The Dharma God of All Realms Begins with Harry Potter

Chapter 614 The Door Of Darkness [First Update]

The abrupt shapeshifting landscape in front of them is difficult to understand, but it is not without benefits for them.

"However, at least this is not bad." Ye Ting comforted, "Tracing them on the stone ground is at least better than staying in a humid swamp. To be honest, I really can't stand the smell there, so I I’m not opposed to a change of scenery either.

Others agreed.

Immediately afterwards, they mounted their horses again and moved on.

That night, the alliance set up camp on the spot. When everyone was getting away from the fatigue of the day and preparing to rest, Ye Ting was still studying the changing landscape.

He is studying the principles of this magic by feeling the additional effects of the "Dark Portal" through changes in the landscape - an unprecedentedly powerful portal magic.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, his expression became serious, and he summoned all high-level commanders.

I think we're in some trouble. "Everyone looked at Ye Ting, waiting for the young magician to continue, "The effect of the Dark Portal is too powerful, and its impact on our world is not permanent... In fact, As time goes by, this situation is expanding - the Draenorization of the landscape continues to spread, and it seems to merge the two worlds together. "

"Will this have any impact on our world?" Alleria asked.

As the eldest sister of Windrunner and one of the leaders of the high elf rangers, he has never had much affection for magicians, especially high elf magicians, but Ye Ting is an exception hk0

In addition, she is particularly sensitive to nature and the environment.

Ye Ting nodded.

"I think so." He replied, "Perhaps the impact will not be great in a short period of time, but as time goes by, more and more land in Azeroth will become what we are today."

"Then their world is made of this red stone?" the Elf Ranger guessed.

"Not entirely," Ye Ting said, "That world originally had the same jungles, grasslands and other landforms as our world. However, due to the devil's conspiracy and the pollution of evil energy, most of that world has become Similar to the red land under our feet. Nature has originally been wiped out, and only a few lives are still alive. And now, this pollution is passing through this door, and every time those orcs use fel energy, there will be Making everything worse.

"It seems we have another reason to destroy him~"," Alleria said through gritted teeth. The high elf rangers' admiration for nature is comparable to that of some Proxima Midnight elves, so they are even more intolerant of this change. , “The sooner the better, don’t leave things behind.

Hillvanas and Vereesa also had the same view.

Paladins such as Liadrin and Uther also hope to prevent the spread of evil.

In short, their idea of ​​destroying the Dark Portal became more urgent.

Three days later, Kurdran's gryphon knights returned here and reported that the orcs had stopped moving.

"They are all staying in a big canyon ahead." One of them said, there was something like a door in the middle.

Everyone's eyes lit up: that thing must be the Door of Darkness.

"Then, tell everyone," Ye Ting immediately stood up and issued an order: "We will attack those orcs immediately.

The soldiers were ready. According to Ye Ting's request, they tied a piece of cloth on the hoofs of their war horses and moved forward slowly to prevent their horses from making too much noise on the hard red stones and alerting the orcs.

After walking through a slope, the ground suddenly dropped down to form a deep canyon, and the mountain walls in the distance became even taller.

In the center of this canyon, just as Sentry said, there stands a huge amount of gate. It is not built on the city wall or other buildings, but is built out of thin air.

He took a deep breath when they saw the whole thing.

This Dark Portal—it couldn’t possibly be anything else—is over a hundred meters high, and its width is only slightly shorter.

It is built of some greenish gray stones. The stone pillars on both sides are carved with some rough twisted patterns. The patterns surround a frowning skull. There are two weird barbs on each side. The stone pillars above With some raw decoration.

On the inside of the door is the portal original. Its light is mixed with green and black, and it is full of terrifying energy.

As a magician, Ye Ting feels that the portal is not composed of the arcane magic he is familiar with, but a chaotic force that is the opposite of it - evil energy.

This dark portal is not only used to maintain the framework of the portal, it also has a greater role: he can feel that the evil power in the portal is extending, drilling deeply into the earth, absorbing the energy inside. Meet your own needs.

Sure enough, this is the power of the Burning Legion - the kind of power that is full of destructiveness and absorbs all vitality for its own use.

The orcs were gathering in front of the door, but they didn't seem to know what to do.

There are more people here than they followed to escape here. It is obvious that Ye Ting's guess is correct - Doomhammer left some orcs to protect this door.

Even so, the Alliance still has a huge advantage in numbers.

These orcs were divided into small groups in twos and threes. It seemed that except for people outside their own families and clans, they had no reason to trust other orcs.

From this point of view, what they saw in front of them was not an army, but just some rabble.

But this cannot make the alliance lessen their hatred towards them, let alone stop this attack.

"..The whole army charges!" Ye Ting shouted loudly.

In the absence of Lothar, as the commander-in-chief of the entire army, he had to lead the charge like a warrior with his magician body.

However, even a magician has many ways to deal with such situations.

"Steel and iron!"

"Bear Power!"

“The toughness of cattle!”

"Cat elegance!"

"Advanced Demonized Weapon Punishment!"

As a magician, Ye Ting, who originally mastered the power of dragons, with the blessing of magic, both his strength and defense have been improved to inhuman levels. Now there is almost no one who can match him on the battlefield. In this way, he You can safely regard yourself as a legendary warrior and activate unparalleled power directly on the battlefield - the magician of the violent flow transformation system is so uncompromising.

If in the world of DND, there is a magic called "Tan Sen shapeshifting", which can turn a (good) magician into a warrior of the same level, whether it is physical fitness, combat experience or anything else, it is the same as a warrior. No two, that would be even more terrifying.

Although Ye Ting does not know Tan Sen's shapeshifting technique, he has learned swordsmanship after all. Now that he is wielding the Infinity Sword, he is really impressive with his unparalleled strength.

He galloped his horse down from the edge of the cliff and rushed down the slope, almost stepping on the heads of several orcs. Then he stabbed forward with the sword in his hand, piercing one of the orcs without any hindrance, and then slashed flatly. Not only did he cut the first orc in half, he also chopped down another orc, and the terrifying force caused him to crash into the third orc.

The three orcs just fell to the ground.

Alleria and Hillvanas also rushed forward. Instead of taking out their bows and arrows, they drew out their elven long swords and double knives and started melee combat - this is also the ranger's fighting technique.

Vereesa was also behind, while Liadrin and other paladins were further behind. They split into two wings around Ye Ting, and then rushed towards the other orcs, followed closely by the rest of the Alliance soldiers.

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