soldier shouted, running to where Lothar and his adjutant were."They broke through our defense line!"


Lothar kicked his horse and quickly passed through the black valley where the alliance's large forces were.

Ye Ting and others followed him.

There was no mistake. When he approached the front line, he did hear the sound of fighting.

Then He saw those guys in front of the orc army - ogres.

They had also come into contact with these guys in previous battles, and finally Ye Ting used magic to solve the problem.

They were huge creatures with thick Arms and strong legs, their hair is fastened by nails to stand on their heads, like bird crowns or horse manes.

These ogres do not wear armor, they wear belts, shoulder pads, and furs shoes, waving the weapons in their hands crazily, attacking anything they come into contact with.

Behind the ogres is a group of elite orcs, their green skin is covered with tattoos, most of the orcs' ears, noses , eyebrows, lips and even nipples are all wearing some small pieces of metal or something that looks like bones.

They are savage and fearless. Under this crazy offensive, humans are retreating steadily.

"Uther! Lothar shouted.

The Paladin immediately rode forward.

Lothar put down his sword and pointed at the orcs. That was enough.

The Paladin nodded and waved to other members of the Silver Hand to follow him. He put on his helmet and raised his hammer

"In the name of Holy Light! Uther shouted, and a golden-red light appeared on him and his weapon,"We will never allow these beasts to live in the world!"

Then he charged into the battle, and his hammer struck the nearest ogre in the knee, shattering his leg bone. The sky in this area was always filled with thick clouds and smoke, casting heavy shadows and blood-red light.

But now, everything was different. When Uther rushed towards the gathered tribe, the clouds parted and a pure sunlight shone down.

The paladin became the light itself, In awe and even fear, the orc warriors staggered with every swing he struck.

Other paladins also rushed forward, and Uther's light also filled their bodies.

In the months since the war began, Silver The Paladins of the Hand have been expanded one after another. In addition to Turalyon, there are now hundreds of Paladins under Uther's command. These hundreds of people rushed into the battlefield, and their faith made the warhammer in their hands more powerful. The axes and swords glowed hotly, and the other Alliance soldiers stepped aside to make way. The ogres and orcs were now forced to turn around and face their new enemies.

This was a brutal battle. , barbarians versus fanatics, shiny mail versus tattoos and decorations.

Ogres and orcs are strong, tough, crazy and can't even feel pain.

But paladins are filled with righteous fury and the power of faith, and they The holy aura caused more than one orc to turn his head and close his eyes when attacked, and their holy light blocked the enemy's terrible blows more than once.

With this advantage, the paladins surrounded those savage guys , kill them one by one until everyone falls at their feet._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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