Even from the perspective of Ye Ting, who is used to seeing countless beauties of different races, personalities, and styles in several worlds, Pandora is also a unique beauty.

She does not have the arrogant and natural temperament of a god, but she does have the beauty of a mortal - a beauty that can rival the charm of a god.

Even Artemis, whose charm is unique among the gods, now seems to be on par with Pandora.

That beauty, which is almost inhuman, is proof that Pandora is a perfect creation of the gods.

After all, Ye Ting is a determined person, and he quickly got rid of the attraction.

But when Ye Ting looked at Epimetheus again, he was surprised to find that the Titan god was now looking at Pandora with straight eyes, as if he wanted to eat this woman alive.

Seeing this, Ye Ting couldn't help but cover his face.

Sure enough, everyone has weaknesses.

Originally, when he saw Epimetheus instructing the darlings of Prometheus, humans, and when he saw him slandering and cursing Zeus, he was still wondering how such a good Titan god could be found in mythology. Such a big mistake would be made.

Now it seems that Zeus is still superior.

This old slut saw through the real weakness of Epimetheus, the spinster, womanizing, and prescribed the right medicine, and he succeeded in one fell swoop.

I saw Epimetheus finally reluctantly looking away from Pandora, and said to Zeus duplicitously:"I am very grateful to His Majesty the God King for specially sending the gift, but I have to refuse your kindness."

——"Even the title has changed to 'His Majesty the Divine King'. Which side are you on? Do you think I can’t tell if you say no? Just that eager look on your face is almost filled with the words"Quickly persuade me, hurry up and persuade me, hurry up and persuade me". You are indeed a pig teammate!"

Ye Ting was complaining crazily in his heart, feeling sorry for Prometheus to have such a younger brother.

Sure enough, with Zeus's repeated persuasion, Epimetheus was not (pressed) (unable) (unable) (willing) (to wait) ) agreed. Finally, he was still a little wary, and finally said to Zeus before agreeing:"If you dare to swear that you did not let Pandora harm me or harm mankind, I will agree to accept this gift and marry her."

However, his vigilance had been thought of by Zeus in advance.

So Zeus looked aggrieved and said righteously:"I didn't expect that as a descendant of the same ancestor, you would misunderstand me so much. deep. Originally, as the God King of Olympus, I should not swear an oath at will, but if my oath can reassure you and ease the relationship between us, then I am willing to swear it."

So he swore an oath loudly, which reassured Epimetheus.

However, he laughed at the post-enlightenment in his heart: Pandora itself was not cast with any malice by the gods. In order to prevent the conspiracy from being exposed, I noticed that Pandora was quite pure, with only the blessings of the gods. The gods did not teach her any more thoughts except basic common sense, allowing her to remain simple. Epimetheus would never have imagined that their trump card was the original Pandora's"curiosity" should be harmless or even beneficial.

Seeing Epimetheus agree, Zeus was immediately overjoyed and said quickly:"Then, today is the day when Epimetheus gets his spouse. Let's strike while the iron is hot. Arrange a wedding today and let you get married under the witness of the gods."

Epimetheus seemed eager to get Pandora, so he agreed.

Sure enough, the ancient Greek gods were barbaric, and they got married so hastily.

Amid Ye Ting's slander, Epimetheus was killed by Hephaestus Waiting for several gods to dress up.

Naturally, Zeus and other gods would not stay where they were. They returned to Mount Olympus one after another and only waited for the wedding to begin before arriving.

Pandora was left behind with several servants of the gods. , before leaving, Zeus said something meaningful to the woman

"Remember what I told you before, although that box is a gift for you, you must not open it."

Pandora respectfully agreed to the god's request, but she was even more curious about the contents of the box.

Because of Epimetheus' care and prestige for humans, although everyone was attracted by Pandora's beauty, they still respected her. Epimetheus, the teacher, was therefore happy about the teacher's marriage and spontaneously prepared wedding chores for him.

Of course, these men who had never seen a woman naturally secretly visited Pandora every time they passed by. They glanced at her and gave him a longing expression.

Fortunately, Epimetheus's status in their minds was too high, and there was also the pressure from the gods to confer marriage, so they did not do anything too impulsive. Things.

Regarding the gaze of other men, Pandora naturally feels both scared and happy - happy because her charm as a woman has been proved.

Among the gifts of the gods, she was not only given beauty and attractiveness, but also This first woman in the world was given her unique female character, love for beauty, vanity, jealousy, etc.

However, she soon discovered that there was only one person in the human race who was not attracted by her charm and looked at her secretly. , he will look at her openly, and this person's eyes are not filled with desire and lust, but with obvious pity.

"Am I surprised that I am not attractive to this person at all? Pandora was dissatisfied with this,"Even the God King looked like he was drooling when he saw me. What's going on with this person?""

The strong vanity made Pandora feel dissatisfied with this special person.

What followed was a deep curiosity.

So, she walked up to this person and asked:"Excuse me, do you think I am beautiful? ?"

The person who observed Pandora openly was Ye Ting.

Although he has seen this god's creation and felt the strangeness of her being a god's creation from a distance, Ye Ting is not ready to conduct detailed research on it at this time.

Before the magic box is opened and disaster strikes, Pandora will definitely be monitored by the gods. This monitoring may not be strict. Ye Ting can say a few words to her, but it is completely impossible to kidnap her.

However , When the magic box is opened and disaster strikes... the tool man has been used completely, why bother paying attention to her?

But Ye Ting doesn't want to provoke Pandora now, and Pandora actually ran up to him to talk to him, which still made him confused. Damn.

Especially when she actually asked such a question

"am I pretty?"

Aren't you embarrassed to ask this directly in front of a stranger?

Of course, Pandora was created directly by God. Although she looks like a girl, she is only a few days old and has only been instilled with common sense. She would ask such a reckless question. This problem is understandable


The picture is Pandora in Saint Seiya.

Today, I am also asking for a collection of monthly flower tickets. If you have any, please give them to me.(*`)

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