"This is the entire experience of this stupid woman in front of you. How do you feel after listening to it?"

After recounting her experience, Medusa looked at Ye Ting and said lightly.

Although judging from her expression, this woman seemed to be indifferent to Ye Ting's answer, but from the looks of the pair of In Ye Ting's demonic eyes that had sealed his power, Ye Ting still saw the expectation hidden deep inside.

"Although your heart is strong enough, after experiencing such misfortune, are you still looking forward to comfort from others?"

Thinking like this, Ye Ting didn't answer much. He just turned to the girl with a smile and quietly stared at her eyes full of magical beauty.

After being stared at by Ye Ting for a long time, Medusa finally felt a little... Unable to bear the fiery gaze, he moved his face slightly

"……Well... please don't look at me like that, okay? These cursed ugly eyes... are not a good thing"

"No, it's beautiful, both in your eyes and in person." After saying this, Ye Ting gently held Medusa's hand,"It's such a waste of resources to let a kind and beautiful girl like you suffer such a fate."

"……Thank you for your comfort……"Medusa, whose hand was grabbed by a strange man, was unexpectedly innocent. She hurriedly broke away and whispered,"But is it appropriate to put the evaluation of beauty and kindness on a person like me? She has obviously done such a thing.……"

"But that’s the fault of those people themselves, right?"Ye Ting said in a matter-of-fact tone,"This 'invisible island' is simply a place far away from the world. Even if there are really monsters here, so what? Speaking of which, even if you are really some kind of monster, it would be more pitiful for you to be alone on an uninhabited island and suddenly be beaten and killed by a group of outsiders."


Medusa as Gorgon

"Is that what you thought?"After listening to Ye Ting's words, Medusa looked at him with a surprised look,"Obviously he is just a human being, but he would actually pity a monster."

However, Ye Ting noticed that although the girl said this, her originally cold expression became softer, as if she had found someone who understood her.

"My thoughts have nothing to do with whether I am a human being or not," Ye Ting said."In the end, no matter if you are a human being or any other life, aren't you all a member of this earth? If it is to compete for living space, or to protect the same kind of people, I agree with humans drawing swords on monsters, but even if it is a monster, hiding on a remote island means that it is harmless. Obviously this is not the case. Anyone who comes here talking about 'killing demons', even if they die, must have brought it upon themselves."

"……You comfort me like this. You are really a gentle person."

"After all, Miss Medusa is such a lovely person, and the two sisters are also very lovable. In short, now that I have come here, all the past experiences will not happen again - since the three of them have joined us, I I will definitely protect you"

"However, that is Athena, she is not someone to be trifled with."Medusa looked at Ye Ting worriedly.

"It doesn't matter even if it's Athena," Ye Ting said confidently. At first, the whole Olympus attacked us, but in the end we were defeated, right? Neither did our magic system." He is obviously a A mortal would brazenly say that Athena and Mount Olympus were nothing to worry about, but in Medusa's eyes, Ye Ting's comforting words not only did not seem ridiculous, but also made her feel warm inside.

She is willing to be the enemy of the Lord God for them. This statement and attitude also make her feel happy after experiencing the ups and downs of human relationships.

"Moreover, what you are experiencing is just because of the dispute between Poseidon and Athena. You are just passers-by who have been innocently affected. As long as you join the magic system, it means that you have drawn a clear line with Poseidon, and Athena has also She is not an unreasonable goddess and will not continue to target you."

It seems that she was convinced by Ye Ting's words and put down the burden in her heart. This woman, who had always had a heavy expression, was like an iceberg melting, and showed a beautiful smile, which almost made Ye Ting stunned.

"……Well, can you stop staring at me? Feeling a little strange……"

Unlike her two sisters, Medusa, although mature in appearance, was completely incapable of dealing with a man like Ye Ting. She was at a loss just by looking at her twice.

Paired with the original cold beauty-like appearance, it looks a bit cute in contrast.

Seeing Ye Ting, he wanted to bully the Medusa in front of him.

No wonder her two older sisters' favorite thing to do is to bully her.

Inexplicably, Ye Ting felt that he had awakened strange attributes.

Finally, Medusa, who was very uncomfortable being looked at, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Please... don't do this, okay? What's so important about a tall and ugly figure like me?"

However, Ye Ting flatly denied her belittling words.

"No, in fact, a figure like Medusa is just right. Although Stheno and Euryale are also beautiful, in comparison, Medusa's figure is more pleasing to men...at least just I can play with these legs of Medusa for a year."

Although it is a bit explicit, Ye Ting feels that for a child like Medusa who has a low self-esteem about her appearance, a strong dose of medicine is needed in one go.

Sure enough, for Ye Ting who is too straightforward, he can even be called a hooligan. According to the evaluation, Medusa did not become angry like a normal woman, but instead seemed a little... happy.

But in fact, she was still a little unconfident.

"Would anyone really like a tall person like me? It was obvious that the one whom Lord Poseidon loved and gave gifts to at that time was only me, who was petite."

The fact that Medusa inadvertently said made Ye Ting dumbfounded.

How can it be repaired? Are the male gods of Olympus all lolita control shotacon?

The Europa that Zeus loves is a petite woman, the legendary Triton. , Prince Paris of Troy is also that kind of young lady.

Sure enough, the sexual habits of these gods have fallen into evil ways.

In Ye Ting's view, although lolita is very good, lolita alone is absolutely impossible.

However, for Medusa's self-doubt made Ye Ting no longer ready to continue persuading her.

Let's use actions to make her understand his charm.

Thinking like this, Ye Ting immediately took action.

He suddenly and violently approached the woman, startling her. She subconsciously stepped back.

Just as the two of them came to a pillar, Ye Ting pressed the unprepared Medusa against the pillar, and then aimed at her thin lips..._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read Things-Collection, Recommendation,

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