Accompanied by the dull war drums of the Amazon, the war designed by Ye Ting finally started in this forest.

Although the number of the Argonauts is small, almost everyone is a master. Among them are the sons of gods and powerful demigods. Although they have different weapons and armors, everyone is highly skilled in martial arts and is undoubtedly an elite..

But even so, they are still inferior to the Amazon female warriors. It is precisely because of this that Jason has tried to prevent the war from happening several times before.

Because the Amazons are an army after all.

There are many people, well-trained, and there is division of labor and cooperation.

Their personal strength may not be stronger than that of the Argonauts, except for Hippolyta and Penthesilea, but as an army, they naturally have their own advantages.

The first to attack the Argonauts was a hail of arrows.

There are three favorite weapons of Amazon female warriors: bows and arrows, javelins and spears - of course, they can also be divided into two types: spears held in two hands and spears held in one hand and a shield in the other.

Most of the Amazon female warriors have been trained since childhood. More than ten years of hard training have allowed them to become as powerful warriors as men by virtue of their female bodies. Their bloodline from the God of War and the Goddess of Hunting makes them incompetent in using these weapons. It's always bad.

For these reasons, they were able to dominate one area with their own relatively small population, making the surrounding countries extremely fearful.

Their eliteness can be seen from the first wave of arrows.

Although the Argonauts had to face less than a thousand Amazon female warriors, they still shot out arrows that filled the sky like locusts. From Ye Ting's observation, they could compete with the high elf rangers based on their shooting skills alone..

Ye Ting and Circe each hung a"protection against arrows" spell for themselves.

Although the level of this spell is low, it allows the user to avoid most long-range attacks, and arrows are difficult to cause damage to the user. This is why physical professions have a great headache when facing mages.

To the two mages, this arrow rain posed no threat at all, but Argo's warriors did not have such abilities.

Although they are all strong in flesh and blood, they are not strong enough to completely ignore the arrows of the Amazon female warriors.

For a time, the heroes each showed their abilities. Some used shields to block, some used spears and swords to attack, and some relied on their flexible skills to dodge and protect themselves from the arrows.

The warriors with superb martial arts skills rendered most of these precise arrows ineffective. The empty arrows fell on the ground, forming a dense"grass".

Even so, many warriors were inevitably hit by arrows.

Of course, most of them were not critical, or were blocked by armor, so the entire team did not suffer much damage.

Even so, the Argonauts realized something was wrong.

You can no longer distance yourself from your opponents.

Their numbers are small, so even if they shoot at each other, they won't be able to cause much damage. Instead, they will be dragged to death by the waves of arrows. You know, ordinary archers have to focus on dodging when facing the arrows. There is no way at all. Only an archer of Atalanta's level could take aim when facing the rain of arrows. So the heroes had to brave the rain of arrows to fight against the Amazon female warrior.

Fortunately, the opponent did not expect to win by relying solely on strength. Hippolyta and Penthesilea had already taken the lead in the charge.

The Amazon female warrior fired two waves of arrows.

But their troubles were not over until they engaged the enemy.

The next wave they have to face is the spear thrown by the Amazon female warrior.

Compared with arrows, throwing spears is a more difficult method to deal with.

Although the shooting range of the throwing spear is closer, it is more powerful and heavy and difficult to resist. Ordinary armor is completely useless in front of the throwing spear.

When the distance between the two sides was less than thirty steps, the spear from the Amazon female warrior flew towards the Argonauts' heroes.

Just like facing the arrow rain just now, the warriors once again used their own skills to deal with it.

However, the effect this time was much worse.

A strong warrior can knock the spear away, and the agile ones can avoid its sharp edge. However, there are still many weak or careless people who are hit by the spear.

As long as one hit from the spear is serious injury.

Ye Ting alone saw two people fall because of this.

But the spear still did not stop the warriors.

There was only one wave of spear throwing, and soon the two sides were fighting hand to hand.

On the Amazon side, Hippolyta took the lead and swung her spear at her opponent. The huge force immediately made her muscles and bones weak, making it difficult to support her opponent. Seeing that the next move was about to be stabbed to death by Hippolyta's spear, His companions immediately rushed to fend off the Queen's next attack, giving them a chance to breathe.

On the other side, Penthesilea wielded chains and wielded two half-ton meteor hammers. The heavy meteor hammers cut through the air and made a"whooshing" sound, like windmills. No one dared to get close to her. body.

Whenever she let go a little, the heavy bolas flew out violently, and one person had to try his best to stop it.

Occasionally, the meteor hammer hits the ground, and a big crater immediately forms.

Two powerful Amazons, each holding back several Argonauts.

But the average quality of the Argonauts is indeed very high.

Although the leader of the Amazon female warriors blocked many people, more Argonauts rushed into the formation of the Amazon female warriors like wolves and tigers, and used their powerful force to tear a hole open.

Having just endured long-range attacks from the enemy, now the heroes of Argo can finally vent their anger.

In front of them, who are highly skilled in martial arts, the Amazon female warriors have almost no enemies, and only the leader of a few female warriors can barely resist the Argonauts.

For a time, the Argonauts were in great shape.

Here, they tried to use wheel battles to hold back and bring down the two strongest leaders of the Amazon.

Over there, they were using their individual abilities to crush ordinary Amazon female warriors.

If this situation continues, it's Argo's heroic side that seems likely to win.

However, this situation could not last long.

The first to break the deadlock were ordinary Amazon warriors.

Of course, they are no match for the highly skilled Argonauts in a duel.

However, they are quite brave and unafraid of death, and do not panic in the face of death. The Amazon's martial tradition has cultivated these women who advocate force and believe that dying in battle is glorious.

If one of your companions dies, it doesn't matter, just get another one.

In this way, the Amazon female warriors launched attacks on the Argonauts one after another, completely sacrificing their lives in order to cause damage to them.

After fighting like this, it was the Argonauts who were suppressed.


There will be another update later_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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